Saturday, June 27, 2020

Morning Devotion: "The Attributes of a Longing Heart," June 27, 2020

Morning Devotion Reflection 
"The Attributes of a Longing Heart,"
June 27, 2020 by Rafael E. Ablong

I feel like I am living in the time of True Father when he started putting his revelations with Rev. Hyo Won Eu writing. In this age and time, Rev. Yong is genuinely used by True Parents to deepen our understanding of God's Heart and become with Him in His sorrow after the Fall. We, the listeners, are like Rev. Hyo Won Eu. We are writing the revelations of True Father. God knows that the only way for us to be saved, restored, and perfected is through this new normal ideology of God's longing heart.

Dr. Yong has been explaining the Longing Heart. In his message today, "The Attributes of a Longing Heart," he summarized his internal realizations and discovery from years of missionary work, pioneering spirit, and leadership. This revelation was given through Dr. Yong for a higher purpose and a deeper reason. We can inherit from the longing heart of God and True Parents. These are the main points, and they are most substantial so far.

Forget the prosperity of the world and go the path of Heaven. That is glorious and a great thing to do. When True Father was in Hungnam prison, he did not witness it with words. He witnessed without words, and the spirit world cooperated with him. The spirit world knew that bad things could happen if they did not work with Father.

Heavenly Parents and True Parents are parents with longing hearts. What is the Kingdom of Heaven? It is a world of Heart. What is the essence of Heart? It is the longing heart. If there is Heart and love, there is always a longing heart. That is why we need to have a certain degree of this kind of Heart. It is a heart that is thirsty and desperate to experience God's Heart and do His Will.

What is the best way to develop a longing heart? It is through Jeongseong. What is the purpose of Jeong Seong? It is to raise the longing heart. If we don't have Jeong Seong, we cannot grow a longing heart. We need to have a longing heart with desperation. We can realize our dreams and see people in our dreams if we have a longing Heart.

Have you experienced shedding tears because of a longing heart? Because of this longing heart, you cannot stop your tears from longing. If you do not have this kind of experience, you are not growing and loving tTrue Parents more than you should to become a true man and woman if we want to be a true man or woman who does not deal with fallen nature. We have this kind of longing Heart to be an ideal man and woman. We will have unity between mind and body.

What is the most crucial preparation before starting your family? It is the longing to start an ideal family with ideal parents and ideal children. If we dream of this longing heart of a perfect family, someday it will become a reality. Unseen things become visible. Impossible dreams become possible. This is God's hope for all of us. God knows everything. Yet we should establish this ideal connection of longing hearts, so the two hearts of God and ours will become one.

So many problems and challenges will come to you, but if you have a longing heart. You will quickly go through many obstacles. If we don't have a longing heart, reality becomes big and insurmountable. However, if we have a longing heart, reality becomes small, and dreams become real. We have to have a longing heart for an ideal family so that it will become a reality.

How much do you have a longing heart for an ideal nation? If we have this nation, Father wants to stay with us. But he could not do this because there is no perfect Chun Il Guk nation yet. Our most important preparation is a longing heart. If we understand God and True Parents' hearts. This will be the driving power for the realization of the ideal nation. God's wishes are our foundation to receive or build it.

If we want to see the ideal world where all the races come together, celebrate our relationships and with God. Then we need to calm down and look again. Together we can do something. How much do we long for the ideal kingdom? How much longing heart do we have for each other? Our family pledge number 5 tells us about doing our responsibilities centering on true love. Whenever we recite the family pledge, we should have a longing heart. A longing heart gives you the internal power to mobilize the spirit world. The longing heart provides an inherent attitude to make everyone come together without limitations. It goes beyond the boundaries of ideology, race or ethnicity, religious beliefs, passions, and persuasions. There is no fighting between people. This is what realizes one family under God, and one world under God. How much do we long for the ideal universe where there is no hell and no middle world?

These are the attributes of the longing heart. First, it has the magnetic power of attraction. It has the potential to pull two things together. It has the force to meet and unite with anyone you love. Longing heart comes with the power of attraction. It has the charismatic energy that attracts others' attention and love. It pulls the universe and anyone we love. So, at the end of human history, all humanity will become one together. Longing heart has a magical power of having two people meet to unite and stay together.

Second, a longing heart transcends time and space. It is the fertile ground for growing heavenly cooperation and heartistic intuition. It does not care about distance, history, time, and space. It provides a shortcut to the Kingdom of Heaven. If we have a longing heart to meet all the Biblical or historical figures, they will appear in front of you. Even if you have children somewhere, they will exist within your Heart. So that before they experience something dangerous or difficult, you will immediately know before they happen.

