Morning Devotion Reflection:
"A person who cannot love their own country cannot love Heaven."
June 26, 2020
The famous song, "Non Mori De" they sang before the main message reminded Dr. Yong of his feelings for True Father. It reminds him of the True Father: his love, thoughts, admiration, and yearning for him, making his tears naturally come down. I like this song very much. Although I don't understand Korean, I can feel the heartistic character and melody of the song. Listening to it is like watching Korean movies. Once you start watching it, you cannot help but finish it.
The speech of Dr. Yong today urges us to continually remind ourselves of God's sorrowful Heart so we will succeed in our efforts to liberate Him, True Parents, and humankind. After all, what strictly connects us to him is the Heart of understanding and unity with His Sorrowful situation. With this kind of longing heart and mindset, we will overcome our small battles to win the bigger war, retake this world from Satan and bring it to God. We have to regularly remind ourselves of God's Heart to stabilize or rectify our motivation and purpose for every action and reaction. These are some of the highlights today.
The topic today is, "A person who cannot love their own country cannot love Heaven." We need to learn from our True Parents. Whenever True Father studied the Bible, he would shed tears for each page. He reads it over and over again until all the pages tatter. When he reads with tears, his goal was always to find the secrets of God. When he studies any textbook, he always wants to find the truth.
Father selects the books carefully so he can find God's truth. He was always motivated to study to discover God's truth. He wanted to know each page's secrets that might lead him to understand his people's destiny. He always had a desperate and thirsty heart to find God's truth. When he went to America at over 60 years old, he wanted to study the book of glory. He tried to remember one word. He studied this way like it was life and death for him. He always had this single-minded purpose and extraordinary attitude when he reads other kinds of books.
Seriously learning the Korean language and learning Father's words will have everybody become a master. The problem is we don't have the sincerity to study hard for Heaven. Father always connects everything he does to God's Heart and Purpose. He always remembers his past because every moment was so serious for him. Every second was a life and death situation. So he was always so serious. Do you know why? It is because Heavenly Parents is so serious about saving His children. He cannot rest just thinking and doing something to save His children from the pits of hell and misery.
Whenever you seriously study and do God's Will, you can inherit Father's attitude. Our True Father is always amazing. He does not care about his age when he studies. Even when he was 90 years old, he studied English. He wanted to save the English-speaking people. By following the background of the language, we can understand how to save those people who speak it. We have to inherit this mind and attitude.
Prayer is done the same way, too. Our prayers should be done thoughtfully in tears. Father knows God's reality, so whenever he does anything, it is not a job. He always does things for the sake of Heaven, and every second of doing it is an issue of death or salvation for the people he wanted to restore. He does not even care about when he focuses his Heart to do or understand things for God and humanity.
We have to ask ourselves. Why am I doing this? What is the purpose of my study? I have to study for the sake of God's Will. We have to inherit Father's attitude. He is always crazy for the sake of God's Will. When he left Korea to study in Japan during Korea's Japanese occupation, he shed tears for his country and people. So he entrusted his nation to God while he was away. He was twenty years old at that time, but he already had the Heart for Heaven, his country, and his people. Father knew that for Korea to be a chosen nation, Korea has to undergo so many years of tearful and bloody sacrifices. True Father truly understands the Korean people's suffering. He shed tears for his country as he left for Japan on that boat.
Dr. Yong's research of Father's prayer life revealed that Father' says his prayers verbally with tears. The tearful prayers don't just last minutes but hours. He always prayed from when he was 19 years old. A Christian lady noticed that Father's prayer was different. His prayers are sincere and desperate. She was so moved by Father's attitude in prayer and life, so she became Father's protector, she brought him food, and ultimately, she became a member of the church.
Father loved the nation of Korea, like his parents or children. How about you? How much do you love your country? Have you studied your nation's history? Before this nation became what it is now, so many righteous people laid their lives and offered their sacrifices for its foundation and birth. They shed a lot of tears, suffering and sacrifices. This is why Father is the patriot of patriots, the holy man of holy men.
Father decided to go to Japan at the age of 20. When he left Korea for Japan on the train and the boat, he felt like he was leaving Korea as an orphan. He loved Korea like a God, like his parents, like his children. Who can protect this nation, which can protect this nation? A Japanese lady who was seated beside him on the train noticed his uncontrollable tears, but she doesn't know why Father was crying that much. At that time, he said that a person who cannot love their nation could not love God. A person who loves God cannot help but love the people God loves. You must love your nation. You cannot abandon your nation.
