Morning Devotion Reflection
"The Attributes of a Longing Heart,"
June 27, 2020 by Rafael E. Ablong
I feel like I am living in the time of True Father when he started putting his revelations with Rev. Hyo Won Eu writing. In this age and time, Rev. Yong is genuinely used by True Parents to deepen our understanding of God's Heart and become with Him in His sorrow after the Fall. We, the listeners, are like Rev. Hyo Won Eu. We are writing the revelations of True Father. God knows that the only way for us to be saved, restored, and perfected is through this new normal ideology of God's longing heart.
Dr. Yong has been explaining the Longing Heart. In his message today, "The Attributes of a Longing Heart," he summarized his internal realizations and discovery from years of missionary work, pioneering spirit, and leadership. This revelation was given through Dr. Yong for a higher purpose and a deeper reason. We can inherit from the longing heart of God and True Parents. These are the main points, and they are most substantial so far.
Forget the prosperity of the world and go the path of Heaven. That is glorious and a great thing to do. When True Father was in Hungnam prison, he did not witness it with words. He witnessed without words, and the spirit world cooperated with him. The spirit world knew that bad things could happen if they did not work with Father.
Heavenly Parents and True Parents are parents with longing hearts. What is the Kingdom of Heaven? It is a world of Heart. What is the essence of Heart? It is the longing heart. If there is Heart and love, there is always a longing heart. That is why we need to have a certain degree of this kind of Heart. It is a heart that is thirsty and desperate to experience God's Heart and do His Will.
What is the best way to develop a longing heart? It is through Jeongseong. What is the purpose of Jeong Seong? It is to raise the longing heart. If we don't have Jeong Seong, we cannot grow a longing heart. We need to have a longing heart with desperation. We can realize our dreams and see people in our dreams if we have a longing Heart.
Have you experienced shedding tears because of a longing heart? Because of this longing heart, you cannot stop your tears from longing. If you do not have this kind of experience, you are not growing and loving tTrue Parents more than you should to become a true man and woman if we want to be a true man or woman who does not deal with fallen nature. We have this kind of longing Heart to be an ideal man and woman. We will have unity between mind and body.
What is the most crucial preparation before starting your family? It is the longing to start an ideal family with ideal parents and ideal children. If we dream of this longing heart of a perfect family, someday it will become a reality. Unseen things become visible. Impossible dreams become possible. This is God's hope for all of us. God knows everything. Yet we should establish this ideal connection of longing hearts, so the two hearts of God and ours will become one.
So many problems and challenges will come to you, but if you have a longing heart. You will quickly go through many obstacles. If we don't have a longing heart, reality becomes big and insurmountable. However, if we have a longing heart, reality becomes small, and dreams become real. We have to have a longing heart for an ideal family so that it will become a reality.
How much do you have a longing heart for an ideal nation? If we have this nation, Father wants to stay with us. But he could not do this because there is no perfect Chun Il Guk nation yet. Our most important preparation is a longing heart. If we understand God and True Parents' hearts. This will be the driving power for the realization of the ideal nation. God's wishes are our foundation to receive or build it.
If we want to see the ideal world where all the races come together, celebrate our relationships and with God. Then we need to calm down and look again. Together we can do something. How much do we long for the ideal kingdom? How much longing heart do we have for each other? Our family pledge number 5 tells us about doing our responsibilities centering on true love. Whenever we recite the family pledge, we should have a longing heart. A longing heart gives you the internal power to mobilize the spirit world. The longing heart provides an inherent attitude to make everyone come together without limitations. It goes beyond the boundaries of ideology, race or ethnicity, religious beliefs, passions, and persuasions. There is no fighting between people. This is what realizes one family under God, and one world under God. How much do we long for the ideal universe where there is no hell and no middle world?
These are the attributes of the longing heart. First, it has the magnetic power of attraction. It has the potential to pull two things together. It has the force to meet and unite with anyone you love. Longing heart comes with the power of attraction. It has the charismatic energy that attracts others' attention and love. It pulls the universe and anyone we love. So, at the end of human history, all humanity will become one together. Longing heart has a magical power of having two people meet to unite and stay together.
Second, a longing heart transcends time and space. It is the fertile ground for growing heavenly cooperation and heartistic intuition. It does not care about distance, history, time, and space. It provides a shortcut to the Kingdom of Heaven. If we have a longing heart to meet all the Biblical or historical figures, they will appear in front of you. Even if you have children somewhere, they will exist within your Heart. So that before they experience something dangerous or difficult, you will immediately know before they happen.
Thirdly, it unites beings together. It initiates the unity of mind and body, unity of husband and wife, parents and children, siblings, Cain and Abel, subject and object. It reinforces the unity and strength of all relationships. If I have a longing heart to become a perfect person, the holy spirit will come down, and she will tell you it is the longing heart. If we truly long to have an ideal spouse, then we will have a longing heart to do it. Through this longing heart, we can eliminate our arrogance, elevate our humility, resolve conflicts with our spouse, find the best solution to children's development concerns, and other challenges. With it, we can forget all our quarrels. It helps us compromise our pride and find the answers to everything we want to know and do for a higher purpose.
