Morning Devotion Reflection
Loving People Is One Way of Overcoming Trials
July 4, 2020 by Rafael Ablong
Today, Dr. Yong's topic, "Loving People Is One Way of Overcoming Trials" had me shed tears of thankfulness and gratitude to Heavenly Parents. It made me remember many trials and difficulties in the past that testified to God's presence, personal relationship, and active efforts in my life. God is so alive and sensitive. It is just like He is just beside me. Although my physical father had some mental (stress) and spiritual issues, he was always conscious of what he was doing. Although my parents would fight in front of us, we still had time to gather, pray, and be grateful for God's blessings in our lives, together. No matter how discreet they were. Looking back to the days when I passed an examination in hunger because I had no money to buy food, and through those hard times when a broken bottle at the fence or unused cans by the sidewalks are an assurance of cash and food at the end of the day. Everything I have now: my blessing, my family, and enjoyable work come from Heavenly Parents. I can only bow down in gratitude and shed tears of appreciation to God and True Parents for Their Unconditional love and guidance. I just feel so sorry that I have not been so useful to Them. God knows that I am trying my best under the present circumstances to balance my family and mission. These are the highlights of Dr. Yong's message today.
How To Overcome Trials
There are so many kinds of trials and temptations in our life of faith: relationship problems, money, and others among them. Father's advice is first to embrace our inner faith. We need to have a desperate heart to do God's Will. We have to capture God's, sorrowful heart.
The attitude of God's sons and daughters is to always focus on their parents. They always focus on their parents. As human beings, our eternal subject partner is God. We are God's eternal objects. As long as we have God's real heart, we can overcome trials and difficulties. Whenever Father thinks about God's sorrowful heart, his energy comes back.
Have a Heart of Appreciation and Gratitude
We need to have a heart of gratitude. We need to appreciate it every day. To have a grateful heart, we need to start from zero point. We should think that God gave everything to all of us for free. The air is free. If someone cooks for you, you should appreciate the person. You have to be grateful for your wife. You have to think about your mother and think about your parents every day. How much sacrifice they have done for you.
If you have children, you have to think about them and God. The feeling we derive from this kind of relationship and happiness is very different from the ordinary course of life without God. We need to have a grateful heart, and we have to appreciate all things that come to us each day.
We need to remind ourselves of God's wish. Internally we have to have a heart of gratitude. People who are always grateful and appreciate everything that comes to their life every day live longer and happier.
The Original Mind will help You what to do when you are in a difficult situation. God Will help you. Do not remain in the s kind of struggling attitude. You have to solve your problems within three hours, not in three days or three months. If you cannot solve your problems in three years, you will make it bigger.
Do not solve problems by yourself. You need to go to your heartistic Abel, respect his guidance, and receive his advice. We need to go to someone we respect. Each of us should have a heartistic Abel. You become dangerous if you decide everything by yourself. You have to have at least three heartistic Abels. As long as you have a Heartistic Abel, your life of faith will be alright. If you do not have a heartistic Abel, you become very dangerous. Abel is your substantial God.
The foundation of faith is the relationship between God and myself. The foundation of substance is the relationship between Abel and myself. If you do not have an Abel, it becomes dangerous. That is why you need to build your relationship with brothers and sisters. The luckiest guy is the person who has an Abel. You have to develop your heartistic relationship with your Abel. Then I can raise your brothers and sisters. You have to practice substantially. You have to have a heartistic relationship. You need to have this kind of feeling with your Abel. You have to practice your vertical faith horizontally because you are substantial God to others. People see you as the body of God. That is why I cherish my relationship with Rev. Yo Han Lee very much. We have to develop such a heartistic, and inseparable relationship. Without the other person, you will die.
Why can't you raise your brother and sisters? It is because you do not have a heartistic relationship with your Abel. You can love people based on your experience with your Abel. If you have heartistic Abel, you can respect anyone and accomplish anything. It is Abel who gives you opportunities to grow and a strong reason to exist and relate with other people.
Knowing Your Heartistic Abel
If you don't have an Abel, nobody will raise you up, guide you, and help you accomplish many things for God. If we don't experience a relationship with an ideal Abel. We need some training to love and care for my baby and husband. You should know how to relate with Abel. You need to capture his heart so he can build his trust and relationship. In order to know that person, you have to check. No one will raise you up. No one will protect you. How can you raise your children? In this way, you will have idea how to raise your hidden. Everything is connected.