Thirdly, it unites beings together. It initiates the unity of mind and body, unity of husband and wife, parents and children, siblings, Cain and Abel, subject and object. It reinforces the unity and strength of all relationships. If I have a longing heart to become a perfect person, the holy spirit will come down, and she will tell you it is the longing heart. If we truly long to have an ideal spouse, then we will have a longing heart to do it. Through this longing heart, we can eliminate our arrogance, elevate our humility, resolve conflicts with our spouse, find the best solution to children's development concerns, and other challenges. With it, we can forget all our quarrels. It helps us compromise our pride and find the answers to everything we want to know and do for a higher purpose.

When we touch our spouse without a longing Heart, it feels like rubber. There is no human electricity. But if there is a longing heart, electrical charges immediately spark and stimulate a love response. With a longing heart, we get closer and closer physically. Without a longing heart, women won't open up. Our sexual problems and fallen nature result from the lack of a longing heart of the ideal world, God and True Parents. How do we unite mind and body, husband and wife, parents and children, God, True Parents, and human beings? It is through the longing heart.

Fourth. A longing heart makes you dream. Father said if you don't see me in your dreams. You are fake. If you have a longing heart for True Father, you will see him in your dreams and vision.

Fifth. Tears always accompany a longing heart. If you truly miss your loved one, tears will flow naturally. If you have a longing to see your spouse, you will see your spouse in your dream. If there is true love, there is a longing heart; you will have tears. If a longing heart accompanies your leadership, then no member will run away.

Sixth. It will connect to a meeting in person. You will have substantial Sangbong experience. Reunion and spiritual growth occur when you have a longing heart. The more you don't see someone, the more longing you develop, the more your hearts yearn to be reunited with your loved one. Sangbong experience happens when you have a longing heart.

Seventh. A longing heart multiplies itself. It multiplies your ability to make results happen. It increases the multiplicative potential of your results. It means your results will multiply. If you have witnessed a few people and your Heart touches them, they will naturally witness other people in the same way. In the end, you will just be waiting and educating people to have a longing heart of unity and peace, which will multiply and reach out to many people. You will not have results if you witness without a longing heart. So the most significant instrument of witnessing is a longing heart. If you have no longing heart, you can quickly multiply.

Eighth. It makes you experience the objects' Hearts. It makes you understand their situation and allow you to go through any difficulty to accomplish their wish. Because he follows God's Heart, he keeps longing for God, and he always tries to achieve his wish for God. If we don't have a longing heart, we won't be able to break through our circumstances to console and comfort God.

Ninth. It brings unimaginable power. When parents have a longing heart for children, they don't have money to send them to school. They will have incredible power to find work or money to provide for their children's education. That strong sense of responsibility and power of a longing heart could easily overcome various kinds of situations.
Tenth. It helps you surpass life and death. You can always do anything out of love. Even the outside world has this experience. People die because of fallen love. Jesus' longing heart made him go through the boundary of death into the paradise of eternal life because of this incredible power of longing heart.

Eleventh. A longing heart mobilizes the spirit world. Due to Father's longing and loving Heart for God, the spirit world assembled to witness and bring him food. He was able to avoid death and accomplished great things for God and humanity because of his longing heart. He didn't care about dying and resting because He knew God is in pain and suffering. He was the only filial son to liberate God from His sorrowful and painful experience for thousands of years.

Twelfth. A longing heart gives us the right to participation, equal status, right of inheritance, and the right of common abode. When you love God and True Parents, you will always want to participate with whatever they do. The power of equal status is a result of a longing heart. When a poor countryside girl meets a prince and marries him, she becomes a princess. The right of inheritance is a natural result of love and longing heart. That is why we need to become a role model. If we want to become successful men and women, we become one if we have a longing heart. Living together is a result of a longing heart. Who would ever let go when we have a longing heart for each other.

While we are on the earth, we need to fulfill our portion of responsibility. Otherwise, we will pass this responsibility to our children. Our body does not belong to us. We have to take care of our body by feeding it with spiritual and physical food. We are a historical offering, so we need to live longer and do more for others, God and True Parents.

We have a significant debt to Father because of his love and everything that he did for us. That is why we need to educate our children the way True Parents taught us. There are meanings to each of the numbers. One is for God; two is for the reciprocal base; three is for perfection and settlement; four is for position foundation and safe settlement; five is for all things; six is for resentment; seven is for rest or sabbath; eight is for restarting; nine is for completion, and ten is for restoration and unity.

God's providence will settle in the third generation. As fallen people, it is hard to have a longing heart. God does not have a sabbatical year. When we keep the heavenly faith, blessing, and tradition for seven generations, we can already experience Heaven on Earth. God and True Parents can have a sabbatical year. Our dreams will come true when we set up a goal of having the third to the fourth generation live together if we have an ardent desire and desperate efforts to accomplish God's Will and purpose at this time through following the model example of True Parents. We have to keep our three generations pure and powerful with God's Heart. The only way for them to keep their heavenly character and blessing is to truly understand and unite with God's sorrowful Heart and situation.