When we touch our spouse without a longing Heart, it feels like rubber. There is no human electricity. But if there is a longing heart, electrical charges immediately spark and stimulate a love response. With a longing heart, we get closer and closer physically. Without a longing heart, women won't open up. Our sexual problems and fallen nature result from the lack of a longing heart of the ideal world, God and True Parents. How do we unite mind and body, husband and wife, parents and children, God, True Parents, and human beings? It is through the longing heart.
Fourth. A longing heart makes you dream. Father said if you don't see me in your dreams. You are fake. If you have a longing heart for True Father, you will see him in your dreams and vision.
Fifth. Tears always accompany a longing heart. If you truly miss your loved one, tears will flow naturally. If you have a longing to see your spouse, you will see your spouse in your dream. If there is true love, there is a longing heart; you will have tears. If a longing heart accompanies your leadership, then no member will run away.
Sixth. It will connect to a meeting in person. You will have substantial Sangbong experience. Reunion and spiritual growth occur when you have a longing heart. The more you don't see someone, the more longing you develop, the more your hearts yearn to be reunited with your loved one. Sangbong experience happens when you have a longing heart.
Seventh. A longing heart multiplies itself. It multiplies your ability to make results happen. It increases the multiplicative potential of your results. It means your results will multiply. If you have witnessed a few people and your Heart touches them, they will naturally witness other people in the same way. In the end, you will just be waiting and educating people to have a longing heart of unity and peace, which will multiply and reach out to many people. You will not have results if you witness without a longing heart. So the most significant instrument of witnessing is a longing heart. If you have no longing heart, you can quickly multiply.
Eighth. It makes you experience the objects' Hearts. It makes you understand their situation and allow you to go through any difficulty to accomplish their wish. Because he follows God's Heart, he keeps longing for God, and he always tries to achieve his wish for God. If we don't have a longing heart, we won't be able to break through our circumstances to console and comfort God.
Ninth. It brings unimaginable power. When parents have a longing heart for children, they don't have money to send them to school. They will have incredible power to find work or money to provide for their children's education. That strong sense of responsibility and power of a longing heart could easily overcome various kinds of situations.
Tenth. It helps you surpass life and death. You can always do anything out of love. Even the outside world has this experience. People die because of fallen love. Jesus' longing heart made him go through the boundary of death into the paradise of eternal life because of this incredible power of longing heart.
Eleventh. A longing heart mobilizes the spirit world. Due to Father's longing and loving Heart for God, the spirit world assembled to witness and bring him food. He was able to avoid death and accomplished great things for God and humanity because of his longing heart. He didn't care about dying and resting because He knew God is in pain and suffering. He was the only filial son to liberate God from His sorrowful and painful experience for thousands of years.
Twelfth. A longing heart gives us the right to participation, equal status, right of inheritance, and the right of common abode. When you love God and True Parents, you will always want to participate with whatever they do. The power of equal status is a result of a longing heart. When a poor countryside girl meets a prince and marries him, she becomes a princess. The right of inheritance is a natural result of love and longing heart. That is why we need to become a role model. If we want to become successful men and women, we become one if we have a longing heart. Living together is a result of a longing heart. Who would ever let go when we have a longing heart for each other.
While we are on the earth, we need to fulfill our portion of responsibility. Otherwise, we will pass this responsibility to our children. Our body does not belong to us. We have to take care of our body by feeding it with spiritual and physical food. We are a historical offering, so we need to live longer and do more for others, God and True Parents.
We have a significant debt to Father because of his love and everything that he did for us. That is why we need to educate our children the way True Parents taught us. There are meanings to each of the numbers. One is for God; two is for the reciprocal base; three is for perfection and settlement; four is for position foundation and safe settlement; five is for all things; six is for resentment; seven is for rest or sabbath; eight is for restarting; nine is for completion, and ten is for restoration and unity.
God's providence will settle in the third generation. As fallen people, it is hard to have a longing heart. God does not have a sabbatical year. When we keep the heavenly faith, blessing, and tradition for seven generations, we can already experience Heaven on Earth. God and True Parents can have a sabbatical year. Our dreams will come true when we set up a goal of having the third to the fourth generation live together if we have an ardent desire and desperate efforts to accomplish God's Will and purpose at this time through following the model example of True Parents. We have to keep our three generations pure and powerful with God's Heart. The only way for them to keep their heavenly character and blessing is to truly understand and unite with God's sorrowful Heart and situation.
Thank you so much, Dr. Yong, for sharing your internal discovery, missionary experience, and pioneering spirit with us. It is truly giving us a lot of inspiration, positivity, and optimism to continue what we have started. We need to integrate your guidance with our biorhythm. We genuinely feel that we are like rockets with this high power and energy ready to take us off into the atmosphere of God's love. Thank you so much again for everything. --Rafael E. Ablong
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