Saturday, June 13, 2020

Marcelo Morguia's Reflection, June 12, 2020

Reflection of Dr. Yong's Morning Devotion
June 12, 2020
by Marcelo Morquia

Have a grateful day to thank God /HP & TP for another day of understanding God ‘s Words , and True Father’s Teaching as our vitality elements to grow spiritually. Having day to day all knowing True Parents life and True father’s early experience as to pioneer himself to become a true model of a filial son ..,and daughters are truly remarkable historical to regard by anyone . This morning the whole presentation was totally great and amazing to learn the discovery of the True Father ‘s Life internal qualities, secrets and strategies . Or even more how to Love people and overcome the Trials and difficulties , as Much meeting God in Sorrowful hearts situations .

It all takes for me today. Recalled. - awakened and revived once more my all the details of what and how true fathers victorious laid the foundations thru his tears , blood and sweats and even fighting & fought the Satan and recognized in the spirit world as champion of all the temptations . It seems like I ‘ m like reading the” Best Sellers “ today and listening to the live expression of testimonies through the way you presented each day ( Dr. Yong , ) “ by giving life to express “ that can stimulate our hearts & mind to concentrate , visualizations sometimes and even putting ourselves / myself in the positions of true fathers as offering . ..! A lot of things need to be further re- apply in our daily life of faith .. that most of us have probably misunderstood . And never take into consideration for so long .. and so that ‘s why .. we cannot find ourselves to realize that as Blessed family members , we were able to enter the Completion level without recognizing the seriousness of reality in a true situation .

True Father's teach us so much of his unbelievable spiritual powers in sensitivities where he can God and discover the sorrowful hearts in a very tragic situation. He is truly a Filial Son in quality of heart that , “ when he yearn to meet those people who love for public virtues , whom God and Jesus does love at the same time . . is for him /TF to inherits the hearts and wanted to be respect for their great achievement on the worldwide level . Here TF was named those 5 Saints and sages such as Jesus Christ, Mohammad, Buddha, Confucius & Socrates . Whom he endured a longing heart , yearning to & had made him meet in his real experience.

This is so exemplary that I’ ve known from TF in his life much more when he expresses how does God in his truest situation in hearts to everyday crying upon meeting God in sorrowful hearts . This is so tremendous & terrible in all knowing with sympathy. Here TF discovered and revealed to us that he recognized God as his God ; God is my king of Kings. God is my teacher Of teachers & God is Parents Of Parents . It is in those moments when TF realized that He Truly recognized with his longing heart that is his parents . Such that in all these he inherited and wanted then for us to inherit in such kind of attitudes .. in longing for sorrowful heart , that according to TF , even god is invisible but we should recognize as our HParents we must experience his sorrowful hearts .

Moreover TF emphasized that this is the reality of God , so much that they cry together & embrace recognizing TF as his filial son who can comfort God Heart with tears . Accordingly God Considered TF then as his “ the most precious son., more than Sun, Moon & the Stars , among his creations . It was so tearful moments of embracing then knowing TF as his begotten who victoriously controlled all the spiritual powers by his own determinations .

Understanding so much in detail on how the Way TF came to Be victorious against the trials of Satan. Are here for us to be know that TF Set the standard as a top secrets virtues of every individuals Whose heart have the desires to how to inherits everything : TF endure 1st to have a Respect then , 2) should have a longing heart to
Love & 3)

Try To Resemble the kind of virtues of that line TF in order to be a victorious Filial Son .& Daughters
More of True Father’s life Strategies to fight against, trials, difficulties and formulas for us to learn in this Way of what Dr. Yong Presented in a Matters that we might be shaking up and Recalled our first motivation to join in the family . Are here observed as a strong command that any leader might check his qualities to confirm : When these aspects are common Very common in Our daily life : We need to control our 4 Physical Desire’s :
Such 1) Eating , 2) Sexual desire ;3) Sleeping and 4) desire for material things . According to TFather , that If we can control our 4 Physical desires more than everything else and have that longing heart for God. “ You have already entered the realm of completion . And the Spirit world can recognize each of us. Here True father emphasizes that the most serious Temptation is '' the Sexual desires !”

We must understand that Adam & Eve fall at the top growth stage because they cannot overcome this temptation against Arch angel -here all also we n understand from TF DPrinciples , that Archangels represent all things . And since TF became a model Who could make strong determination to overcome these 4 Physical desires .. he was then recognized by Spiritual World as the owners of all things , Where archangels tend to bow down to TF and recognized as a divine spirit person . Much more when he disregards all these 4 Physical desires he encounters , TF said that the Spiritual world automatically helps him to make it possible as He manages to mobilize the Spirits world ., since he was in heungham prison . It was TF experienced when he Showing his best and becoming famous is such a situation that he was able to control his desire to eat but manage to give his food to others and even render fasting conditions .

Accordingly, still at Prison TF managed to control himself and as he yearned for God .. when he entered prison & not for food . He controlled his desire and never talked , he happened to mobilize the spiritual world to cooperate with him . With the help of the spiritual world, TF was able to witness 12 disciples without talking ( while in the prison situations ) there he showed his strong determination to be humble and become the best among his fellow inmates upon mobilizing the spiritual world . Moreover As we believed from TF experience of the Spiritual world , it is for us to follow the same as strongly as we could . thereby we can then be able to mobilize the spiritual world at Same Time once we reach the level of Divine spirits on completion .
Why we cannot mobilize in order to increase our membership. These issues referred to the responsibilities of each one of us as family members . But here, accordingly we need to look up the kind and quality of a leader that we are following to emulate his standard of Quality . Even a certain Leader who is working hard in responsibilities
is Here subject to be asked . What Quality Of a Leader do we have? What ‘ s leadership quality is why we cannot increase & recognize our membership? We can realize that some of the leaders could possibly cannot truly control their physical desires !

We can say that we fully never reach the realm Completion level and realize what's truly our failures . As leaders are believed that they are great people , we should automatically give a certain respect to us or /on you / to him . This is where TF says : that before he can control the cosmos , he must first control himself !” Aju ! If we can control ourselves then we can control the cosmos ! Aju ! We might ask ourselves here also to this question : Had we been able to control yourself , where the spiritual world can recognize you ? “

These are TF golden rules in life that : his Dignity was , we were able to control his own self ! So as I have Reflected to this effect once again , we learned TF secret strategies being championed as dignified person to Praised as Messiah . TF loved so Much God that always in the hearts to comfort God sorrowful hearts .., and always appeared to him in order to embrace his situations , thereby being his filial son and in one heart they find happiness in a situation of having the same as a happy god , whenever TF is happy . Here TF father understands. How much he loves God ., as we also need to be Crazy for God as our Heavenly Parent.

To join them as a team .. when can comfort Heaven fathers sorrowful heart by having our commitments to support TM and TP and HTP to have them a nation to own and to reside as A king Heart and true Love on earth . We need to offer one nation to God and that we can solve the sorrowful heart and God Tears will stop to end. Let’s cry everyday too long for God's hearts according To TF as he did.
Our is to show respect, love to long for him and resemble the characters of Divine in spirit . Aju!

Wow , what a great day and tearful moments to Recalled once more . Truly a sorrowful moments Of listening and understanding each day and everyday ! God bless us and to You & your family Dr. Yong .

Thank you Abojiee!

Respectfully yours,

Marcelo Morguia

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