Morning Devotion Reflection
Longing for God
June 14, 2020
By Rafael E. Ablong
Dear Dr. Yong,
This is a product of your hard work and Jeongseong for all of us. I am just writing it down so it becomes a resource for everyone who needs it.
Thank you so much for encouraging me to put everything I have written in a book so other people can learn from it and they can share it easily with others. I will start with the blog and ebook, and move up to realize your idea.
I will carry it out step by step with you in my heart. You are my inspiration behind all these. Just as Rev. Yo Han Lee encouraged and saved me many years ago. I will do the same for you. The only way for me to become the person God wants me to be is to follow someone like you who is a true representative of True Parents, as the line of Abels above me. My direct Abel, Bro. Jun Jumawan talked to me about it, and he supports this idea. I poured my heart into my reflection because you poured your heart with overwhelming power to explain God’s Longing Heart in your morning devotion. These are the highlights of the message today.
The topic today is “Longing for God”. In this message, Dr. Yong fully described the pulling magnetic power of a Longing Heart. It is a heart that magnetizes, saves, and multiplies its power the moment it is shared.
1. We cannot cut our relationship with God no matter what we do. God is the one who suffered for so many thousands of years. He has been a tormented God for so many thousands of years. If a person who will go crazy for the sake of Heaven then Heaven will not leave that person.
2. The external appearance of God does not speak of his true internal situation. Nobody can divide or change the relationship between God and His children. Nobody can cut that relationship between God and His children. What is the most important content between parents and children? It is love. How can we strengthen this love relationship? The main content is love and heart.
3. What is the essence of the heart? It is the longing heart. That’s why the longing heart is very important. Longing heart has a magnetic “pulling” power. When we long for the cosmos, then we can pull the cosmos. As men and women, we have love’s magnetic power for each of us. This is the heart that cannot separate. It always pulls beings together. This is the automatic magnetic power of a longing heart. The parents longing heart is always pulling children. Husbands pull wives. Parents pull children and vice-versa. Even the grandchildren have this enormous power of longing heart. Men always long for women. Women long for men. Longing heart has that kind of pulling power. This is the kind of power that does not have to be learned.
4. If Heavenly Parents have no longing heart for humankind. There will never be a chance or way to save God’s children. A person with a longing heart can always get heavenly inspiration. A longing heart transcends the boundaries of time and space. This heart provides a supernatural electric connection between individuals. This kind of automatic communication is similar to the experiences spiritual beings have in the spirit world. When one person thinks or longs for another person, this person will quickly appear.
5. The position of the group chairman is nothing compared to having a relationship between the Heavenly Parent and the child. How to build up this relationship without a longing heart? If we don’t feel a longing heart from someone then we should initiate it. We have to long for Heavenly Parents and True Parents. This kind of heart makes everything true, beautiful, and good.
6.If you have a longing heart for your object partner. Your object partner will appear because of love’s magnetic power. Longing heart does not care about position, distance, wealth, academic, profession, or social position. If True Father climbs Mt. Everest, many people will follow him. Why? It is because they long to see and be with our True Father. This heart pushes them naturally to True Father. Longing heart can restore Cain. If you have a longing heart for your witnessing guest, that person will come.
7. The magnetic power of a longing heart will always put people back together. Perfect plus can create a perfect minus. If you have such a longing heart, the longer you don’t see each other the power of natural attraction becomes more powerful. Longing heart multiplies beyond time and space.
8. Heavenly Parent has a longing heart for every one of us the most. When we want to see God, when we strongly feel the want to see God, True Parents will appear. Why? Because they are the true substantial body of God. The invisible God becomes visible in True Parents. This is the reason why True Parents immediately feels God’s sorrow. This very close relationship with God makes him feel like God.
9. How can we reach this level of longing heart? True Father worries about our senior blessed couples. They have become like businessmen or merchants. The give and take with you based on the benefit or what they can get from the relationship. If I say it, I can get something out of it. This is why Father is really worried. We became like merchants to each other.
10. God wants to feel your heart as his child, not as a person who looks at God because He is the almighty God. Parents' hearts toward children make them want to know what is happening to you. They immediately want to take care of you and express their love to you that way. When you have a longing heart for your guest then your guest will always want to come back.
11. This instinct to go back to our original hometown comes from a longing heart. When we don’t have a longing heart, we will become like businessmen. This kind of calculating character is like the evil personality of Judas. If we don’t have a longing heart in our minds, we are hypocrites. The real heart that cares to love and serves comes from the essence of a longing heart. With this great potential, you can easily connect to God and True Parents.
12. The enormous power of a longing heart can make diseases disappear. Heaven can cure cancer. Who cures your diseases? It is your longing heart that can heal your pain. It is the same heart that makes you find your home, your friend, or any historical or physical person you want to see. People will come naturally to the center if you have a longing heart for your guests.
15. A lecturer who conveys God’s heart with tears will easily captivate the heart of people. If your lecture comes from the heart and JeongSeong, your guests' senses will experience it. The person with a longing heart will always be inspired to do things from the heart. This kind of person who can restore one Cain can restore one nation. God’s experience with this one person will be happier and significant than restoring one nation. If you get one nation like getting a person with a happy and longing heart then God will be truly happy and inspired.
16. Have you restored a Cain like crazy? It is very impossible to restore one Cain if you don’t have a longing heart to console the heart of God. If you have this kind of longing heart, everything will fall into its rightful place easily. If we have this kind of heart, we will easily find people.
17. How do we become successful HTMs? It is only through the longing heart. If you do the HTM mission like crazy. You will succeed. Heavenly Father is already giving you so many things. You need to have a longing heart to use these things in the right way. Otherwise, heavenly fortune will disappear. If you have such a longing heart and your body follows your mind, everything will just follow. This is how to be a successful HTM.
It is our mind and heart first. It is not money and material first. Thus, we need to prepare our oil “longing heart” first. Why do we think of money or material first when we receive a mission like HTM? Money and material things are not subject. Heart, mind, and body are more important.
18. True Father yearned for people just as much as he yearned for God. Even if his eyes went red, he kept on crying for this longing for God. Because of Father’s longing heart, we are all here. Those who are not witnessing can never know the heart of God. You have to show your result. If you don’t love your Cain, you cannot prove your heart for God. Your love for Cain should be as much as your love for God. So, with this spirit, we need to go to our mission areas and fulfill the Will of God.
Thank you so much, Dr. Yong, for your deep, strong, and wonderful message. Just as it is God’s priority to save His children. It should be our top priority to witness all the people back to Him. We can be His instruments of love because we were all brought here by His longing Heart. It is the longing heart that magnetizes God’s lost children, saves His people, and multiples the blessing the moment we share it with them. Thank you very much, Dr. Yong!
--Rafael E. Ablong
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