Friday, June 19, 2020

Jun Jumawan’s Reflection - June 20, 2020

MD Reflection
June 20, 2020
By: Jun Jumawan

Good morning our beloved Heavenly Parents, our True Parents of Heaven and Earth and Humankind and to our very passionate and very hard working  for sincere Jeong Seong, our beloved Appa, Dr. Yong!

I am very grateful today, I could join the first day of the 3rd stage of 40 Day Asia Pacific Heart Network Morning Devotion. I also have a strong belief that after the end of the 3rd stage of this 40 day of heart revolution and resurrection thru MD condition, Covid-19 pandemic will be solve and all kinds of family, society and National problems can be solved. We just have to always turn on the fire of the Morning Devotion and always welcome every truth and words to wash our souls.

I am also grateful to be reminded once again today about the word”Chak Sarang” or “One sided love”. It doesn’t matter wether my object or subject partner loves me or not, recognize me or not, I just have to continue to put my earnest sincere dedication of jeong Seong and sincerely giving my un-conditional love.

Today’s morning devotion is about “How Much Do I Love You (True Parents and God) in a Single Moment” The question is,How serious I am regarding God’s Will? How much do I offer honestly my earnest and sincere Jeong Seong for my mission area and to my tribal mission area. Because of my lack of honest heart and desire in putting Jeong  Seong condition, that’s why I cannot see good results and cannot receive the support from the spiritual world.

If we can invest 100% degree of absolute Jeong Seong condition, we can also expect 100 % good results. When God look at us doing earnest sincere Jeong Seong for our Cain and for people, God cannot ignore Himself to help us and poured out all of His blessings  unto us.

How much are we serious about God’s Will? We are fake central blessed family/families if we cannot wake up in the morning to a offer our sincere devotion and heart of prayer with tears. If we want to put so much in Jeong Seong, Spiritual World will be mobilized. God doesn’t give up in any situation, that’s why we don’t have no room to make excuses and complains. The quality of our Jeong Seong is very important. In one moment, how much do we offer sincerity in putting our Jeong Seong/our longing heart.

We can measure the degree level of our heart, our personality base on how much we desire to save someone. How much do we think of peoples salvation. How much do we have sincere affection to save someone’s soul. If I don’t have this level of heart, then even if I have the name of being alive, I am dead. How much do I feel and know God’s urgency to save people this time.

Covid-19 pandemic is a shortcut of settlement to welcome the new era of a new world of Heavenly Parent Holy Community. During this period, together with our family; God purified us, educate us and resurrected us through His words. We cannot go anywhere except to just focus and develop on our vertical connection.

This time, we have to ask ourselves, how much do I love God, True Parents in every moment, not just in a single moment, How much do I know their desire and how much do I feel their heart of urgency to save people. True Parents cannot afford theme-selves to be spaced out even one single moment. This is our True Parents standard. Even if we cannot reach this standard but at least we know it and start to practice it in our daily life.

Eug Mansei to God and True Parents!!!Aju!.. 

Eternally grateful to you Dr. Yong always!..


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