Part 2
Dr. Yong's message today is about "You Must Be (Able To Feel) Ashamed"
June 18, 2020
Have a Shameful Heart in Front of God
We always need to have a shameful heart. We have not become the very people God wants us to be from the individual, family, to the tribe, and the nation as Unificationists. You should be ashamed you have not fulfilled the responsibility in the course of restoration. There are three kinds of hearts Father talked about. "We should fulfill our portion of responsibility. Those who are arrogant. Are not shameful people. They are not ashamed of their selfishness and arrogance because they do not understand the heart of God.
Three Kinds of Hearts
Filial piety, loyalty, and self-denial start from the parents. So we should be an example. We need to have a heart of repentance, a heart of shame, and a heart of gratitude. Today, True Father emphasized we need to be ashamed. Why do we need to be ashamed? We need to be embarrassed because we are fallen people. We have not fulfilled our responsibility due to our selfishness, pride, and arrogance. All kinds of fallen attitudes are about arrogance and selfishness.
Filial piety is about obeying parents. The purpose of denial is filial piety. When your heart is centered on True Parents, then you can easily overcome selfishness. If we are self-centered, we become arrogant.
I have to accept before God that I am a sinner of sinners. My blood lineage betrayed God and True Parents and betrayed Jesus. We need to repent because of this sinful heart. Even how much God raised me through True Parents, I m not a genuine person of God yet. I cannot become the True Parent to my children. I cannot become the Cain of True Abel. I should be ashamed d myself because I have not established the ideal in my daily life of faith. As a blessed family, I have not yet restored the sovereignty of God. I still could not overcome my physical, sexual desires.
We should be ashamed of our imperfect ways of overcoming our desires. I should be ashamed in front of God because I have not fully restored my family, my tribe, and one nation. If we have not realized all these, we should feel ashamed of ourselves. I have been in the church for so many years, yet I still have a lot of selfishness and arrogance before God. If we don't have shame, we don't have a pure heart.
The Conscience is Always Honest
It always feels so much shame before God. It always has a shameful mind and shameful heart. If there is no shame, there is no heart. If there is no heart, there is no conscience. Where there is conscience there is always a shame.
If we have a shameful person, we become humble and cannot insist on our opinion. Arrogance comes from self-centeredness. Filial piety always comes from parents. It is always centered on True Parents. Self-denial means we should be centered on God and True Parents. As Unification Church members, we should have that kind of shameful emotion whenever we think of God's sorrowful heart.
No one on earth knows about how God and True Parents have embraced each other and shed tears of sorrow. If God's Jeong Seong is not connected to our hearts, we can easily be arrogant and self-centered. If we are spiritual, we can easily recognize that God and True Parents are in a miserable situation. They are always alone in the path of enduring and overcoming their struggles for the sake of humankind.
Parents and children are in a miserable state after the Fall. When we experience this kind of God's sorrowful heart, we can move anyone's heart. We never get tired to work for the liberation of God, True arents, and Mankind. If we truly understand God's heart, then we will reap what we sow. So, wherever we go with this kind of heart and understanding, the Good Spirit World will be able to help immediately. If we do not know God'S sorrowful heart, we will become arrogant and unable to realize God's Will.
Dr. Yong cannot forget Rev. Yo Han Lee because he was the one who introduced to him God and True Parents' sorrowful heart. Without Rev. Yo Han Lee, he cannot understand God and True Parents. How do we become worthy and valuable to our children? It is only when we introduce God's Heart to them.
Why Did Jesus' Disciples Run Away?
How much are you loyal to me? How deep is your loyalty to your Abel. Can you die for me? Why are people running away from Jesus? Even his three disciples fell asleep while he was praying all night. If they did not sleep, Jesus would not have gone that way. Why did his disciples run away? It is because nobody among them truly understood God and Jesus' sorrowful heart. Nobody understood the relationship between God and Jesus. Nobody wanted to die for him. They just wanted to follow him externally through his miracles. No one inherited Jesus' sorrowful heart. When they were in danger, they ran away. That is why, without inheriting God and True Parents' heart, we can betray and run away anytime.
The Power Behind True Father's Heart and Deeds
Why can't True Father run away even if he was tortured to death? What is the reason? It is because he understood the God of sorrow that not even death could stop him from doing the restoration efforts to liberate God's pain and suffering. This deep understanding and compelling desire to console and comfort God is what keeps him from running away. It is this powerful feeling of filial love, sympathy, and overwhelming willingness to comfort the sorrowful God that makes endure agony and pain unconditionally and tirelessly.
