Reflection of Dr. C. S. Yong's Morning Devotion
Message: To Become God's Son and Daughter
June 8, 2020 by Rafael E. Ablong
The topic of Dr. Yong’s message today is "To Become God's Son and Daughter". This message reminded me of these very important things.
1. God's top priority is the salvation of His children. It is how to save His children. To give and take with Heavenly Parents from the heart and get the best result to unite with God and True Parents, we need to know what is God's utmost wish and ultimate hope.
2. Salvation is witnessing. It is about getting new life. As a parent, God's focus is just to rescue His children from Satanic culture and dominion. Our major focus in life should be on how to save the people and the families around us. God's heart is about how to redeem His children quickly from the realm of Satan. That urgency in His heart is the driving force of his hard work, sacrifice, and untiring effort to liberate humankind for so many thousands of years now.
3. Uniting with God's urgency at the moment is the automatic response of God's real sons and daughters. If we are one with Him, time, and place do not matter. We are always ready to respond and unite with Him and the urgency to save His children from the pangs of Satanic dominion. So our mission should be the salvation of everyone from the individual level, to the family, society, nation, and the world. Our mission is the total salvation of all humankind.
4. God's urgency is True Mother's urgency at this time. She wants to see a Chun Il Guk nation. God loves His children so much that He wants to save His children quickly. So True Mother's urgent desire is to restore one nation and offer this CIG nation to Heavenly Parents before True Mother goes to the Spirit World.
5. The possibility of becoming sons and daughters to God increases when we live thinking of Father; when we fight while thinking of him; and when we swiftly move forward as we fight with him. When these emotions fill our hearts and do not disappear in our daily life then the likelihood of becoming His children becomes real. There are so many ways to become real sons and daughters of Heaven, but what is the main point?
6. What is the most important qualification to become God's filial sons and daughters?
True Father said it is uniting with the sorrowful heart of God. If we are truly united with God, then His sorrow becomes our sorrow. His yearning, pain, and loneliness become ours. Nobody can easily console and comfort our sorrowful heart until God's heart is consoled and comforted first. This is the heart of filial sons and daughters. They want to see their parents' hearts and situations liberated first before they even want to be liberated. Their life and happiness are dependent on the heart and happiness of their parents.
7. Nobody could console True Father's or True Mother's hearts because they cannot yet console and comfort God's heart completely. They cannot be consoled until God's pain and sorrow disappear.
8. No filial child would ever enjoy a moment of his life if his parents are still in agony and pain, misery, and trouble. Nobody could ever comfort a filial child who only looks after the welfare and happiness of his parents. While his parents are not enjoying life, a filial child cannot enjoy life as well. This should be the state of the absolute oneness of mind and body, heart, and soul of the children to their Heavenly Parents. It should be like this or even more than the feeling they have for their real parents. This is the same feeling of Heavenly Parents. No parent can ever be happy if his children are unhappy and in a state of misery and pain.
9. Dr. Yong's story of Rev. Yo Han Lee's tearful prayer before starting his sermon in front of about 200 people many years ago is reminiscent of our early church life, though it is different. Some of us are in tears when we say our long prayers even in front of the food. And so, some leaders would always make it a point to request anyone to say a short prayer before a meal. I think that God's heart in those days is always in tears every time He sees new people joining the movement of True Parents.
10. God’s dream of having one family, one nation, one world under God, is what drives Him to keep working hard for the sake of His children. This is also the desire of True Parents. True Mother wants to see this ideal dream of God realized on earth before she goes to the Spirit World. If we are really filial sons and daughters, then we should feel the same way. We could not be happy if True Mother is not happy. We should not rest if True Mother is working hard to accomplish the goal of the Chun Il Guk era. We should be able to restore one nation by restoring its people, territory, and sovereignty to God. When we see True Mother is happy then we should be happy. But until then, we need to work hard in unity with the urgency and heart of True Parents and Heavenly Parents at this time of the providence.
11. We should look at each person in the world as an embodiment of God’s work of restoration. How much God puts His whole heart and effort to every person in the world so that they could recognize Him and be one with Him. God puts a lot of Jeong Seong, time, tears, and effort for each one of us so we need to look at each other from the viewpoint of God’s longing and sorrowful heart to liberate humankind. We cannot fail God when we understand and feel His Heart for every person in the world in this way.
12. Filial sons and daughters immediately feel the heart of God in tears when they hear His name. Unfilial sons and daughters will not be sensitive like this. Unfilial sons and daughters take time to think before they can even feel or recognize the heart of God after some time. God always cry and long for me but fallen man does not recognize this painful and sorrowful situation of God. This is why he doesn’t cry easily when he hears the name of God.
13. How much heartistic connection we can have with people during our lifetime? Actually, not that much. How about God? God’s very unique character is His amazing personal touch. He never gives up on us wherever we go. Whether we go to Heaven or Hell, God continues to try to relate to us. This powerful and irrepressible feeling to relate with us a parent is boundless and eternal. He does not stop loving or caring for us. He stays close within us or next to us transcendent of time and space. He never stops loving or trying to relate with us even for one second. God puts His special attention to each one of us. This is God’s unique parental character. He wants to touch and relate to every one of the 7.7 billion people in the world.
14. When we cannot fall, even if we are told to fall. When we follow the path naturally to adore God and obey His Principles is the path all of us should naturally go to exceed the realm of death. Jesus’ life is a sterling example of this model. The amount of energy he invested was more powerful than a life and death situation. He was able to do that because he understood the heart of God. He knew how God would feel if he falls. He didn't fall because he knew God’s real situation. He naturally adored God because He knew how He existed in the sorrow of humankind's fall.
15. All problems come from our real understanding of God’s heart. If we truly understand the heart of God, then we can exceed the realm of temptation, death, and destruction. Jesus did not have the feeling of fallen people. Jesus had filial piety. He cares more for the God he knew. He single-mindedly overcomes the realm of suffering and death by putting God’s sorrowful situation before him first. Putting God’s heart and sorrow more than his, made him overcome death and temptations.
16. God’s original world is not just for me and for my family. It is the ideal world for every human being. If we have this kind of united understanding, sympathy, and compassion for the Heart of God during our lifetime. Then, we can easily overcome negativity and resentment the world and succeed in building the Kingdom of God on Earth and in Heaven.
We all need to have a strong, single-minded determination and persistence to solve the problems of human life squarely with our deep understanding of God’s sorrowful situation. We need to live as His real sons and daughters who cannot be manipulated by sin and Satan in this world. It behooves upon us to take the most filial and responsible act of becoming the mind and body of God during our lifetime. To overcome the present reality and establish a world of love, purity, and peace. Being his sons and daughters, we need to take away the pain and sorrows of God and make this the primary guide and motivation of our individual existence and human relationships. Again, this is easier said than done. But it is better to say and do it. Try our best to walk the talk so we become the real sons and daughters God had always wished for and dreamed of at the time of creation and after the fall.
Thanks a lot, Dr. Yong for another day of enlightening inspirations and great positivity. I hope that through this we can keep on growing as real sons and daughters of Heavenly Parents and True Parents. Thank you so much again for all that you do for all of us. May the love of Heavenly Parents and True Parents always keep you healthy, happy, and safe with your family.
--Raffy Ablong
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