Thank you so much, Dr. Yong, for sharing your internal discovery, missionary experience, and pioneering spirit with us. It is truly giving us a lot of inspiration, positivity, and optimism to continue what we have started. We need to integrate your guidance with our biorhythm. We genuinely feel that we are like rockets with this high power and energy ready to take us off into the atmosphere of God's love. Thank you so much again for everything. --Rafael E. Ablong


Morning Devotion Reflection, June 25, 2020

Morning Devotion Reflection
June 25, 2020

Today, Dr. Yong's message reveals his heart of always trying to inherit God's sorrow and True Father's example of restoring the places and the people after the Fall. His incredible experience with visiting the families of members, the External Cain (politicians), and the internal Cains (the religious leaders) give us an insight into how to fulfill our mission the Principled Way indeed. These are the highlights of his speech today.

We have to be the representatives of God and True Parents. So we should not treat ourselves" as our own. This kind of representation is significant. When we recite the family pledge, we are speaking as a representative of my family, tribe, ancestors, God, and True Parents. Our recitation of the pledge has a remarkable impact every time we say it. Adam and Eve treated themselves as their own. They never knew about being representatives of humankind. They do not have the concept of representative. Each one of them treated themselves as their own. So we should change our concepts and go beyond it.

We are not just ourselves. We belong to God and True Parents. Each of us is a representative who needs to convey God's precious blessing to all over the world. Our True Parents always remember that they are the vanguards on indemnity in place of history. Heavenly Father has a plan for each of us. How much Heavenly Father loves each one of us. Why did God choose each one of us an adopted person to stand the representatives of our family, tribe, and all of humankind?

There is a particular reason why. Through loving us, Heavenly Father wants to love many people. Through us, He wants us to save our ancestors, our tribes, ancestors, and all humankind. There is an individual purpose for us to become His heavenly sons and daughters. Through us, he wants all humanity to receive the blessing.

To restore the world, Father made it a point to visit each country, beginning with visiting all the cities in Korea. Whenever True Father visited any place, he would always take note of the ancestors' investments. He wants to inherit the ancestors Jeongseong and heart. We all need to be the courageous pioneers of faith. Rev. Yo Han Lee advised us a long time ago. When we are a pioneer, how do you restore your area of pioneering? As a minster, as a center leader, as a blessed family and as a pioneer.

There is a principle of how to restore the tribal area, village, nation, and others. Without following the Principle, we cannot regain our respective pioneering areas. God created that atmosphere in each area. Without following the Principle, we cannot follow True Father's way to restore our mission area. Exactly, we need to follow the Principle.

We need to inherit God's tears for each area when he started his world tour in 1965. In the future, all of us will become leaders. God created in the order of creation. He created the environment first. Then He created Adam and Eve. In the creation process, God prepared the external environment first. We need to inherit God's tears and suffering in this area,

First, wherever we go. We need to restore the environment. Making the Holy Ground is the condition to restore the environment. Secondly, Father promised to God, three years later, he will send the missionaries. That is why in 1975, he sent the missionaries all over the world. And then, he called all the missionaries to educate their heart more internally. So God's restoration approach is like this. To restore a nation, there is a need to visit each city of the country. We need to restore members. So when Father went to America, he did a 50-state tour. At least once a year, you need to visit the entire nation. We must educate the people to remember God's, Will, and Heart. Thus, Father visited each corner of South Korea, first. So he knows every corner in Korea. He cries for each province in Korea.

Father said when you become a missionary or pioneer. First, you need to visit the area like the top politician in the city to the provincial level. How much have you visited the holy ground? Then the spirit world will try to assist you. The national leader should have a concept of total salvation. Secondly, you have to visit your parents. Father always thinks of all humankind.

We have to go through the external first. We have to visit the top politician first. Visit the city mayor and the provincial governor. You need to show who you represent. Next, you need to visit the religious leaders, and then you need to focus on direct witnessing. You came as a representative. The external Cain is a politician. The internal Cain is the religious leader. Through this, you can quickly mobilize. If you do not do this, it is hard to succeed.

The Principled way first is to start from the top to bottom, not the other way around.. We need to repent if we haven't done this. We need to visit all the Christian churches. The religious people are the ones who are prepared by God. You have to find the right people God has prepared.

The other important point is to love the members' origin. The center leader should know this. Have you visited the members' house? If you have not visited them, you are not doing it in a principled way. You have to go to each home. Do not miss any house. You have to visit every house. After six months, incredible things will happen. This is what we can learn from Rev. Yo Han Lee's experience. We have to proceed from external to internal to more internal.

The leaders should visit the members' houses. You should love the member' parents more than your own. You have to remember their names and their birthdays. If you do like this, no member will leave the church. They will feel important and connected to you. When you know your members' origin, you will feel connected to each other and begin to love them more than your own, internally. This is why Dr. Yong visited all the cities in the Philippines, Korea, Indonesia, India, and other countries. The spirit world will begin to reveal to you things that will help you succeed. If we do this, Satan will not accuse us.

