Thursday, June 11, 2020

How To Move My Parents, June 11, 2020

Reflection of Dr. C.S. Yong's Morning Devotion
Message: How To Move My Parents
June 11, 2020 by Rafael E. Ablong

Dr. Yong's topic today is entitled "How To Move My Parents"
It is about how to move our Heavenly Parents, True Parents, and my parents. These are some of the highlights today.

1. True Father's Resolution When He Set out on the Way of God's Will
-I thought have to overcome the point where my cells cry out. I felt I must go to the place where my flesh will be torn and my bones break, not in an environment where I am welcomed.
-When he first set out to do the Will of God, True Father's cells cried out of their limitations, too. His eyes were swollen from too much crying. He cannot see the sunshine because of his swollen eyes. He gives very long speeches. Sometimes, it is hard for him to walk because of too much tiredness. Sometimes, he scolds his body to follow his mind.  He used his physical body beyond his limits. He had the determination that even if his flesh is torn and his bones break, he will not stop. He puts a lot of Jeongseong for everyone.

2. We need to follow True Father's indomitable pioneering spirit. He said he will always be a pioneer because he cannot still liberate God. Until he liberates God, he will be a pioneer. He wants to die in the frontline doing God's line. He does not like a comfortable place. That is why he always wants to go to the ocean because it is the hardest place to be in. The ocean gives you a lot of difficulties. Too much sea-sickness wears you down. There is so much discomfort when you go fishing in the ocean.  Father always pushes himself so hard to do this.

3. Have you experienced almost falling down due to sleepiness while eating? According to Rev. Yu, he had seen Father trying to put his foot in his mouth while almost falling down to sleep. He saw this happened before him. When he goes to his bed after coming back late at night, True Father prays.  Before he goes to sleep, he prays a lot. 

Father said I will be an eternal pioneer until God and humankind are liberated from hell. Even when True Father was in his 90s, he always worked hard as a pioneer. Although, he is very tired and exhausted. He cannot say it. He always carries God’s sorrowful heart. He treats his body like his slave of slaves. He evens asks if his eyes are qualified to enter the Kingdom of God. Have we even asked our nose, mouth, ears, and the other parts of the body if they are qualified to enter the Kingdom of Heaven? We need to ask ourselves if we have the qualification to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

4. Have you seen True Father’s hands? His hands look very tired and heavy from hard work. Father worked so hard for the sake of others. That is why who can testify if you can enter the kingdom of Heaven? Ask your body parts: eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and all if they are qualified to experience Heaven. True Father has experienced too much persecution in his life. But he never gave up.

5. We should emulate True Father’s incredible and extraordinary attitude of humility, sacrifice, and life for the sake of others. He wakes up early than anyone. That is why Father asked us to do this so nobody, even Satan can accuse us.  Father prepared to suffer beyond hardship with a pioneering spirit. He feels uneasy when he is in a comfortable place. 

6. When father started his mission a long time ago, many were inspired by him and made promises to stay with him and work for God’s Will. They pledged and determined to follow Father. Yet, after Father was released from Hungnam prison, she was asked by a woman if he was still following the way. At that moment, Father promised to himself to bring the day when they do realize their actions in lamentation. He pledged to himself to bring to God a victorious result for everyone. So even if Father was betrayed by his followers, he never stopped. Even if he was persecuted and stooped upon, he never gave up his commitment and love to liberate the sorrows of God and humankind.

7. Pioneership is the spirit we need to follow from True Father. Who is the pioneer of pioneers? He is the Heavenly Parent. He is the number one pioneer. Where do you want to die? Do you want to die in a comfortable place or in the frontline?  I want to die in front of the podium when I am delivering a speech by the podium. How beautiful it is to die as a pioneer. We should die on the frontline. This is why when we have a comfortable situation, we need to repent and feel uncomfortable.

8. At least once a year, we need to send out the second generation to pioneer a new place where they can find God. We cannot find God in a comfortable place. God’s sorrowful heart dwells in the most uncomfortable place. We cannot stay in a comfortable place for a long time. The airplane becomes my house. Traveling is not an enjoyable job.  But just imagine True Mother, a 76-year-old woman, traveling from one place to another. It is very hard to travel if you are older. Our heart should always carry God’s Parental Heart. Our body should be a servant to our mind. We need to dominate it so we can do the Will of God.

9. How do we move our parents? A child who recognizes how much his parents have sacrificed and toiled for him makes his parents’ pain his pain, makes his parents toil his toils, and presenting his parents' history in front of them can inspire their parents. This is the heart of a filial and loyal child. The parent who will meet such a child will explode with happiness and gratefulness to God.  We must know Father’s efforts of searching for humankind in detail. If we understand God’s heart this way, God will complete joy and happiness.

