Morning Devotion Reflection
God's Heart is in Saving the World
July 19, 2020 by Rafael E. Ablong
Two Dreams in a Row
Two significant dreams happened in the early morning of Friday, July 17th, and Saturday, July 18th. Last Friday morning, I dreamed of True Mother in a crowd of people (church leaders and VIPs) looking at brothers and sisters' presentations. I was leading a group of performers. After the performances, True Mother got close to me and showed me a thumb up sign with a smile. She was in her sunglasses. This is the 2nd time I dreamed of True Mother very clearly. I dreamed of her and Heung Jin Nim in 1985 when I struggled during the reconstruction of the Antipolo 2 Training Center. At that time, they brought me to the spirit world to know the difficult situations of my ancestors.
Last Saturday morning, July 18th, at almost the same time as the day before, I dreamed of Dr. Yong. He appeared professionally older, wiser, and looking relaxed during the morning devotion. I was asked to read a part of Father's words in front of the leaders and members. However, as I was holding the written speech, I moved around to help brothers and sisters who were aligning the chairs where people would sit. I asked Dr. Yong if we could just finish aligning the chairs first before I read the speech. His response was, "don't worry about the written speech because they already heard it. Just align the chairs." His words powerfully struck my consciousness, and I woke up feeling that I have to reorganize my life to actualize his message and realize the mutual desire of our longing heart. I have to go beyond my limitations and go back to writing some reflections again because this is the only way to connect to him substantially and make my presence felt.
Dr. Yong must be longing to see his family, and all of us so much, too. But his movement and schedules are limited due to the social and territorial repercussions of Covid 19. At the same time, he has to attend to his regional responsibilities and make closer "touching relationships" with brothers and sisters in the region online. The longing heart that he has explained and established with Heavenly Parents and True Parents is at work with all of us, as well. So the least that I can do is to energize and inspire him by my active participation online as much as possible.
Longing Heart
I feel sad, concerned, and at the same time, happy that I have to dream two days in a row. I feel so glad, and a bit worried because the spirit world has to remind me of my relationship with True Mother and Dr. Yong to focus on what I have to do this summer. I wonder what's up with my life ahead, and I have to reflect on what I am doing or undergoing now, profoundly. Any change in my external life has to start internally. So the message of the dream is to respond to the longing heart of True Mother and Dr. Yong. To successfully solve various problems, challenges, and correctly respond to opportunities in life, we need to focus or reorganize ourselves according to our internal priorities, spiritually and physically, centering on Heavenly Parents longing heart and Their hopes for humanity and the world.
Dr. Yong's speeches are an expression of God's Longing and Sorrowful Heart for all of us. He has been guiding a lot of leaders and members through Dr. Yong. We have more "touching relationship" opportunities with our families while he has been in Thailand away from his family for some time now. His missionary life manifests determination and persistence, originality of heart, unity of purpose, and harmony with God's desire. To give beyond giving, share beyond sharing, to touch our mind and spirit to resurrect our life. The divinity of God and the heartistic humanity of Dr. Yong are expressed in his devotion messages.
Our Heavenly Parents want to have a touching relationship with us so we have to be of the same value and divinity as Them. Otherwise, true reciprocity of heart cannot happen.
The Message Today, July 19
Dr. Yong's message today is about "God's Heart is in Saving the World." In this message, he provided the heartistic and principled declaration to expand the Thailand movement to all its seventy-seven provinces. The same principle he has followed, based on the substantial model exemplified by True Father, in other countries in Asia especially in Korea, India, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and more. He explained how True Parents started a worldwide movement. These are the highlights of his message today.
True Father’s Strategy

This systematic and principled process is then replicated from external to internal, internal to more internal until people understand the coexist with the heart of God. Understanding and uniting with God's longing and sorrowful heart is the key to having a stable and undivided power to reverse the fallen iniquities of man and finally restore him to his original position.
Establishing the Holy Grounds
To start saving the world, we need to send our missionaries. So Father established holy grounds for each of the 120 nations in 1965 before sending the missionaries, his representatives, in 1975. After Father made the 120 national Holy Grounds, he sent the Unification missionaries to these 120 nations. Through these 120 national representatives, True Father began the movement in each of these nations before expanding to other countries. Establishing the holy grounds in 1965 is the foundation of faith and sending the 120 national representatives ten years later in 1975, is the foundation of substance.
Sending 120 Missionaries
Through the 120 nation representatives, he started restoring the people. When we think of national restoration, we need to think about what we need to do based on the model demonstrated by True Parents. There is a need to establish the holy grounds in each province of the country. And then, to fully execute a follow-up system after that. There is a need to send the representatives of the movement in each province after establishing the holy ground to start restoring the people. There was no clear concept about this when we started the national movement. So from now on, we need to follow True Father's methodology.
Raise Our Young Leaders