After you finish, you visit again every year. Everything is about Jeong Seong. Heavenly Parents is the origin of our life and the universe. Ask yourself: how many politicians have you visited? How many religious leaders have you met with brothers and sisters? We need to teach our brothers and sisters properly. When you visit the members' house, you need to bring something. If you do this, the members' will have this unforgettable experience. You have to inherit the origin of a place: its history, its families, and its people.

We have to love people internally and eternally. How many times have True Parents visited each state in America? Father showed us the way. So, we need to follow Father's example. We have to be the representative of Heavenly Parent and True Parents? The voices of the people's ancestors are still alive until today. This is why studying the place, people and their history is very important.

"Try going to the highest pace in the city and pray for its people. Even if you just come and go, the spirit world will help you inherit it and its people. Miracles will begin to happen. The holy spirit will come down. When I wrote to True Mother about my experience with visiting every place in the country where I go. True Mother got so inspired. The letter I sent to her was shared with all the leaders, and they started calling me." They wanted to learn from his experience and apply it.

You have to determine to leave a trace of your presence, blood, sweat, and tears. The evidence of your Jeongseong should be left in those places that you visit. If this is your commitment and way of serving those places, nobody will accuse you. Miracles will start happening after a certain period.

No pain, no gain. If there is no investment in pain and profound experience., it is hard to gain something. Gaining comes after investing pain and suffering. We need to think about how Jesus and True Father did it when they were alive. If they were to go now and visit you, they would quickly feel our love and tears. We always have to think we are a historical offering. We have to inherit our ancestors Jeong Seong. If you shed tears more than the historical figures from Adam to Noah, Abraham, and all, then they will feel your heart and spirit.

We need to go beyond the concept of faith and works. If we do not do our mission correctly from the Principled point of view, we will not gain enough victory. We need a united effort and character to show our faith and commitment and realize the world we all want to live in peace together. There is a trace of fallen blood, sweat, and tears for historical people and God's experience with them in blood, sweat, and tears. When we inherit the spirit and character of God, True Parents, the historical figures, and the ordinary people in the area, you can feel their incredible experience and God's sorrowful tears.

When we discover the blood, sweat, and tears of the people and the places we visit. Then we begin to inherit its spirit, character, and heart, sweat, and tears. And, we can fight for the restoration of those places. If we meet God's sorrowful tears and overcome our sleep, and everything our physical body wants. Then we can succeed in anything we want to accomplish. We need to unite our mind and body, heart, and lineage with God's sorrowful tears. When we repent bitterly, atonement commences, and unbelievable things start to happen for the good of your mission and your relationship with God and True Parents.

Let us take every opportunity to grow from the experience of investing our Jeongseong in everything. By repenting bitterly, we can remove our sins. We need to restore one people, one sovereignty, one territory to God and True Parents.

If we raise the level of our heart from this kind of motivation, effort, and experience, we can quickly get the response and the result of our investment. The good spirit world will open up, and they will help us mobilize for the realization of God's Will. If we genuinely love Heavenly Parents, we need to love the origins of our brothers and sisters, the love of the people, and the places we go.

Thanks a lot, Dr. Yong, for such a beautiful account of your leadership and pioneering history. We feel God is active and alive through you. Thank you so much for everything you have done. And for all the things that you continue to do for all of us. Kamsahamnida!

--Rafael E. Ablong

Friday, June 26, 2020

Morning Devotion Reflection -- June 26, 2020

Morning Devotion Reflection:
 "A person who cannot love their own country cannot love Heaven."
June 26, 2020 

The famous song, "Non Mori De" they sang before the main message reminded Dr. Yong of his feelings for True Father. It reminds him of the True Father: his love, thoughts, admiration, and yearning for him, making his tears naturally come down. I like this song very much. Although I don't understand Korean, I can feel the heartistic character and melody of the song. Listening to it is like watching Korean movies. Once you start watching it, you cannot help but finish it.

The speech of Dr. Yong today urges us to continually remind ourselves of God's sorrowful Heart so we will succeed in our efforts to liberate Him, True Parents, and humankind. After all, what strictly connects us to him is the Heart of understanding and unity with His Sorrowful situation. With this kind of longing heart and mindset, we will overcome our small battles to win the bigger war, retake this world from Satan and bring it to God. We have to regularly remind ourselves of God's Heart to stabilize or rectify our motivation and purpose for every action and reaction. These are some of the highlights today.

The topic today is, "A person who cannot love their own country cannot love Heaven." We need to learn from our True Parents. Whenever True Father studied the Bible, he would shed tears for each page. He reads it over and over again until all the pages tatter. When he reads with tears, his goal was always to find the secrets of God. When he studies any textbook, he always wants to find the truth.