Find More Difficulties To Become Strong and Make Satan Run Away
You have to go to the path of the cross, to gain victory. We all need to go to the frontline to have this kind of experience. How can I protect myself before any trial comes? There is a delay in response if you only act after the problematic situation comes. Prevention is better than cure. The only way is to love people. If you have ten members, you need to love them one by one. You need to have a parental heart when you deal with them. As a leader, if you don't have a personal heart touching experience for everyone, you will lose members. You have to commit to love each one of them equally from the heart. I learned from Heavenly Parents and True Parents. God is the God of union. He approaches each one of us personally in a particular way. Why is God Almighty? God comes to each of us in a personal and unique style. Heavenly Parents uniquely come to each of us. The best way to raise our members is through a personal heart touching experience.
I realized this throughout the 64 years of my life experience and more than 45 years of missionary experience. The best way to take care of each person is a personal touching experience. Parents cannot give up any child. You need to have more love, concern, personal care, and responsibility.
If someone asks me, what is the secret of your leadership? My answer would be, I want to have a personal touching experience with each one of you. Because of my position as group chairman, I can not do that. I focus on leaders. Sunlight is for everyone, for everything. The sun does not choose who gets the sunlight. So if we repent, He comes to us and specially reassures us. Whatever happens, God never leaves us. We have to recognize each one. We should not lose one person. By taking are of each member in a special way. So every child in the family gets the recognition of you are the best. God wants to give everything to each of us. Even if we forget God, God never forgets us.

Volunteer To Go the Path of the Cross
The disciples of Jesus did not take care of Jesus. But Jesus takes care of each one of them. When you feel difficulty. You have to find a more difficult place.
I learned from Father a special lesson. Father asked, "What did Jesus prepare during his three years of public ministry?. For his three years of public life, Jesus focused on raising three disciples, then 12, then 120. What is the meaning of the twelve disciples? They are the representatives of all humankind. They are the ones who represent humankind and ancestors. They are the present, past, and future of history. That's why Jesus focused on 12 disciples.

As we know, all of Jesus' disciples left him on his way to the cross. Even his three disciples Peter, James, and John, did not understand Jesus's heart. Jesus lost his foundation during his three years of public ministry. That is why Satan came to tempt Jesus to give up everything, including Jesus himself.
The Starting Point of the Kingdom of Heaven
What is the kingdom of Heaven? It begins from the unity of mind and body-centered on God's heart. If three people who are united focused on a heartistic relationship come together. This is the kingdom of Heaven. If three people welcome you, heartistically. God's kingdom of Heaven starts with the three people in heartistic relationship. So we have to create the environment for the kingdom of Heaven in our center. Then, Satan cannot attack you or any member. Even if one is attacked, nobody will leave. You have to ask yourself how many members have a united heartistic relationship with you in the center?
This is a very important point about leadership: two points create a connection, three points generate an area of security and protection. With three points like a tripod, you can stand on anything. The number three is the number of settlements. So if Jesus three disciplines were united with him. He would never have to go to the cross. That is why his prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane was a very heartistic prayer. If Peter, James, and John united with him and did not sleep while Jesus was praying. Jesus would not have to do what he did. Jesus did not have to be crucified if his disciples protected him.
The Power of God's Words
Then why did Jesus die? Father said, Jesus had an urgent heart for his disciples, for Israel and the world but nobody responded, and everybody rejected him. So he used the power of miracles to get their attention and respect so he could educate them with his words. Although, he preached to them about God and the Kingdom of Heaven. People followed him not because of his sermons, but because of his miracles.

Jesus' disciples never understood God's heart, and Jesus did not teach them about God's heart because of their inadequate foundation to receive it. Based on this lesson from Jesus' life, the True Father taught us about God's Heart. He educated us how to liberate God's sorrowful heart. He needed to teach God's word to us, individually. He does not want to believe the people the obvious way. That is why we are the ones who want to liberate God's sorrowful heart. Why was Jesus crucified? It is because his three disciples did not unite with him. That is why Satan attacked him. If they were united, they would have saved Jesus from going to the cross.
Then why did Jesus die? It is because nobody understood the sorrowful heart of God. For if they have understood that. They would not have left Jesus. So as members we need to think about how we can introduce God's longing heart? How can we explain the heart of true parents?
Unity Starts From A Trinity
If you do not have a relationship with three people. You cannot have the Kingdom of Heaven. This inseparable and heartistic relationship is already the kingdom of Heaven. Within his trinity, in place, all members can survive. You can overcome any trials and hardships. Even if you are in Korea, Japan, China, Malaysia, you can survive. So if you use your common sense. So why is it difficult? Difficulties come from a relationship. If you make a heartistic relationship, you can quickly solve any chances of trials and hardships.

