Morning Devotion Reflection
Title: We are the People Who Create History
July 26, 2020 by Rafael E. Ablong
In today's message, Dr. Yong, clearly laid out the things we need to do and should do to accomplish our portion of responsibility as God's children. All these things are anchored on our parent-child relationship with Heavenly Parent and True Parents. To become effective and productive in the providence as filial sons and daughters of God, we need to understand and feel the Heart of God's pain and suffering. We need to have a revolution of heart, personality, and character with God's words. We need to revolutionize our whole being to be able to fulfill our mission and responsibility of achieving total salvation for the rest of humanity. Total salvation with total investment, passion, and a challenging spirit to move forward and upward step by step for the greater glory of God and True Parents. These are the highlights of the message today.
To become the living proof of God and True Parents work in history. We should establish a strong and unbreakable, heartistic relationship with them without a shadow. We are the creators of new history. We live in a completely new Era of Chun Il Guk. The Era of Chun Il Guk means we have completely paid the indemnity. It is like the era before the coming of Heaven. The eras before the coming of heaven and the era after the coming of heaven are completely different.
Before the coming of heaven, we need to pay indemnity. After the coming of heaven, there is no need to pay indemnity. Indemnity means the heavenly side needs to pay back otherwise we cannot have sovereignty. True Parents came to the earth as the Messiah and as the Lord of the Second Advent. True Father emphasized that during the beginning years of his mission. There is a need to pay indemnity to restore this world,
We are not in the new testament era, not in the era of the completed testament age. Already, we are marching into the era of Chun Il Guk. A lot of miracles are happening every day. We need to become like Abraham. We are the forefathers of the new history and the history centering on the era of Chun Il Guk.
How can one person pay all the indemnity of humanity in his entire life? True Father paid all indemnity for us. Without paying the indemnity, we cannot see the era of Chun Il Guk. Father proclaimed the era of Chun Il Guk, and we experienced a lot of results already but we cannot stop until the total salvation of humankind is accomplished. True Mother placed her goal that at least one-third of the population of the world should receive the blessing. We need to pay indemnity for the individual level, family level, tribal level up to the world level. We can not stay at one level; we need to go up higher, centering on our tribe. All families will have a tribal kingdom of heaven in the family.
Who will be the eternal ancestors of the new history? It is not Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, or Jesus. It is not the other central figures in biblical history. We are the ones who will recreate history. We will be the forefathers and eternal ancestors of the new history. So what should we do? We need to build the kIngdom of Heaven on different levels. God and True Parents have already started building the kingdom of Heaven. We need to conduct the social or tribal Kingdom, successfully. We need to follow Their example.
We need to achieve our next goal, which is the substantial Kingdom of God on Earth and in Heaven. We only need to focus on three nations, and then automatically, we can restore the other nations of the world. Based on this model, we need to restore three provinces among the 77 provinces of Thailand. Then, automatically this nation will become a nation of Chun Il Guk. We need to have a healthy, constructive competition to hasten the restoration of Thailand's provinces starting with three provinces. This will make us the creators of the new history.
True Mother gave us the three visions to guide our way to restore this nation of Thailand. By restoring at least one third of the nations of the world. We are the one who makes the Chun Il Guk. We can change this nation centering on the True Parents'. We are the new innovators, creators, and guarantors of the new history. So we should be responsible for it.
Satan knows what we are doing to accomplish the goal of history centering on True Mother. So as we intensify our innovation, collaboration, and creation of the new world, Satan also tries to intensify his operations to distract us from the real goal. Satan breaks our focus and attention through the desires of our body: rest, food, clothing, shelter, and sex. The latter is the most rabid of the temptation instruments. Satan lures us by providing the possibilities of free sex through different media. Satan always comes to us to offer alcohol, drugs, sex, and money.
Satan always tries to put us down by encouraging us to have free sex. He urges us to stay away from the mainstream of the providence by tempting us through free sex. Satan always promotes free sex. He creates the sexual culture through dancing , singing and other social activities. We have to kick out Satanic culture. We have to get out of the Satanic world. We need to kick Satan to go away. We need to have a revolution of God's words. Next is we need to have a revolution of our personality.
We need to restore humanism. We need it to change to true humanism. In true humanism, our character comes from God. That is why we need to revolutionize our character. Finally, we need to have a revolution of the Heart. There is only one way. We need to experience God's sorrowful Heart. We cannot change our hearts by ourselves. We need to connect it to the Heart of Heaven. We need to have morning devotion every day.
To enter the world of God's Heart, we need to purify our hearts. No more Satan's Heart. Who wants Satan's Heart? His heart is icy, no tears, and no love. How can we make Shimjung culture? The most important thing is to have God's personality. Sages lacked a point. They did not enter the realm of God's Heart.
The most important thing is "Heart Revolution." If we have the revolution of Heart, all the other revolutions of personality and character are accomplished. Why? It is because the Heart is the center of personality and character. Anyone who experiences the sorrowful Heart of God can enter the world of God's Heart. Everyone's wish should be the world of God's Heart. We need to taste God's love, God's sorrowful Heart, and lastly, we need to practice God's Heart-centered relationships.
This is the final stage. Anyone who experiences the sorrowful Heart of God can firmly say, Satan, I have graduated from chapter two problems. I have completely graduated from chapter two problems and from the fallen natures of the fall. Anyone who experiences the Heart of God can enter God's direct dominion of love. But to enter God's direct dominion. You need to understand, feel, and taste God's Heart.
The best way to experience God's sorrowful Heart is to be God's filial sons and daughters. To enter the world of God's Heart, the key word is Hyo Jeong. What is the most important part of Hyo Jeong? It is a longing heart. How much do you miss your father, mother, or children? If there is no longing heart. You are fake. The essence of the Heart is a longing heart. The essence of filial piety is a longing heart.
One of the most important things to have as a leader is to have God's Vision. Total salvation is God's vision. If we do not have vision, we cannot succeed, and all the things we do or believe in will decline and die at the end. However, if we have the vision, everything just falls into place. Father said that if we have vision and conviction, miracles happen.
The second important thing a leader should have is to have passion and enthusiasm to accomplish the vision. The third point a leader should have is challenge. It is the will to improve or advance one's achievements every time, step by step. True Father has a vision, passion, and challenging spirit. Leaders of the movement need to have these qualities to be victorious wherever they will go. Once they set up the goal, they just go forward to accomplish greater things step by step.
As the future forefathers, creators and innovators of the new history, we cannot stop along the way without realizing the vision of Heavenly Parents and True Parents. That is why we need to have a revolution of Heart, personality, and character based on God’s words. We can only be victorious if we have God's vision of total liberation, passion, enthusiasm, and challenging spirit to accomplish greater things each time, step by step. We should not be satisfied at each level. We should keep on moving forward like True Parents.
Thank you so much, Dr. Yong, for this powerful inspiration. We are learning so much from you. Now, we have God's vision, we have the passion, and we are willing to take the challenge already. We pray for your good health, protection, and success as you pursue your passion for the total salvation of Asia-Pacific and the world starting with Thailand, with brothers and sisters there. We will pray for your success as we do our best to support you, the best way we can.
Thank you so much again.
--Rafael E. Ablong
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