Father selects the books carefully so he can find God's truth. He was always motivated to study to discover God's truth. He wanted to know each page's secrets that might lead him to understand his people's destiny. He always had a desperate and thirsty heart to find God's truth. When he went to America at over 60 years old, he wanted to study the book of glory. He tried to remember one word. He studied this way like it was life and death for him. He always had this single-minded purpose and extraordinary attitude when he reads other kinds of books.

Seriously learning the Korean language and learning Father's words will have everybody become a master. The problem is we don't have the sincerity to study hard for Heaven. Father always connects everything he does to God's Heart and Purpose. He always remembers his past because every moment was so serious for him. Every second was a life and death situation. So he was always so serious. Do you know why? It is because Heavenly Parents is so serious about saving His children. He cannot rest just thinking and doing something to save His children from the pits of hell and misery.

Whenever you seriously study and do God's Will, you can inherit Father's attitude. Our True Father is always amazing. He does not care about his age when he studies. Even when he was 90 years old, he studied English. He wanted to save the English-speaking people. By following the background of the language, we can understand how to save those people who speak it. We have to inherit this mind and attitude.

Prayer is done the same way, too. Our prayers should be done thoughtfully in tears. Father knows God's reality, so whenever he does anything, it is not a job. He always does things for the sake of Heaven, and every second of doing it is an issue of death or salvation for the people he wanted to restore. He does not even care about when he focuses his Heart to do or understand things for God and humanity.

We have to ask ourselves. Why am I doing this? What is the purpose of my study? I have to study for the sake of God's Will. We have to inherit Father's attitude. He is always crazy for the sake of God's Will. When he left Korea to study in Japan during Korea's Japanese occupation, he shed tears for his country and people. So he entrusted his nation to God while he was away. He was twenty years old at that time, but he already had the Heart for Heaven, his country, and his people. Father knew that for Korea to be a chosen nation, Korea has to undergo so many years of tearful and bloody sacrifices. True Father truly understands the Korean people's suffering. He shed tears for his country as he left for Japan on that boat.

Dr. Yong's research of Father's prayer life revealed that Father' says his prayers verbally with tears. The tearful prayers don't just last minutes but hours. He always prayed from when he was 19 years old. A Christian lady noticed that Father's prayer was different. His prayers are sincere and desperate. She was so moved by Father's attitude in prayer and life, so she became Father's protector, she brought him food, and ultimately, she became a member of the church.

Father loved the nation of Korea, like his parents or children. How about you? How much do you love your country? Have you studied your nation's history? Before this nation became what it is now, so many righteous people laid their lives and offered their sacrifices for its foundation and birth. They shed a lot of tears, suffering and sacrifices. This is why Father is the patriot of patriots, the holy man of holy men.

Father decided to go to Japan at the age of 20. When he left Korea for Japan on the train and the boat, he felt like he was leaving Korea as an orphan. He loved Korea like a God, like his parents, like his children. Who can protect this nation, which can protect this nation? A Japanese lady who was seated beside him on the train noticed his uncontrollable tears, but she doesn't know why Father was crying that much. At that time, he said that a person who cannot love their nation could not love God. A person who loves God cannot help but love the people God loves. You must love your nation. You cannot abandon your nation.

In Cambodia, more than two million were killed during the war. So you definitely love your nation. We need to inherit Father's Heart. Father said if you go to a foreign country. You should love that country more than your own, more than Father. So if you go to Thailand, you should love the nation of Thailand. If you marry a Cambodian citizen, you need to have your body buried in that nation. You have to love the kingdom of Cambodia. If you have done this following the True Father's example, Father will recognize you and be happy for you as long as we carry our mission in the mission country. You should have that kind of spirit. You did not just come to the country as a missionary and go after a month or a year. You need to have your body buried in your mission country. This makes your life more valuable and your time more famous.

That is why I genuinely love and respect Japanese missionaries who have come to join their spouses in another country. They only have a love for God and True Parents. They depended on their faith when hardships came and lived by their faith with a dedication to overcome their new environment's language, culture, and tradition. They have sacrificed so much. They only had one thing, only love for God and True Parents. Without Japanese missionaries' love and sacrifice, our movement cannot exist and expand. That is the missionary spirit.

That is why you need to have that kind of spirit for your children. You need to send them out to the world. So that is why my family lived internationally. We always moved here and there. My wife raised our small children. Sung shin was born in Puerto Rico. Her baby was always crying on the plane. She did not know what to do. So every time a baby cries on the plane, I remember my Sung Shin. We have to love our nation. If we can not love our nation, we cannot truly love God.

Our prayers should be as sincere as Father's prayer. We should pray in tears. The most dangerous minister is a minister without tears for God. If you have no tears for God, You are fake. Whenever you think of God and humankind and people in the world, tears would fall. Your tears for them are your tears for Heaven when you love your children.

