Morning Devotion Reflection
Desperate Heart
June 15, 2020 by Rafael E. Oblong
The topic of Dr. Yong's message today is "Desperate Heart". Here, Dr. Yong ardently explained God’s longing heart and how a longing heart can solve the challenges of God and humanity. It is the absence of a longing heart that prevents us from truly understanding God’s sorrow and to truly give Him the happiness from filial children. We can only restore Cain and Abel, a family, a nation and the world if our hearts desperately long for the realization of God’s dream and seriously longs for the removal of God’s sorrow. It is in the fulfillment of His dream that we can remove the suffering from His heart. It is the true love of filial and longing children that can heal the wounds in His heart and dissolve all His agonies and historical frustrations.
1. Our tears and suffering should liberate the resentment of Cain and Abel who separated with tears. There is no other way to be united except through the way of tears and suffering after the fall. How earnest, ardent, or desperate we should be to liberate the resentments of Cain and Abel and the miserable sadness of God? What level of longing heart should we achieve in order to become one with God?
2. We should go more deeply into our understanding of God's longing because this is the real internal problem of our life. We cannot provide the right solution if we do not know the cause or the real problem. Our inability to grasp the depth of God's longing is the cause of His agony and mankind's persistent cycle of suffering. Raising a longing heart should be the internal question that should drive our motivation to know God's longing and work hard to unite with Him.
3 How much do you love God? How much do you look for God? How much experience do you have of God’s sorrowful heart? If you are seeking for your lover. You have to have a more longing heart than the wife who is looking for her husband. You need to have that kind of heart and circumstance so you can connect to the essence of your longing heart.
4..If you are so thirsty you will become so desperate of water. Longing the essence of our heart is like that. How can we raise this kind of heart? How can I really meet Heavenly Parents? How can I really experience His desperate heart? How intense should be the level of our longing? Even if we try to have a longing heart, why can ‘t we experience God’s longing heart. It is because of the lack of desperation, earnestness, and ardency of our heart to long for our Heavenly Parents. This is the reason why we cannot reach the level of unity with God’s heart. Even if you are so desperate, you can’t still feel the heart of God. "Kanchulhada" means very desperate. In Korean, Kan means liver and "chul" means salt. Putting the salt in the cabbage will make it shrink. Putting salt in anything it will preserve it. If you put salt in the animal liver, the liver will be preserved. Korean words are very deep. It is hard to translate it literally.
5. Dr. Yong’s analogy of a desperate and ardent heart to heal God’s sorrow was made through the narrative of his mother's traumatic experience when Dr. Yong's sister had an accident. His mother’s desperation to keep her sister alive after she was hit by a car that was driven by a drunk person was enormously strong. It is the kind of desperation when a mother offers her life for the sake of her child who is on the verge of death. It is the suffering heart that keeps the child alive out of desperation. Nobody can stop the heart of this ardent parent who desperately longs for the immediate healing of her child.
6. What is God’s heart after the fall of Adam and Eve? He became so sorrowful and desperate to save His children. After the Fall, all human beings are like in the ICU of the hospital. Fallen men do not understand the intensity of God’s desperation. Water boils at 100% centigrade. It is like that. To understand the heart of God, we should have the same degree of pain and sorrow. In order to feel the heart of God, we should be 100% desperate to have it. We have to be more earnest than anyone who is looking or running after his lover. Our longing heart should be more intense than the love of people outside the movement. Such desperation cannot make you sleep. It should be like the feeling of Dr. Yong’s mother who wanted to take care of her daughter at the ICU in the hospital even when the doctors and nurses prevented her from doing it SHe never stopped attending to her daughter's needs ardently until they gave up on her. Until they gave her the chance of just doing what she wanted for her daughter.
7. This intense desperation keeps you charging and moving until you accomplish your goal of meeting God. That is why, Father said, “Utmost sincerity moves Heaven.” Why can’t we reach our goal? It is the lack of desperation. We need "Chigul Jeongseong" (Utmost JeongSeong). It is the feeling of thirstiness in the middle of a waterless desert. We need to have that kind of desperate desire to have water. When you do succeed, it is the feeling of appreciating the taste of water more than any favorite drink. Water tastes more delicious if you have not tasted it for hours.
8. Heavenly Parents and the good spirit world will be mobilized to come to you if they feel your desperation to change your life and live with them. What level of longing heart should we achieve? It is the desperate longing heart. It is like a life and death situation to reach God. It is the feeling of wanting to live with Heavenly Father and True Parents. It is this anguish of the heart that makes you rush forward even if it puts you in a life and death situation.
9. True Mother’s desperate need to see a nation that is truly restored because this is what God desires. True Mother’s desperation should be our desperation, her wish should be our wish. Her goal should be our goal. When we have a desperate desire to find God, God will help us. God can only intervene and give you more capacity to fulfill your wish when He feels your earnest and sincere desperation. When your desperation reaches 100 percent then God will come down and help you accomplish your goal. If you really love and understand God, the moment we think of God, our tears will pour like a waterfall. Just thinking of Him and His situation will make you cry easily.
10. When I encounter God with my heart no matter what I do, tears will flow automatically. This is the kind of heart that will reach Heaven. Heaven’s language is love and longing heart. If we have love and a longing heart, it is easy to find the people we want to meet or the things we want to enjoy. Whenever we long for them, they will appear instantly.
11. Why do people betray God? It is because they do not know or do not accept the historical reality that those who betray will receive their punishment someday. Those who left True Parents live a miserable life. Look at what happened to the people whom God prepared for so many thousands of years but rejected and killed Jesus when he came.? What was the result? Six million Jews were consequently murdered by Hitler centuries after. So we should avoid betraying the True Mother. We need to fix our sights so we don't neglect the will of God and ardently develop our capacity to believe God and fulfill his dreams.
12. “If there is a person who has never shed a tear with a longing desire to see God or True Father, that person is a fake." If you are a church member or a believer of True Parents and you have never shed a tear. You are a fake! If you have a longing heart for True Parents. The miracle of reunion happens. Longing Heart is like the uniting force of a magnet. It does not care about distance or time and space. Meeting True Father is not about having money. If we have a desperate longing heart then we can meet Him.
13. If we don’t have a longing heart. We cannot have a true Jeongseong? How can we restore the nations of the Philippines, Cambodia, Vanuatu, and other nations in the Asia Pacific or in the world if we do not have a longing heart for God? If we have this powerful heart of a desperate, longing heart. We can restore the world. Our lack of desperation to meet God and True Parents cannot move the spirit world. Our level of desperation to unite North and South Korea, to solve the problems of the world, will make us succeed.
14. How do we say desperate heart in Japanese? It is “shitawase shinjo”. If I have a longing heart for Heavenly Father, Satan will not find a reason or a space to attack or accuse us. If we are very conceptual about God, we cannot become one. We need to communicate with God through the heart because God is a God of Heart and Love. What kind of Heart? It is the longing heart.
If you really know or taste life in the Kingdom of Heaven, you will come to believe that the world we live in is really Hell. Heaven is beyond our taste and recognition because of the Fall. The reason why we enjoy this life is that we have not tasted the happiness of Heaven yet.
Thank you so much Dr. Yong for this message today. Honestly, every time I hear you repeat the meaning of longing and yearning heart, I feel like you are digging the ground for some water to quench our thirst for God's love and strengthen our desires to unite with him as filial sons and daughters. Thank you. --Rafael E. Ablong
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