Wednesday, June 3, 2020

God Could Not Experience Complete Love, June 3, 2020

Reflection of Dr. C. S. Yong's Morning Devotion
Message: God Could Not Experience Complete Love
June 3, 2020, by Rafael Ablong 
(Note: The last five paragraphs are very exciting to share…)

Dr. Yong's topic today is " God Could Not Experience Complete Love". It is a very deep topic of God’s true love, His sorrow, yearning, and hope for mankind.  It is like a narration of God's longing to experience complete love, beauty, and hope to realize human joy. It tells us about His dream of the ideal and the heart-breaking state of His children in reality after the Fall.  Some of the words that touched me today are:

1. What must God do to find love?  He cannot find or create love by himself. He needs to find the person He can love. Without an object partner of love, God cannot find love. Has God been able to love someone completely? Unless loving children are born, God can't find or experience their love. God can create whatever He wants to. But He cannot make love by himself. He needs an object partner of love to feel and perfect love.

2. He wants to completely experience His love by His children fulfilling the ideal of love through the blessing. Yet, God has to wait with great hope that somehow mankind would be able to respond to His love and act accordingly so they could complete their love with God and avoid the pains of despair and sorrow.

3. Love comes from our object partner and it grows with experience. The love of the parents is as old as the age and ability of their children. If the child is three months old, the parents are three months old. As children grow, parents also grow. We grow our love through direct experience with our object partner.

4. Since the Fall of Adam and Eve, God could not have grandchildren. He cannot experience His love growing from the formation stage to the completion stage. He can only feel infinite sorrow and yearning over time. We can console God's sorrowful and yearning heart through our children and He experiences greater stimulation of love when He sees His grandchildren. By starting a family, we are giving happiness to God. There is no word to express His happiness when His grandchildren are born. The greatest stimulation to Heavenly Parents Heart is when He sees the completion of love through your grandchildren.

5. When we have children after receiving the blessing, we become better than Jesus. This is because Jesus did not experience having a child or grandchild. God's completion of love begins with the family. Jesus could not receive the completion level because he was not able to find his wife and establish his own family. Through the blessing of humanity, God feels complete joy and happiness.

6. Have you ever thought what God's happiness would be like if he sees the objects and love of His life? God's complete love cannot be experienced by Heavenly Parents during Jesus ‘ time because he could not see Jesus' wife, his children, and his family life where He could visit and be with them every time. 
7. Dr. Yong’s sharing of his experience with his daughter-in-law reminds me of my recent and continuing experience as well.  I think most of us who witnessed the matching and blessing of our children have similar experiences. When I see my son and my daughter-in-law, Jung In, together. I feel this inexplicable sensation of overflowing joy and ecstatic happiness beyond description. When I see them holding hands or talking to each other, I feel complete peace and indescribable happiness within myself. Amid this heavenly silence, only simple thoughts convey the words,  this must be the feeling when you are in Heaven. The feeling is like,  I have never known loneliness, pain, despair, and disappointment in life. It is like all my struggles become meaningless and everything in the past and present just melts into one meaningful world of love and abundant peace and infinite exuberance. 

8. When I see my son's wife, I feel new life, new hope, and fulfillment. I cannot describe the happiness I feel.  The first time I saw Jung In’s matching photo in Taiwan, everything just stopped and my head was overcome with peaceful emptiness, just nothing. The feeling is like you are staring into space just waiting for something to fill that great sensation of emptiness. I was like seeing the beauty of nature as I was soaring into space. Just relaxing as I feel the air under my skin. And nature was talking with me from a different dimension of reality and in deep communion with our Heavenly Parent. 

If this is how I feel when I see Masato and Jung In as a blessed couple now. How much more would I feel if I see my grandchildren? I am human so how much more happiness will God feel when He sees His children and grandchildren live together in joy and happiness with each other? I think Heaven on earth is felt like this and it starts with the blessing. 
This kind of crazy, inexpressible feeling of excitement and exuberance will truly overwhelm and dissolve the long years of longing and unhappiness of Heavenly Parents, True Parents, and humankind. This is why we need to establish and multiply our heavenly blessed families. A world of heavenly families will comfort God,  and erase all imperfections and unhappiness in human history.

Thank you Dr. Yong for this delightful, and life-giving message of love and heavenly experience. We are so glad to have you as our Asia Pacific leader. We feel that heaven has come down to end all our speculations and uncertainty of the future. This Covid 19 crisis is here for a reason and I think one of them is to reset our human experiences with the living God through the power of His words, through True Parents’ representative, our very own Dr, Yong. We truly feel you are sent by Heavenly Parents to purify us and govern us with the power of love and principled guidance.

Thank you so much for all that you do, for all of us. 

Thank you, thank you.

--Rafael E. Ablong

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