Happy birthday to your son Dr. Yong! We feel so sorry for your children because you have to do your mission away from your children. How much more for God? If we truly love your children, you will always be in tears. Where there is a longing heart, there is always tears. Human history is a history of tears. Patriots and saints shed tears for Heaven. When a person thinks and prays for his nation in tears, that kind of a person is a patriot. Saints feel the same way.

Father's Heart is like that and more. Have you ever cried for your nation? If you have never cried for your nation, you are not a patriot. If you haven't cried for your parents, you are not a filial child. If you have never cried for the world, you will never be a saint.

Love equals tears. Longing heart is equal to tears. If you really have a longing heart for God and True Parents, then your tears automatically come out. Some people hide their tears. I want to experience tears with God. How can I shed tears for God as Father does? If we love our members, they will never leave the center. Why am I still here? It is because of Father's incredible tears. If you cry for your members, they will never run away. If the leader himself struggles with his private matters, he cannot take care of his members. I have to repent, and my prayers are not enough.

What is the fallen man's main problem? It has no heart and no tears. If we cannot emotionally involve ourselves with God and others' situations, we cannot become the faithful people God wants us to be. If this fallen reality is not changed, we will not have hope for our restoration if we experience God's sorrowful Heart and connect everything to Them and Their efforts to restore humankind. The messiah's behavior is always serious. His prayers are always in tears. My sad situation should meet God's sad situation to find the right solution when our sorrowful Heart meets God's. When our sorrowful Heart meets our members' sorrowful situation, we solve situations.

For us to be in the movement, God and our ancestors have to undergo incredible tears and indemnity. We should go through uncomfortable situations in the path of unhappiness to give comfort and happiness to God, True Parents, and humankind. We should have this kind of missionary spirit like Father when we go to the frontline to serve God and humanity.

What drives the nail to God's chest? It is betrayal and lack of filial piety. How much have we hurt God and True Parents? Many of our members join spiritual groups. Father said that is what makes me afraid. In our life, we should not betray True Parents even if we don't have results. We should not become unfilial children. The most important thing is not to become an unfilial son. To True Parents, being an unfilial son means avoiding God's sorrowful tears. If we avoid God's tears, we will not become filial sons and daughters. No heart to heart connection means not having a good relationship with our object of love.

We have to continually think and find ways to develop our heart-to-heart relationship with God and True Parents' Heart by always connecting our situations with God's situation. Centering everything on God's Heart, Will and Purpose will definitely give the highest value to our existence and relationship with God and others. As Father said, the greatest place of blessing in life is the place of hardships. So we must not avoid difficulties in all its forms. Rather, we should rejoice in it to give God hope and console His sorrowful Heart.

Thank you so much, Dr. Yong, for your precious words of guidance today. If we do not always remind ourselves of God's Sorrowful Heart and Situation, we will quickly fall or get off the way. As members of the movement who want to become filial sons and daughters to God and True Parents. We have to feel, think, sense, and perceive things like them. We have to become the embodiment of their Heart, the visible manifestation of their heavenly spirit, and the victorious substance of their eternal love.

Thank you, Dr. Yong. Kamsahamnida!

--Rafael E. Ablong

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Morning Devotion Reflection, June 20, 2020

Morning Devotion Reflection
June 20, 2020 by Rafael E. Ablong

Dr. Yong's morning devotion topic today  speaks of how God and the spirit world help people fulfill their tasks and missions. We must ask ourselves. How much have I loved God and True Parents in a single moment?
Chak Sarang or one-sided love may not be felt quickly, but over time, it will increase its power and capacity to penetrate people's hearts.  It does not matter if you are recognized or not. Just love and love unconditionally. It looks one-sided love, but someday it will be accepted by the spirit world. And later on, it will be recognized entirely with sincere apologies and appreciation. This is the sorrowful heart of God for many thousands of years. He has been giving and giving unconditionally. Even if his prophets are killed by the people after the fall, he just keeps on trying to take good care of them. Even, Jesus Christ his son, the 2nd Adam, came to establish God’s kingdom by fulfilling the ideal family was killed by the very people God had prepared for many hundreds of years.  If we really love God and True Parents then we should demonstrate that love by doing His Will and giving no room for Satan to invade or accuse even for a second.
The goal of the 3rd stage of 40-Day morning devotion is to internalize God's sorrowful heart, become one with its content and actualize its concepts into visible action so we can all feel the love of God to make these things happen to unfold before our eyes. Another goal for this 3rd stage is to solve individual family, social, and national problems resulting from the human fall or the lack of sense of responsibility and public purpose. All these will be our substantial offering to God and True Parents.

