Saturday, June 20, 2020

Morning Devotion Reflection, June 20, 2020

Morning Devotion Reflection
June 20, 2020 by Rafael E. Ablong

Dr. Yong's morning devotion topic today  speaks of how God and the spirit world help people fulfill their tasks and missions. We must ask ourselves. How much have I loved God and True Parents in a single moment?
Chak Sarang or one-sided love may not be felt quickly, but over time, it will increase its power and capacity to penetrate people's hearts.  It does not matter if you are recognized or not. Just love and love unconditionally. It looks one-sided love, but someday it will be accepted by the spirit world. And later on, it will be recognized entirely with sincere apologies and appreciation. This is the sorrowful heart of God for many thousands of years. He has been giving and giving unconditionally. Even if his prophets are killed by the people after the fall, he just keeps on trying to take good care of them. Even, Jesus Christ his son, the 2nd Adam, came to establish God’s kingdom by fulfilling the ideal family was killed by the very people God had prepared for many hundreds of years.  If we really love God and True Parents then we should demonstrate that love by doing His Will and giving no room for Satan to invade or accuse even for a second.
The goal of the 3rd stage of 40-Day morning devotion is to internalize God's sorrowful heart, become one with its content and actualize its concepts into visible action so we can all feel the love of God to make these things happen to unfold before our eyes. Another goal for this 3rd stage is to solve individual family, social, and national problems resulting from the human fall or the lack of sense of responsibility and public purpose. All these will be our substantial offering to God and True Parents.

We should keep the fire of morning devotion burning. It should be kindled and supplied with sincere prayers and good intentions consistently, so it would keep giving its light and growing opportunities to others. We should not put its fire down. Let us keep it burning because where there is sincere morning devotion, individuals and groups, churches, and organizations will never perish.
How seriously do we regard God's Will?  This is a fundamental question that needs a one-hundred percent spirit of devotion, filial piety, loyalty, hard work, and single-minded action. We should sincerely regard this as a way to know God and console His sorrowful heart.  Each moment is critical, so we should be 100 percent devoted and connected to God and True Parents. If we say, we love True Parents and do not have this 100% effort and yearning for God. Then, we are fake.! We have to be absolutely united with God and True Parents' hearts without any  space in between. This is so that we won't give Satan an opening to accuse us. We have to make it a goal to be earnest to go back to the original state. God is always so serious to fulfill His Will. True Father is equally serious and vigilant of Satan's accusation. We cannot give him an opening to invade us wherever we go.

If we always connect ourselves to God's viewpoint and fulfill our mission or do specific actions, then God cannot help but come down to help us, and the only way to make Satan not survive,  give up and run away. This kind of Jeong Seong spirit will be able to restore the tribe and fulfill our purpose.
When we feel hungry with this kind of spirit, we will not die. The spirit world will come down and help us to overcome hunger, disease, insanity, and problems. The spirit world will be there with you providing you with food; people will support and provide you with things to make you succeed. We should never be discouraged by external circumstances if our internal stability and resolve are so strong. Why can the spirit world not work with you? It must be because our Jeongseong is not enough to be felt by the spirit world. They won't be able to connect to the urgency of the situation because of our lack of heart and motivation.

When we work so hard and put our best effort all the time, even forgetting our needs and reasonable desires for the family, the spirit world will get involved and help us accomplish our goal for Heaven.

If we have an honest heart and conscience, the entire spirit world will mobilize. If we lack desire and Jeongseong, the spirit world can not help us. If we align ourselves with God's desire, the spirit world will mobilize with us, and people will start coming.  So much so that sometimes, they just come even without us telling them about it. Dr. Yong experienced it when he was a missionary in Korea, Japan, Philippines, India, and other countries.. He was able to meet many high school students. Some of them will appear at the center to receive his education.
I genuinely admire Dr. Yong's pioneering spirit, which substantially shows his heavenly character. I have gone to 40-50 places in the Philippines. But this pales in comparison to the number of locations he has visited in the past due to establish the holy grounds.

We should not be ashamed of what we do for Heaven. We should not be scared of not having food or anything because God and the good spirit world will always help, absolutely. Miracles happen in places of danger and difficulty in situations that call for urgent assistance and support. Yes, it is true. If we are members and we cannot understand God's heart and are not able to shed tears due to the seriousness of God's heart and the need for immediate relief to his pain and sorrow.

Dr. Yong, your spirit and power of Jeong Seong is incredible. I think you have gotten used to it that you don't notice it anymore. You beat us all with your amazing spirit and enormous potential to travel anywhere in the world. If you have true love, you can visit anywhere in the physical world and the spirit world.. If we have true love, once we yearn for a person, that person will immediately appear.
What is more astonishing is that true love is the language of communication in the spirit world. The more love we have, the more able we are to communicate or to be understood by other people. I think this goes with the physical world as well. The more love we have, the more capable we are to substantialize that love into reality. Jeong Seong is shown by the strength of the organization we lead,  by the sense of responsibility people will have with us, and by the number of people following us. These activities are present in the projects or activities that you have done in the Asia-Pacific, Dr. Yong.  So we should be following your model.

We truly admire your effort and experiences in the Philippines and other parts of Asia and the world. It shows your adventurous spirit and indomitable character.  You have endured and persisted in any environment. Your ability to move around anywhere is proof of your pure heart and unbreakable connection to True Mother and Heavenly Parents. As ordinary members, we need to inherit your ability to connect to God, to True Parents, to our direct Abels or leaders in Asia. Ultimately, making a perfect offering to True Mother, True Father and God.

The spirit of Jeongseong can overcome the danger of persecution. The habit of praying and making devotion helps us to overcome all kinds of dangerous and strange situations, to be victorious.  Making Jeongseong conditions centered on God helps us to go beyond trials and difficulties. When we show our utmost sincerity to move Heaven and Earth for the sake of restoring God's kingdom. God can not help but mobilize the good spirit world, and the spirit world will have no choice but to help us.
We must have the adventurous and pioneering, missionary spirit. There is a need to re-examine ourselves and re-plot our purpose centering on God and True Parents' desire.  We should not care about where we want to go or what to eat or wear. What matters to us is to fulfill our goal. We need to carry out the spirit of witnessing because this is the frontline spirit. We need to have the heart, unity, and sense of responsibility. So God Will reveal it to us quickly. If we do not have the spirit of sincerity and salvation, then we cannot fulfill our purpose.

We have to learn from True Father's Jeong Seong. For him, each second is precious because it could mean life and death for all of us. We have to have a longing and yearning heart for God. To do this, we need to understand and unite with God’s sorrow and pain.

Thank you, Dr. Yong, for this first day of the third stage of the 40-day Morning Devotion. You are able to educate all of us together with the help of the Corona Virus crisis. Without this crisis, we won't have this opportunity to learn directly from you. Truly, with great crisis comes great opportunities for growth and development. This crisis is definitely one of its kind.

Thank you so much for all that you do for all of us.  Kamsahamnida!!

--Rafael E. Ablong

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