Morning Devotion Reflection
Title: Live With the Heart of Caring and Worry for God
July 25, 2020
by Rafael E. Ablong
This great opportunity to learn from Dr. Yong's heavenly devotion is going to end soon but not our inspirations and commitment to keep learning and doing for the Will of God. The devotional conditions will become part of the great Asia Pacific history and its message will remain in the archives of our emotional and heavenly experience.
I can no longer count the number of times I cried, and tried to write even if my tears are blocking my vision and my emotion is giving me a hard time to breath. Sometimes, the words are just so deep and so touching that before I start writing my understanding about it, the trauma of the past and God's presence in my life make me shed a waterfall of tears. Only God knows how these devotion messages are cleaning my heart, forgiving the saddest parts of my past, (especially the "accidental" killings on my father's side and mother's side) and thanking God for the life he has given me to endure extreme poverty and enjoy God's blessings. I am so grateful indeed of God's unconditional guidance, protection, and presence in my life, especially for my blessed family.
I have asked myself the providential meaning of Dr. Yong's presence in Thailand during this worldwide pandemic, and why has God inspired him to do these morning devotion conditions in Thailand? In religious numerology, 7 is the number of God. 77 means Christ. "In certain numerological systems based on the English alphabet, 77 is associated with Jesus Christ. CHRIST is C = 3, H = 8, R = 18, I = 9, S = 19, T = 20, which added together equal 77.” The number 7 in the Bible also is a number of giving and spirituality (inner wisdom, mysticism, intuition, and inner strength).

Everything is within Dr. Yong's capability to educate all brothers and sisters in the Asia Pacific region through Heavenly Parent's technology power in Thailand. The timing is right. Everyone tries to stay at home most of the time, and most people avoid getting involved in parties and social gatherings. Everyone is pushed to reflect on what's life going to be in the months and years following the quarantine period in different countries. The time for the total mobilization of Thailand is here.
I hope that all the 77 Japanese supporters (sisters) will realize how important it is to respond to God's call. Heaven essentially directs times like these. While it is a pandemic time, it is also a "holy angelic" time for the world so everyone can change for the better, starting with God's word. God's word is the word of life and heart, "the fountain and motivator of love and the spring of life." We can be physically distant but spiritually close to God at this time. The opportunity is here, and the time has come.
The Bible said, "Where there is no vision, people perish! (Prov. 29:18)
Here vision means God's vision. His vision is the total Salvation of humankind. Not just for one person or tribe. He wants to save all the people in the world and on earth. Where there is no God's vision of total Salvation, all will perish. If there is no concept or vision of total Salvation, everyone will die. Our tribes, religions, politics, and everything will perish. That is why any individual, family, tribe, nation, people or religion will decline and die if they lose God's total vision.
When all religions focus only on the salvation of their believers, their faith will decrease and perish. People, groups, and organizations that do not have God's vision will decline and diminish. To stimulate our original mind, we need to show God's vision very clearly. God's vision should become my dream and my vision. How can we kill our desire? How can we eliminate our fallen natures? What is our original self? We need to show clearly God's vision for us and all humanity. We should show to our True Father that we are becoming mature and responsible through this experience and restoration process.

When we are saving someone from danger, death, or injury, We need to make sure that we are going through the right steps. To restore God's homeland, we need to have a clear vision of how to fulfill the salvation of others. We should live centering on God's purpose and heart. All of us originally chose to be God's filial children. From this position of filial sons and daughters, we can go forward to restore God's homeland.
We want to live where there is God's love. Salvation is not just for individuals, families, nations, and humankind. We need to be a representative of the countries and the world. God called me and you individually. For what purpose? It is for the liberation of all humanity. Why God chose me to be a leader or a lecturer.? It is because He wants me to accomplish His vision through this way of supporting him.
We have to be a patriot in the nation. We need to be the sons and daughters of God and True Parents. We need to liberate our entire family, tribe, nation, and world. No one should be left behind. It is the best way to serve and inspire God and True Parents. When there is no God and no vision of total salvation, people perish. Why do our family and movement decline? It is because of a lack of vision and commitment to accomplish the vision.
So what does living for others mean? We have to be in absolute resonance with God's heart in totality total to avoid injury to self and others. So God's vision must be my vision. God and I must work together to accomplish our vision of total salvation. If we do not have total salvation in our vision, heavenly fortune will leave our family, society, and nation. So how do we invite the holy spirit? We need to be in absolute alignment with God and True Parent's vision. This is the secret.
When we are united with God's vision, God becomes our sponsor. He cannot help but come to our side to support us to accomplish the vision together . This is like the unity of all the body parts moving together as one unit following the mind as propounded by Jesus in the Bible. All the different parts of the body work together to accomplish the direction of the mind. Thus, we should be united with the common vision of God and True Parents.
That is why day and night do not matter. God always thinks of total salvation. Just as God is crazy day night to accomplish His Vision, we should also be crazy to accomplish His Will. When we work in total unison with God and His vision, there will be no difference. Even if we look physically different, everything will be alright if we have the same vision.
The topic of the morning message today is "Live With the Heart of Caring and Worry for God."