We should keep the fire of morning devotion burning. It should be kindled and supplied with sincere prayers and good intentions consistently, so it would keep giving its light and growing opportunities to others. We should not put its fire down. Let us keep it burning because where there is sincere morning devotion, individuals and groups, churches, and organizations will never perish.
How seriously do we regard God's Will?  This is a fundamental question that needs a one-hundred percent spirit of devotion, filial piety, loyalty, hard work, and single-minded action. We should sincerely regard this as a way to know God and console His sorrowful heart.  Each moment is critical, so we should be 100 percent devoted and connected to God and True Parents. If we say, we love True Parents and do not have this 100% effort and yearning for God. Then, we are fake.! We have to be absolutely united with God and True Parents' hearts without any  space in between. This is so that we won't give Satan an opening to accuse us. We have to make it a goal to be earnest to go back to the original state. God is always so serious to fulfill His Will. True Father is equally serious and vigilant of Satan's accusation. We cannot give him an opening to invade us wherever we go.

If we always connect ourselves to God's viewpoint and fulfill our mission or do specific actions, then God cannot help but come down to help us, and the only way to make Satan not survive,  give up and run away. This kind of Jeong Seong spirit will be able to restore the tribe and fulfill our purpose.
When we feel hungry with this kind of spirit, we will not die. The spirit world will come down and help us to overcome hunger, disease, insanity, and problems. The spirit world will be there with you providing you with food; people will support and provide you with things to make you succeed. We should never be discouraged by external circumstances if our internal stability and resolve are so strong. Why can the spirit world not work with you? It must be because our Jeongseong is not enough to be felt by the spirit world. They won't be able to connect to the urgency of the situation because of our lack of heart and motivation.

When we work so hard and put our best effort all the time, even forgetting our needs and reasonable desires for the family, the spirit world will get involved and help us accomplish our goal for Heaven.

If we have an honest heart and conscience, the entire spirit world will mobilize. If we lack desire and Jeongseong, the spirit world can not help us. If we align ourselves with God's desire, the spirit world will mobilize with us, and people will start coming.  So much so that sometimes, they just come even without us telling them about it. Dr. Yong experienced it when he was a missionary in Korea, Japan, Philippines, India, and other countries.. He was able to meet many high school students. Some of them will appear at the center to receive his education.
I genuinely admire Dr. Yong's pioneering spirit, which substantially shows his heavenly character. I have gone to 40-50 places in the Philippines. But this pales in comparison to the number of locations he has visited in the past due to establish the holy grounds.

We should not be ashamed of what we do for Heaven. We should not be scared of not having food or anything because God and the good spirit world will always help, absolutely. Miracles happen in places of danger and difficulty in situations that call for urgent assistance and support. Yes, it is true. If we are members and we cannot understand God's heart and are not able to shed tears due to the seriousness of God's heart and the need for immediate relief to his pain and sorrow.

Dr. Yong, your spirit and power of Jeong Seong is incredible. I think you have gotten used to it that you don't notice it anymore. You beat us all with your amazing spirit and enormous potential to travel anywhere in the world. If you have true love, you can visit anywhere in the physical world and the spirit world.. If we have true love, once we yearn for a person, that person will immediately appear.
What is more astonishing is that true love is the language of communication in the spirit world. The more love we have, the more able we are to communicate or to be understood by other people. I think this goes with the physical world as well. The more love we have, the more capable we are to substantialize that love into reality. Jeong Seong is shown by the strength of the organization we lead,  by the sense of responsibility people will have with us, and by the number of people following us. These activities are present in the projects or activities that you have done in the Asia-Pacific, Dr. Yong.  So we should be following your model.

We truly admire your effort and experiences in the Philippines and other parts of Asia and the world. It shows your adventurous spirit and indomitable character.  You have endured and persisted in any environment. Your ability to move around anywhere is proof of your pure heart and unbreakable connection to True Mother and Heavenly Parents. As ordinary members, we need to inherit your ability to connect to God, to True Parents, to our direct Abels or leaders in Asia. Ultimately, making a perfect offering to True Mother, True Father and God.

The spirit of Jeongseong can overcome the danger of persecution. The habit of praying and making devotion helps us to overcome all kinds of dangerous and strange situations, to be victorious.  Making Jeongseong conditions centered on God helps us to go beyond trials and difficulties. When we show our utmost sincerity to move Heaven and Earth for the sake of restoring God's kingdom. God can not help but mobilize the good spirit world, and the spirit world will have no choice but to help us.
We must have the adventurous and pioneering, missionary spirit. There is a need to re-examine ourselves and re-plot our purpose centering on God and True Parents' desire.  We should not care about where we want to go or what to eat or wear. What matters to us is to fulfill our goal. We need to carry out the spirit of witnessing because this is the frontline spirit. We need to have the heart, unity, and sense of responsibility. So God Will reveal it to us quickly. If we do not have the spirit of sincerity and salvation, then we cannot fulfill our purpose.