10. Filial sons and daughters become a total offering of the parents. Filial piety means having no opinion of himself. The offering does not have his own wishes and situations. So filial sons and daughters are complete offerings of the parents. Just like Isaac who was a complete offering to God. He did not say his opinion. He did not have a concept of self-preservation but of himself as the offering of his father Abraham to God. If a child recognizes his parents' sacrifices for him, he can easily offer himself to his parents. Our recognition of our parents' love and sacrifice will truly inspire them.

11. We must think of God’s past. Even if it is just for a short moment, we must remember how God took care of us from the beginning of our life until now. This kind of reflective thinking and grateful heart will make us truly appreciate God’s toils in our life. When we look at the details of the things and the people surrounding our life, we realize that Heavenly Father has worked so hard in our life. When we think this way and God feels it  He will explode in joy and happiness. He will feel so complete, satisfied, and overwhelmed with joy beyond description.

12. If we truly confess from our heart, console God’s heart and comfort His situation. God will feel so moved by his children. How can we make God cry in happiness? We need to work harder than Heavenly Parents! Whenever we meet trials and difficulties and we ask God not to worry, God is truly comforted. We have to make our physical mother and father cry in gratitude and happiness for our love and concern for them. So in order to move our Heavenly Parents, True Parents, and our physical parents. We must know our parent’s sorrowful environment, situation, and circumstances.

13. Father was so upset when he found out that God is not in Heaven but in Hell trying to save His children from  Hell. We have to know our parents’ sorrowful dreams and situations. When he was just a sixteen-year-old man. Father asked God’s wishes and dreams. God was moved by his love and heart. This heart of a filial child easily melts the pain and agony in the hearts of the parents.

14. Many people shed tears holding the Bible or shedding tears holding onto the cross. But there is no one who holds onto Father’s heart and sheds tears. The majority of Christians nowadays on earth are like this.  However, we do not shed tears holding onto the cross, we hold onto the Father’s hearts who had to endure the pain of the cross yet still show love. We need to remember that the cross did not bring us salvation. It is the love of Jesus that makes us go beyond the cross. It is what brings us salvation This is not denying the cross. 

15.  When we look at Jesus on the cross. We need to shed tears for him and God himself. They have worked so hard for us to save us from Satan. People sympathize with Jesus through the cross. But nobody sympathized with God.  Heaven will cling onto the person and weep bitterly if he lives in a more miserable environment than anyone else. The person who is hurt and treated unfairly, who endures all pain, tragedy, and unhappiness not for his own sake but for the sake of the Father, for the sake of finding his original homeland can move the heart of God.

16. Our suffering for others and our sacrifices for God are our treasures in Heaven. We may not see it now, but like Dr. Lek who was imprisoned in Thailand on behalf of God and True Parents, our history with God is already written in the Book of Life.  Why God allows us to go into the period of trials and difficulties,? It is to make us realize and become with His sorrowful heart.

Dr. Yong’s narration of Dr. Yu’s experience of seeing True Father falling asleep while eating after coming back from the ocean reminded me of my direct experience with True Parents in 1995. I was one of the two close-in internal security of True Parents at the Manila Hotel. After they arrived, we went together with them in the elevator going to the penthouse section on the top floor of the hotel. In the elevator at the time, I saw how True Mother held True Father’s hand and arm because he was too sleepy to stand. He was so tired and True Mother had to keep him safe and awake by holding him close to the side of the elevator so he won't fall down. True Father didn’t say a word and True Mother was just there beside him keeping his body close to her and the side of the elevator to keep him from falling. Later, when they got to their room, I saw Peter Kim massaged True Father’s legs before sleeping. At that time, I just felt True Father was also human like me but he always tried to dominate his body so he could do his mission and comfort God.

Thank you Dr. Yong for this inspiring message today. My physical experiences of True Parents are just a few from those years but I always remember those precious moments in my heart. Those were brief experiences, yet they make a lifetime of grateful memories with God. Remembering those days just makes me grateful for God and True Parents. To move the heart of God really is to be a true filial child who has no opinion and motivation for himself. It is a natural feeling to have, but a difficult one to keep. Especially if our life is not always focused on what is truly essential in this world. 

I hope I can accomplish this goal of truly becoming a filial child of God with no self-centered thoughts and motivation for myself. How I wish I can be such a perfect person in the soonest possible time. But until I accomplish this objective, I need to keep trying to be a filial son with a pioneering heart and spirit so I can console God’s sorrow, give Him hope and happiness.

Thank you so much, Dr. Yong, again. 

--Rafael E. Ablong

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