How much do we love the movement? Filial children always wait for their parents even before they die. They do not worry about their selfish minds. What they worry about is their filial responsibility to parents. Filial and loyal children want to be responsible. No matter what, I want to liberate my True Parents. We have to have this kind of filial piety. We always worry about our parents. We always feel sorry for our blessed family, and we work hard to accomplish responsibilities.
No matter what, I will protect my blessed family eternally. No matter what, I will raise our blessed family eternally. When we worry about God, we gain a lot of power. This power comes from the original heart relationship with God. This is why True Father never gets tired. When we think that our job is to unite with God and realize His dreams, we can have enormous strength for humankind's total salvation and continue to love humanity.
True Father's Secret Source of Power
That is why the True Father always thinks and works for God and Humankind. When we think about God's sorrows. When we are united with God's vision of total salvation, we feel an incredible amount of power to solve problems and find its right solutions. This is True Father's secret. The more he suffers to solve God's sorrow, the more he pays indemnity for others, the more power he will have because God is with him and in him. The ability to love and unite is multiplied many times this way.
When we think of our Heavenly Parents and True Parents' pain and suffering, as real sons and daughters, our pain and suffering disappear. Then, we gain tremendous power to persist and overcome sufferings and difficulties, as exemplified by our True Father. Jesus showed this kind of powerful spirit to us when he was crucified. He did not think of himself but Heavenly Father and the innocent yet evil people representing all mankind. Jesus conquered death and gained victory over Satan's living iniquities by enduring the physical pain of the crucifixion.
Public Worries, Better than Selfish Ones
That is why whenever we think about our parents, we get a lot of resolutions to do. How much do we worry about the unification movement? How much do we worry about our nation? Who is the filial son and daughter? It is the person who always worries about his parents. Who is the patriot? It is the person who always thinks of his nation. A person who cries and cries for the nation is a patriot. A saint is a person who always worries, prays, and does something good for the world.
A son or daughter of Heavenly Parents is a person who always thinks, prays, and worries for His Heavenly Parents. Otherwise, if you don't worry about anything as sons or daughters, you will just be an onlooker, not the owner or a child If we always worry about ourselves, we get more anxious and worry. These worries will soon become cancer. Worrying for a greater or higher purpose always gives you heavenly power. Why? Because of this public worry, we become energized, and we feel much power and sense of ownership. This is the essence of today's message and the 120 morning devotion.
Resolve Worries and Gain Energy
A real person is undoubtedly the one with the heart that cares and thinks what to do for Heaven. Everything will be resolved when we live for Heaven. When we are genuinely concerned about how to realize Heaven's Will for the total liberation of God's sorrowful heart and humankind's suffering situation, God and the spirit world automatically become actively involved in settlement of our concerns.
If we just worry about what to eat, what to drink, what to wear, how to send our children to school, and how to survive the different situations and challenges in life. God and the spirit world cannot help much. Our heartistic connection to Heaven's Heart, Will, Purpose and Direction of Providence matters most for the automatic involvement of God and the spirit world. Why? Because they are motivated by true love and heartistic connection. Just saying the word love, will not mean anything unless it is accompanied by heartistic emotion and corresponding action.
We can overcome our limitations as human beings after the fall if we could just follow the example of Jesus and True Parents. We should focus on God's worries instead of our fears. We need to carry on God's concerns, bear His cross, and go the extra mile to comfort His sorrows to overcome our predispositions to these maladies and limitations brought by the fall.
A person with a greater connection to Heaven through his heart and higher internal motivation has the highest emotional intelligence. Emotionally intelligent people are more successful than those who are intellectually intelligent. This is why research "shows that people with strong emotional intelligence are more likely to succeed than those with high IQs or relevant experience."
We need to think of this nation as the representative of all the nations in the world. When we meet people, we need to think they are the representative of all humankind. When parents pour out their minds and heart to their children, but they still have power. Why? Because giving provides you with greater energy than receiving. Giving starts the symbiotic relationship. Giving initiates the reciprocal actions of give and take relationship between two beings.
God worries for each one of the 7.7 billion people in the world. God worries also for those who have gone to the spirit world. God always worries about all of us having Sanbong or Chaksarang experience. He worries about each one of us. This is why we need to worry about people like God does. We need to have such kind of experience of God. If we really want to resemble Him, we need to experience His heart and concerns.
When we think about God's vision of total Salvation for His children. We need to have a strong determination to accomplish the slogans of our church in this seven year course until 2027. We have 77 provinces in Thailand. 77 provinces represent the 7-year course during the 2nd 7 year course. We should not miss any province in Thailand. We have three great slogans to follow:
1.Total Salvation - nobody should be missing. All provinces and cities should be saved. Total unity with HP, TPs and the Good Spirit World. We should have personal touching relationships with the people.
2.Total Mobilization - Everybody should be involved—total participation - including those who are conceiving babies. Everyone should participate in this seven-year course.
3. Total Investment - This time will never come back. This chance comes only once in eternity, so we should do our best.
Thank you, Dr. Yong, for all these timely and significant inspirations from Heaven. Without your morning devotions in Thailand, we would not be getting this morning devotions unprecedented in the history of the movement. You are the only one who did these and the only one who received these inspirations from Heaven. Please continue to guide and inspire us with your words of heavenly love, divine wisdom, holy emotion and blissful action.
Thank you so much again.
-Rafael Ablong
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