Morning Devotion Reflection
"The Reason Behind the Lose of First Love"
by Rafael E. Ablong
Today's message was preceded with practical and robust guidance of members about the Principle of giving and receiving.. I find them so useful and reminiscent of the early years of my life in the movement. These are the highlights of today's message.
Sometimes it is easy for us to become workaholics. When we become workaholic, our life becomes habitual, just facing reality squarely every day. It is very hard to appreciate every time. Without giving love, our Heart will not be stimulated. As long as we are alive, we need to give. Even just a glass of water is enough to stimulate reciprocal relationships centering on true love.. We need to give first to be stimulated. Those who are always giving have a heart that is always stimulated.
Until the moment of death, we need to give and serve and attend.a while we are alive. The importance is the quality of our serving and giving. Sometimes we have to force ourselves to be stimulated and survive. Our job is giving and giving until we die. As long as we breathe or as long as we are alive, we need to give. If there is no heart to give. You have to force yourself to give because giving stimulates the Heart. Until the moment of our death, we need and serve from the Heart. To survive in our spiritual life, we need to give and serve even by force to make it into a habit. There is no other way.
Formation stage, we need to give by force. Growth stage, half-volunteer. The other half is conscious about giving. Completion stage is forgiving that you provided. Giving has already become natural. Here giving has become a habit. If we focus more on our work, we cannot find the meaning of life. This is the secret. We need to see and feel the gift of giving. When members look at their leaders, they will feel. It . Fallen man does not have a natural heart of giving. This concept of giving has to be stimulated even by fore. If there is sincerity and consistent attempt to give, then it becomes a good habit. With your sincerity, if you really want to give, even if you force yourself to do it. Then you learn to give until it becomes. If I give, I grow. f I don't give, I will decline.
When we finally get to the level of our Heart. We have to think that we were born to give. Without giving , we will die. Giving is life. Not giving is death. We are going to die spiritually if we fail to give. Children should receive this kind of experience. Not knowing how to give means not having received enough love when we were young. That is why children need to receive a lot of love when they are young from the people surrounding them in their daily life: especially their parents, grandparents, and brothers and sisters.
We don't get mature without love. Love is very important to create maturity. We need to receive a lot of love from the family to know how to give love or live for others. The inability to live for others or to serve people from the Heart is a problem coming from the family environment. Abel has to be responsible. Abel should set the example of living or serving others with love. People who cannot practice love or live for others could not receive love from their parents. I need to be responsible for giving more than I receive from Abel and members.
"This is why I love Rev. Yo Han Lee very much. This man is a man of giving through God's words. Never let anyone leave with empty hands. They should be able to give love. True Abel starts the giving and loving. Don't scold members if they are self-centered. Study that person's background. You need to study that person first. He learned love from his parents. Start giving your love to this person then he will follow you eternally. If a leader loves the members more than their parents.
SIxty-four years of front line experience is not about theory. This is about the real praxis and Principle of life. A true Abel always feels regretful when he looks at members and learns from them. He regrets not having given or served enough. If you have this kind of attitude, wherever you go, you can always create the kingdom of heaven. I am talking from experience.
If Abel is a giving person, you can create a heavenly environment. Abel should live a life of giving. Even our leaders do not know how to give. This is the Principle of Giving and Receiving. Not the other way around. Give first, then receive. There is no other way for children to know how to give, but through receiving love. So that they will learn how to give, they need to have people who will model them as good examples of loving, giving, and serving so they can follow their case in the future.
You need to think. I believe in God, and I believe in True Parents. Do you have to ask yourself? What am I doing in this Providence? Some leaders do not know how to give back. What is the Principle? Give and then receive. We should feel regretful if we don't give more.
Tong-Il Moo-Do is not the central Providence. It is not that way. You need to think I believe in God and True Parents. Sleeping, eating, and whatever you do. Serving your parents, serving your wife, serving your children. You need to think: I am participating in God's central Providence. Take care of them so you can do more for Heavenly Providence. If you go home from a public mission and you think that your home is a private place. This kind of thinking is not right. It is terrible.
Where there is God, there is public. There is no privacy in God. Everything is open with God. Even sleeping, eating, or whatever you do in your home. Everything is public because God is always everywhere. He is omnipresent. So public-mindedness is natural and should be omnipresent. Love makes it omnipotent, indeed. Always think you are participating in God's Providence.
Do not think that doing HTM is public, and living in your family home life is private. Where there is God, there is public. Only you and God are private, yet it is still public because God is. If you think you want to make Tong-il IMoo-Do as one of the main Providence. I will bring results though TIMD. You need to be proud of yourself.
Today's message "The Reason Behind the Lose of First Love." It is futile when we do not know why God is working so hard to recreate his ideal. Because of the Fall, Adam and Eve lost their first love. Our first love is parental. I receive first love from my parents. Human beings are poised to receive love from Heavenly Parents. Then Adam and Eve lost their first love. When the True Father needs God's reality, he comes to realize that God is sorrowful. He cannot describe his sorrow. True Father's love is our Heavenly Parents heart. The reason why you lost your first love is that you lost sight of God's grief. If you miss a sorrowful situation, your life becomes related to Satan. You immediately come back to reality. You become more humanistic.