Most Important Mission in our Life of Faith
What is the most crucial mission in our life of faith? It is to inherit the heart of God. It is to inherit True Parents' spirit. It is to inherit True Moither's heart. If we inherit their heart, we will never tire, and we will continue to work hard until we have offered the nation of God. We should go beyond learning the Divine Principle. We should go beyond concepts. It is time to apply what we learned and experienced from God and True Parents.
How to Recognize the Messiah
To recognize the Messiah, we need to know the person who has the longing heart of God. We need to teach our children about God and True Parents Heart so they will not run away. To understand Father's words, we need to understand its background. Many spiritual phenomena happened in Korea, especially centering on Christianity. Even Rev Yo Han Lee was told to go to the South Korea because the Second Coming is going to be there. Later, he was asked to move by the spirit world to go to Cheju Island, and then to Pusan to meet the Second Coming. Many people during that time received so many spiritual revelations about the coming of the Messiah. This was a good time for people on earth to understand God's sorrow and yearning through the Messiah. It was the peak of the time to receive the Messiah. Both the spirit world and the spiritually open people were receiving messages about his coming.
The Attribution of Longing Heart
Chan Shil Kang and Rev. Yo Han Lee were the first man and woman to receive the revelation and meet the Messiah for the first time. As long as we have a longing heart, we will meet him. One of our Japanese sisters was crying because of longing to see True Father. When she started to hear Dr. Yong's morning devotion, True Father appeared to her in a dream and told her to listen to the devotion because He reveals his message through the morning devotion of Dr. Yong. This encounter of the sister is the attribution of the longing heart. If you genuinely have a longing heart, then you can meet True Parents in your dreams. When Rev. Yo Han Lee had a longing heart, the spirit world was helping him to find the Messiah. When we sleep with a longing heart, God will reveal himself to you.
Revolution of Heart
We need to have a revolution of the heart. We need to unite with True Mother. Without upgrading our hearts, realizing this would be impossible. We need to unite with True Mother to achieve our goal.
For the 2nd 40 -Day Condition, God specially prepared this workshop to eradicate the Coronavirus problem. He initiated it through Dr. Yong to transform this world into the new world of God's sovereignty. Within the period of the 2nd 40-day Condition, True Mother proclaimed the Heavenly Parents Holy Community. Internally, we need to have a complete revolution of the heart.
How can I be responsible for my object partner, eternally? There are many trials, difficulties, temptations, and problems. How can I raise my children, my members, my spouse, my people, and my tribe so that they can understand God and True Parent's heart?
Without upgrading the level of our heart, God will not be able to enter our Hearts. We need to create that reciprocal base with Him so that He can join the revolution of heart for everyone's growth and overall development.
Longing Heart Makes Things Happen
One day, when Rev. Yo Han Lee went up to the mountain and knocked on the door of the poor little house of True Father at that time. When True Father opened the door, he knew who he was already. If we do not have a longing heart for True Mother, we are not filial children. When we have a longing heart, we will immediately feel oneness. Longing heart goes beyond space and time to realize the goal of the yearning heart. When you genuinely miss your guest, that person will come to visit the center. If you want to see someone soon, that person will appear. Even when you ask that person, he will not know why he came to meet you. This is the secret power of witnessing. It is a longing heart. If there is no longing heart, nothing like this will happen.
We become spiritually sensitive when we have a longing heart.
When we do not have enough time, praying for 5-minutes for the people we want to meet or witness; then the spirit world will help and make the things you have in mind unfold before you. Unseen things become visible reality when we have a longing heart. Short moments of very intense prayer would be answered. God will always make things happen if you are connected to him in your heart.
The Position of the Church Minister is Important
A church minister's position is very important. You have to have a personal touching relationship. You must establish this kind of human connection centered on God. If you cannot pray for each of your 430 couple, say a prayer for a small group of them until you can pray for everyone within the week. We need to forgive people and restore your relationship with them. If Jesus' disciples understood the heart of God, nobody would have left or betrayed him when was going to the cross.
Longing Heart is the Key to Victory
It is through a longing heart of love. When you win over your enemy's heart. You are truly a victor. We learned from True Parent's greatness. Do we have a longing heart for True Parents? Hwa chai hoy ha - Having a longing heart makes us closer to each other until you will no longer have a choice but to love, appreciate, and unite with the person. Chak Sarang will be recognized in the end.
Thank you so much, Dr. Yong, for all these deep and powerful words of guidance. Many times, I feel God through your profound messages of faith. The time of believing in God as a concept is over because we can already feel Him through the heartistic power of your words. I pray that God will continue to use you to educate all the people in the world to accomplish our mission in life and realize the purpose of our faith in action through the longing heart of God. Uniting with the longing heart of God ad True Parents, will naturally give us the magnetic power to attract people and things closer to the loving and yearning heart of God and True Parents.
-Rafael E. Ablong
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