In Cambodia, more than two million were killed during the war. So you definitely love your nation. We need to inherit Father's Heart. Father said if you go to a foreign country. You should love that country more than your own, more than Father. So if you go to Thailand, you should love the nation of Thailand. If you marry a Cambodian citizen, you need to have your body buried in that nation. You have to love the kingdom of Cambodia. If you have done this following the True Father's example, Father will recognize you and be happy for you as long as we carry our mission in the mission country. You should have that kind of spirit. You did not just come to the country as a missionary and go after a month or a year. You need to have your body buried in your mission country. This makes your life more valuable and your time more famous.
That is why I genuinely love and respect Japanese missionaries who have come to join their spouses in another country. They only have a love for God and True Parents. They depended on their faith when hardships came and lived by their faith with a dedication to overcome their new environment's language, culture, and tradition. They have sacrificed so much. They only had one thing, only love for God and True Parents. Without Japanese missionaries' love and sacrifice, our movement cannot exist and expand. That is the missionary spirit.
That is why you need to have that kind of spirit for your children. You need to send them out to the world. So that is why my family lived internationally. We always moved here and there. My wife raised our small children. Sung shin was born in Puerto Rico. Her baby was always crying on the plane. She did not know what to do. So every time a baby cries on the plane, I remember my Sung Shin. We have to love our nation. If we can not love our nation, we cannot truly love God.
Our prayers should be as sincere as Father's prayer. We should pray in tears. The most dangerous minister is a minister without tears for God. If you have no tears for God, You are fake. Whenever you think of God and humankind and people in the world, tears would fall. Your tears for them are your tears for Heaven when you love your children.
Happy birthday to your son Dr. Yong! We feel so sorry for your children because you have to do your mission away from your children. How much more for God? If we truly love your children, you will always be in tears. Where there is a longing heart, there is always tears. Human history is a history of tears. Patriots and saints shed tears for Heaven. When a person thinks and prays for his nation in tears, that kind of a person is a patriot. Saints feel the same way.
Father's Heart is like that and more. Have you ever cried for your nation? If you have never cried for your nation, you are not a patriot. If you haven't cried for your parents, you are not a filial child. If you have never cried for the world, you will never be a saint.
Love equals tears. Longing heart is equal to tears. If you really have a longing heart for God and True Parents, then your tears automatically come out. Some people hide their tears. I want to experience tears with God. How can I shed tears for God as Father does? If we love our members, they will never leave the center. Why am I still here? It is because of Father's incredible tears. If you cry for your members, they will never run away. If the leader himself struggles with his private matters, he cannot take care of his members. I have to repent, and my prayers are not enough.
What is the fallen man's main problem? It has no heart and no tears. If we cannot emotionally involve ourselves with God and others' situations, we cannot become the faithful people God wants us to be. If this fallen reality is not changed, we will not have hope for our restoration if we experience God's sorrowful Heart and connect everything to Them and Their efforts to restore humankind. The messiah's behavior is always serious. His prayers are always in tears. My sad situation should meet God's sad situation to find the right solution when our sorrowful Heart meets God's. When our sorrowful Heart meets our members' sorrowful situation, we solve situations.
For us to be in the movement, God and our ancestors have to undergo incredible tears and indemnity. We should go through uncomfortable situations in the path of unhappiness to give comfort and happiness to God, True Parents, and humankind. We should have this kind of missionary spirit like Father when we go to the frontline to serve God and humanity.
What drives the nail to God's chest? It is betrayal and lack of filial piety. How much have we hurt God and True Parents? Many of our members join spiritual groups. Father said that is what makes me afraid. In our life, we should not betray True Parents even if we don't have results. We should not become unfilial children. The most important thing is not to become an unfilial son. To True Parents, being an unfilial son means avoiding God's sorrowful tears. If we avoid God's tears, we will not become filial sons and daughters. No heart to heart connection means not having a good relationship with our object of love.
We have to continually think and find ways to develop our heart-to-heart relationship with God and True Parents' Heart by always connecting our situations with God's situation. Centering everything on God's Heart, Will and Purpose will definitely give the highest value to our existence and relationship with God and others. As Father said, the greatest place of blessing in life is the place of hardships. So we must not avoid difficulties in all its forms. Rather, we should rejoice in it to give God hope and console His sorrowful Heart.
Thank you so much, Dr. Yong, for your precious words of guidance today. If we do not always remind ourselves of God's Sorrowful Heart and Situation, we will quickly fall or get off the way. As members of the movement who want to become filial sons and daughters to God and True Parents. We have to feel, think, sense, and perceive things like them. We have to become the embodiment of their Heart, the visible manifestation of their heavenly spirit, and the victorious substance of their eternal love.
Thank you, Dr. Yong. Kamsahamnida!
--Rafael E. Ablong
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