our centers and provinces are still weak. We need to expand from seven or eight to all the provinces.
When we do not follow our Father Moon's steps, we won't succeed at expanding the movement's foundations and restoration activities. This is the problem. We need to start from the external to the internal. We need to find and raise the VIPs, our John the Baptists. They can support and multiply the foundation in other provinces.
Educate Our VIPs
We need to educate our VIPs about their position and responsibilities. We need to send our pioneers and gradually go to other provinces. Also, we need to know the names of the blessed families in the areas and make them the pioneers of that place. Before they are sent as pioneers, we need to pray for that province. To decide which couple need to be responsible, we need to decide by lottery.
After establishing the responsible couples in the area, we can start raising young members by educating and training them. You need to send them to the provinces. That is why our VIP couples are important. They VIPs need to work together with the pioneers to increase the number of members in the different provinces. This is the model of building and expanding the foundation of the movement demonstrated by True Parents. True Father is our idol. We have to follow the idol course.
Multiply Goodness Through the VIPs
True Parents' hope is always how this nation can become God's nation? This should also be our hope. We need to utilize the VIPs. That is why God has chosen them. Let them multiply goodness and ideal families by using their external foundation. We need to find, educate, utilize, and multiply the VIPs from the government, NGOs, the academe, business, media, and others to promote True Parents' teachings and practices. We need to make our VIPs feel they are the core members: no longer the guests or VIPs. They need to multiply.
Dr. Yong wants to hear VIPs calling him to visit places to create the foundation or do follow-up activities to expand the movement. The responsibility of restoring this world rests on our shoulders. We are critical people. We know the Divine Principle and True Parents. Our job is to multiply. Okay? We need to have our blessed families accomplish this. It is a significant time in God's providence. This time never comes back ever again.
It there is a Will, there is Money
Money is secondary. If there is a Will, there is a Way. If there is a Will, there is money. Don't worry about money when you determine with a righteous will for the nation and the world. Somehow, the money will appear. God is our sponsor. Will does not just provide the way but also the resources we need to accomplish our ultimate goal. True Father never started with cash to achieve his mission. He started with the right faith and foundation, and money just flowed in.

Finding money before accomplishing a dream is the secular way. As long as we have the absolute faith for the restoration of the nation, God will show the way and give the right resources to support us to fulfill the mission. We need to find the VIPs.
Total Salvation
Many young people are asking Dr. Yong to become a pioneer in their area. God's wish is to liberate all of humankind. God's concept of salvation is not just for one person, family, society, or nation. It is total salvation. Nobody should be left in hell. He does not allow even one person to be left behind. God does not care about your religion or nationality. God is only concerned about our salvation as His Children.
For God So Loved the World, that He gave True Parents

Due to the CoronaVirus. It takes time to recover. We need to make a plan. We need to have a one-day seminar. Go to places where there is no foundation and mobilize for a day seminar to find the VIP or John the Baptists. We need to multiply the blessing. We should not miss any place or province, even if only a few people are attending.
Make a Plan
Worry about budgeting later. If there are a Will and a plan, God will provide the money. God is our sponsor, so we should not worry about budgeting first. If we have the right internal foundation following the True Parents mobilization and organization model, we can easily support the spirit world. They will come down and help us find the people who can promote our plan and realize it.
If we love our nation more than anyone else, then God will support us. The problem is the lack of vision, passion, and enthusiasm to do God's Will. Suppose God sees us and feels our passion, vision, and motivation. He will support us naturally. That is why the Bible says, where there is no vision, people will perish. If there is a will, there will be money.
Raise the Pioneers
Raising pioneers needs a good condition, a great vision, passion, enthusiasm, and planning. If you complete a good state of Jeong Seong and have a great vision, God can immediately support you. Money is the second matter. Mother proclaimed a 7-year course. She will be 85 years old. This is a great time in history. As long as we have a righteous way, the spirit world will help and support us.
Why God blessed America?

Be of Maximum Use
We need to make the maximum use of our bodies. Money is secondary. It will follow our plan if we have the vision, passion, and enthusiasm. Vision, will, passion, and enthusiasm make money. If we follow a righteous course, absolute faith, love, and obedience to the Will, then we can succeed if the young people of the nation work hard centered on God's Will at this time. This nation will receive a great blessing. You should love the world more than the nation, love other religions more than your own, love other families more than your own. Then God will bless you more.
The Messianic Concept is a Unificationist Concept
Our entire vision and passion to do it should encapsulate the world. This is a Messianic concept, a Unificationist concept. So our vision should have the world first before our nation, other families before our family. Any religion that cares only for its own will decline. It is hard to develop a religion that only focuses on themselves. Denominations are declining because they forget their mission. They should go beyond their own self-concepts and prosperity. If the family concentrates exclusively on itself, it will not achieve more than the family. We have to raise our children for the nation and the world. We have to think of world salvation.
Those who do not love the world cannot go to the Kingdom of Heaven. People in the world are my brothers and sisters. We have to treat them as our family members. Our vision is for the world, but we have to save our nation first then go out to the world.
Why do I respect Father and Mother Moon? It is because they want to save the entire people of the world. They do not want anyone left behind to go to hell. Everybody has to be saved. According to our Universal Principles of Peace, God is our parent. If religions and nations do not have this kind of concept, we cannot save the world.
True Mother’s Situation and Sincerity
True Mother said I could not sleep. I cannot rest. I am so serious. You look at me and my age and the 7-year course. After seven years, I will be 85 years old. No one knows when we go to the spirit world. We must make a heavenly unified world by 2027. She wants to restore one-third of the population of the world. We only have six years left. We have to make a plan to restore the remaining provinces. We have to go beyond the areas where we exist. We need to include everybody to receive the benefit of the blessing.
We have to mobilize our doctors' team. Why do you get a doctors' degree? It is for the sake of living for others. We have to truly love our family, province, nation, and the world. Our life is very short. Let us be serious.
Dr. Yong's pioneering, missionary, and heroic spirit always inspire us to dominate our bodies and properties and go beyond our limitations. Having a vision, passion, and enthusiasm to do God's Will is essential to having the resources to turn dreams into reality.
Thank you so much, Dr. Yong for showing us the way. We sincerely appreciate your heart for Heavenly Parents and True Parents, and we want to emulate your example. We will do our best to follow your exemplary leadership. Thank you so much again.
--Raffy Ablong

Thank you, Brother Jun, for reminding me. Thanks, Kuya Dante, for listening to me and sharing your dream as well.
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