When the True Father experienced and understood God's Heart. When he knew about God's reality, he began to understand his fundamental relationship with God. He came to understand this unbreakable relationship. God is an unchained God. Even though man is unstable, God is unchanging. He has to be an unchanging God. M¥No matter what, someday He and human beings become one.
The first love of the True Parents was God's, sorrowful Heart. When you lose God's sorrow, you won't recognize God's sorrowful Heart. God is our Parent, and we are His children. That is a fundamental relationship. Even if children forget their parents, the parents never forget. God as a parent never forgets His children. The relationship between God and His children is an unbreakable relationship. This relationship cannot be divided. That is why it is eternal.
How can I recover my first love? First, we must recognize our eternal Parent. God is my unchanging absolute parents. Godi is my Parent. Right now, we are in this position: You lost the relationship between parents. If you do not know why God is sorrowful . You need to accept God is my eternal Parent. God will never forget and Secondly, we need to understand. God's character is unchanging, that is why He needs to love human beings. He always hopes that someday God and human beings will be united. Your relationship with God is inseparable. First love is eternal/
How can I recover my first love.? We have to recognize God is our unchanging parents. You have to bring mass with you together. Always, true Father remembers. Good is an unchanging God. Our venly character is always unchanging.
No matter what happens, my relationship with God is inseparable. First love is eternal. How do you recognize the love of God? Will you recover from my first love? E need to love. Right now, we're in position to goe love and express our love for each other.
No matter what, God needs to love His children, easily. Our character should be absolute. . We have to be Absolutely united with God. First love never changes. It is always eternal.
How can we recover our first love with God? First we need to accept God as our Eternal Heavenly Parents. Second, We need to experience God's Sorrowful Heart. Third, we need to take action. This is putting our belief into praxis or practice. Fourth, we need to have a longing heart for God and True Parents. This longing heart should be more than eating, sleeping or anything the physical world has to offer to gratify our physical body. Without experiencing God's pain and sorrow as our own and without a longing heart, we cannot overcome all the temptations and carnal pleasures the fallen world can offer.
Recognizing God as our eternal parents is just the first step of recovering our original existence, original human nature and relationship with Him. When we recognize God as our Parent then we can liberate our first generation of spiritual ancestors. Without knowing why God is working so hard, our situation would be futile. This futility becomes evident in the kind of work or mission that we do. Without recognizing God's real situation from the time before the Fall, after the fall, and in restoration history, we would not be able to work harder and have results in our love and longing for God.
We have to examine ourselves everyday when we wake up. How much do we really miss God and True Parents? Do we kiss True Parents pictures to express our lour care, love and longing for Them? To restore ourselves and recover the first love, we need to always remember the fall, repent for our sins and strongly fight against our inclinations to practice fallen behavior. We should forget this point.
The reason our resolve does not last. Why is it like this? We feel God's sorrow but it does not last longer. We are confronted by the realities of the world. Our conceptual understanding of God cannot keep our first motivation. We cannot maintain our first resolution and motivation every time we are confronted with reality. This is our problem. When we lose our first motivation and fail to comfort God's sorrowful Heart. When reality dominates our first motivation. How can I comfort God's sorrowful Heart. To keep our first motivation and resolution. Everyday we have to remind ourselves of our motivation and think how to keep our loving Heart. We should not just be workers.
How to overcome this reality? We need to understand and experience God's Heart.
Second reason why our motivation does not last. Our thinking is full of negativity. We need to know how to get rid of negative thinking because Satan always wants it. Negative environment is everywhere. This is the reason why we need to testify. We need to testify that God is ave and using this power power that God is alive. We need to kill to overcome our negativity. We need to have a mindset and attitude to overcome negativity and fallen behavior.
We should avoid complaining and defiance in our life of fatin. The essence of Satan is always doubting. Even if we have the Principle, sometimes when we are confronted with chaos and challenges in our daily life, doubting and defiance come out, Satan comes in in the form of doubt and complaining. This is the problem. When we start doubting God, True Father as the Messiah, once we doubt True Mother, we go back to Satan. When we have half-faith, half-doubt or when we constantly fluctuate between daunting and belief, we cannot accomplish anything meaningful and Satan uses it to completely end our life with the living God.
To overcome our half-faith, half-doubt we have to have absolute Faith, love and obedience. We need to accept True Parents as the Messiah. We should be like Father who never changes his absolute love. We are a historical offering. When we have absolute love, faith and obedience, we can overcome problems of faith, doubt and defiance.
Thank you so much Dr. Yong for this message today. We really need to experience God's sorrowful and painful Heart so that we can easily overcome all the trials and difficulties, doubts, complaints and defiance that feed on our fallen limitations. Thank you for revealing to us the secret source of True Father's internal and external power. Thank you very much.
--Rafael Ablong

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