Reflection of Dr. C.S. Yong's Morning Devotion
Message: The Standard of God's Judgment
June 9, 2020 by Rafael E. Ablong
The topic of Dr. Yong's message today is "The Standard of God's Judgment". His message reminded me of these very important points.1. Why is Christianity declining? What is the main reason for this? Why Christianity became external and became a church that waits only for miracles? The reason is they could not hold unto Jesus' heart. There is too much emphasis on faith and cannot substantialize Jesus' heart. Christians have come to understand Jesus' heart. There are three judgments: word, character, and heart.
2. What is the purpose of studying God's words? It is to resemble Jesus' character and heart. Our goal is not just to resemble Jesus but to inherit Jesus' heart. Today many Christians just believe in Jesus, the external way. Everything is out on the shoulders of Jesus, just talking and asking about blessing, not understanding and inheriting Jesus' heart. The problem is we cannot connect to Jesus' heart.
3. Christianity is declining because its believers have lost the pursuit to become the embodiment of Jesus' personality, heart, and character. As people who understand God, we need to resemble True Parent's personality and character.
4. At the formation stage, most UC members are inspired by the Divine Principle and Unification Thought. Most of us joined because we love the Divine Principle and Unification Thought. We need to resemble True Parents' personality and character. Most UC members stopped at the formation level after learning the Principle and joining the church. It is hard to break through the growth stage. How much could we resemble True Parent's character ad personality? On the completion stage, we need to inherit True Parent's heart and Their attitude towards God.
5. If UC members cannot inherit God's heart, we become external. We won't be able to appreciate and deeply realize God's heart in our life. Education is important. But focusing on education is not enough. If we focus on education, we just become teachers but not models of the heart. We need to show our model. We need to inherit God's heart. We need to become the ideal models of what we teach and preach. We need to show God's sorrowful heart in our life. It is hard to find a leader, a model who inherits God's heart.
6. So whenever we study the Divine Principle, especially the Principle of Restoration, we need to focus on how to inherit the sorrowful heart of God. Since the fall of Adam and Eve, they have been wallowing in the mud of suffering and trouble. Understanding and becoming a model of God’s heart allow us to deal with different challenges even from our spouses and children. We have to feel the sorrowful heart of the central figures who served God and failed somehow at the end. We have to understand the family situation of all these central figures in human history.
7. How much have we transformed our heart and character over the years after we understood the Divine Principle? Did we improve our lifestyle centered on God or are we stagnating in our spiritual life?
8. In this era of Chun Il Guk, we need “heart” leaders who can show God’s heart. Our models are True Parents Heart. We need to resemble their heart in unity with Heavenly Parents. Why has our life become stagnant? Why can’t we reach the level of True Parent’s heart?
9. Did the numerous Christians hold unto Jesus' heart and the heart of the Holy Spirit? We are very far from Jesus' heart, we are very far from True Parent's heart, very far from the level of God’s heart. Faith and prayer are not enough. We need to inherit our True Parents' hearts.
10. What is the final judgment in the last days? It is the judgment of the heart. The final fight and victory are not external but internal. How should I settle God’s heart in my heart forever? Father said we must establish the connection of heart with Heavenly Parents. God starts from the external to the internal, from the internet to the very internal. That is why he created starting with visible things.
11. The final goal of everyone is to inherit the heart of God. We need to inherit the heart of the Father in the Old Testament Age, the heart of Jesus in the New Testament Age, and the heart of God in the Completed Testament Age. We have to reach the level of the Parent’s heart.
What is the completion stage? It is the era of parents. it is not just the era of words, not the era of personality. It is the era of the heart.
12. God has worked from the external to the internal. We inherit the heart of a servant in the Old Testament Age, We also need to inherit the heart of the son in the New Testament Age, the heart of the Father in Completed Testament Age. That is why we need to inherit the Heart of God. It is' not that we cannot communicate with God's heart but because there no connection of the heart.
Now we live in the era of Chun iL Guk. Reading people in the era of Chun Il Guk. But the most important
13. What is the number one problem why we do not have a good stimulation to work or do our mission? It is the problem of the heart. The final judgment of God is not the word, not the character, but the heart. When we talk about unification, we talk about the unification of mind and body.
14. The center of unification is our True Parents Heart. The enter of unification between mind and body is when we experience God’s heart. Without entering the world of God’s heart, it is impossible to unite our mind and body. The center of unification between husband and wife is the original heart or shimjung. The main problem of the world is the lack of heart. If there is no heartistic connection between all levels of relationships, we cannot relate to each other completely.
15. We are a resentful people and so does all of humanity up until now. There is not a single person who has become the true citizen of God centering on His love. It is because the earth became a place without a heavenly family where God cannot enter. So by inheriting the word, character, and the heart of God, we can change this world.
Thanks a lot, Dr. Yong for this message today. I hope to actualize these words in my life by practicing filial piety and loyalty, and inheriting the heart of God.
Thank you, thank you so much for your daily inspirations.
--Rafael E.Ablong
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