Apply this strategy to your HTMs, and you will find amazing results. You need to build up heartistic unity centering on three families. Build up the trinity. God's kingdom begins from there. So you build your trinity, expand to 12 , 36, 72, 124, 360 to 430. Trinity is a small kingdom of Heaven. You need to pray for each one of them. Look at each of them as representatives of the world. Build a relationship of longing heart for each of them. This starts from the concept for the trinity,
Trinity is the training ground for the heartistic community. Heaven starts in the unity of mind and body, unity of husband and wife and unity centering on the trinity.
Inherit God's Sorrowful Heart
What Is Jesus' sorrowful heart? Nobody understood his heart. Even his three disciples could not understand his heart. According to the bible, he oftentimes cried. It was a regretful time for Jesus. In our life of fatih, we need to really experience God's sorrowful heart. I need to understand True Parents' sorrowful heart. As sons and daughters, how are we united with True Mother's heart?. We need to teach God's sorrowful heart so our center becomes bright. How to inherit God's sorrowful heart is very important in our life of faith. How can I inherit Jesus's heart and the heart of all the central figures in history.
If you can achieve oneness—no need to worry about how to develop or multiply, if there is a united longing heart, we can easily accomplish anything. This kind of heartistic environment multiplies automatically. Witnessing occurs naturally. The lack of unity and longing heart is the main reason our life is stagnant; the center cannot increase and does not have the brightness of love and life. Three persons uniting together creates a unity for success. This is the starting point of the heavenly community, the beginning place of Heaven.
Longing Heart Multiplies Automatically
So the system is not the problem. Studying systems and approaches to solve problems will not matter at all. What matters is the socio-emotional stability and the heartistic union of the trinity or community. No matter what you learn from anywhere would be of no use at all. Systems need to be developed in such a way. Systems have to be the object. Heart is the subject. Where there is a longing heart, multiplication is automatic. If we lose this kind of longing heart between husband and wife. Our relationship will gradually fall apart. The key is to build such a longing heart. Everything comes into place when we have longing hearts for each other.

All the systems we have put in place, or we will put in place should be based on our heartisitic relationship with each other. It is effortless to correct and make systems more useful for our mission when we have a longing heart to support and love each other. Father's guidance is incredible. Father said, God does not want us to march alone. Marching alone will most likely fail us. We need to have a heartistic teamwork. The teamwork of the longing heart. We need to march cooperatively together. Unity without God will not accomplish anything. Unity is God. God is Unity. Where there is unity of mind and body, definitely God will come down. If there is unity between husband and wife, and If there is unity between Cain and Abel. Heavenly Father will come down. This is the power of unity.
This is the best opportunity to know and remember each other. So let us take this opportunity to make a personal touch with each other, create a united trinity, and make a heavenly community quickly happen if we do not build up a relationship with the Almighty God. Nothing will happen to God and me. That is why we need to work hard in our relationship with a longing heart for each other.
Thank you so much Dr. Yong. I cannot thank you enough for resurrecting my spirit every time i listen to you and repeat your words in my head and heart. It is hard to describe in words how much I am moved by your heavenly and missionary spirit. No matter how many waterfalls of tears I will shed for Heaven, if I do nothing from where I am, nothing ever happens at all. Right now, the spirit is willing, and our bodies are growing old. The reality is we are racing after time with a heart full of gladness and a life guided by Heaven. Yet, time does not stay still, and our opportunities and usefulness are slipping out into space each second. We need to remain meaningful and relevant to God's providence by putting whatever we have left into full and unified efforts to make substantial results and expand the Heavenly Kingdom.
It is true. God touches each one of us, especially and uniquely. Each time He feels me, tears flow like a waterfall in the pouring rain, and it is hard to talk. With just this mind and heart talking to Him, I feel that it will take time to heal the world and to recover its goodness for God and humankind. But just as God has never stopped working hard day and night. We will continue to finish the building of God's Kingdom, no matter what happens, no matter what it takes. Take care of your health, Dr. Yong. We love you very much!!
-Rafael e. Ablong
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