We have to learn from True Father's Jeong Seong. For him, each second is precious because it could mean life and death for all of us. We have to have a longing and yearning heart for God. To do this, we need to understand and unite with God’s sorrow and pain.

Thank you, Dr. Yong, for this first day of the third stage of the 40-day Morning Devotion. You are able to educate all of us together with the help of the Corona Virus crisis. Without this crisis, we won't have this opportunity to learn directly from you. Truly, with great crisis comes great opportunities for growth and development. This crisis is definitely one of its kind.

Thank you so much for all that you do for all of us.  Kamsahamnida!!

--Rafael E. Ablong

Friday, June 19, 2020

Jun Jumawan’s Reflection - June 20, 2020

MD Reflection
June 20, 2020
By: Jun Jumawan

Good morning our beloved Heavenly Parents, our True Parents of Heaven and Earth and Humankind and to our very passionate and very hard working  for sincere Jeong Seong, our beloved Appa, Dr. Yong!

I am very grateful today, I could join the first day of the 3rd stage of 40 Day Asia Pacific Heart Network Morning Devotion. I also have a strong belief that after the end of the 3rd stage of this 40 day of heart revolution and resurrection thru MD condition, Covid-19 pandemic will be solve and all kinds of family, society and National problems can be solved. We just have to always turn on the fire of the Morning Devotion and always welcome every truth and words to wash our souls.

I am also grateful to be reminded once again today about the word”Chak Sarang” or “One sided love”. It doesn’t matter wether my object or subject partner loves me or not, recognize me or not, I just have to continue to put my earnest sincere dedication of jeong Seong and sincerely giving my un-conditional love.

Today’s morning devotion is about “How Much Do I Love You (True Parents and God) in a Single Moment” The question is,How serious I am regarding God’s Will? How much do I offer honestly my earnest and sincere Jeong Seong for my mission area and to my tribal mission area. Because of my lack of honest heart and desire in putting Jeong  Seong condition, that’s why I cannot see good results and cannot receive the support from the spiritual world.

If we can invest 100% degree of absolute Jeong Seong condition, we can also expect 100 % good results. When God look at us doing earnest sincere Jeong Seong for our Cain and for people, God cannot ignore Himself to help us and poured out all of His blessings  unto us.

How much are we serious about God’s Will? We are fake central blessed family/families if we cannot wake up in the morning to a offer our sincere devotion and heart of prayer with tears. If we want to put so much in Jeong Seong, Spiritual World will be mobilized. God doesn’t give up in any situation, that’s why we don’t have no room to make excuses and complains. The quality of our Jeong Seong is very important. In one moment, how much do we offer sincerity in putting our Jeong Seong/our longing heart.

We can measure the degree level of our heart, our personality base on how much we desire to save someone. How much do we think of peoples salvation. How much do we have sincere affection to save someone’s soul. If I don’t have this level of heart, then even if I have the name of being alive, I am dead. How much do I feel and know God’s urgency to save people this time.

Covid-19 pandemic is a shortcut of settlement to welcome the new era of a new world of Heavenly Parent Holy Community. During this period, together with our family; God purified us, educate us and resurrected us through His words. We cannot go anywhere except to just focus and develop on our vertical connection.

This time, we have to ask ourselves, how much do I love God, True Parents in every moment, not just in a single moment, How much do I know their desire and how much do I feel their heart of urgency to save people. True Parents cannot afford theme-selves to be spaced out even one single moment. This is our True Parents standard. Even if we cannot reach this standard but at least we know it and start to practice it in our daily life.

Eug Mansei to God and True Parents!!!Aju!.. 

Eternally grateful to you Dr. Yong always!..


I Cannot Rest, June 19, 2020

Morning Devotion
I Cannot Rest, June 19, 2020
Dr. Yong's message today is, "I cannot Rest."  True Father cannot rest when God is still in pain and suffering and when there is still a lot of chaos, confusion, problems, and challenges in the world. He needs to lead and go to the frontline to fulfill the Will of God. We need to go beyond our present circumstances to demonstrate our genuine understanding and unity with God and True Parents' longing heart

This COVID 19 pandemic has a mission to reset the world. In Japan, all citizens stayed at home, and the government gave each citizen money to survive through the experience. It feels like God is making all members rest and remain together with the family. It is like we were asked to learn from True Parents' words again, this time through Dr. Yong.  It is a time of growing internally, in preparation to fulfill our vertical and horizontal mission These are the highlights of this 40th day of morning devotion.

Can you think of True Father talking about Tribal Messiahship in 1965? This was in the 1960s. Father's attitude is very admirable.  When you say until his eyes popped out and cannot see anyone because of crying due to the longing heart. This means he was too serious and so moved to understand the sorrowful heart of God.  He ultimately inherited the Heart of God. He is so full of a longing heart. He wants to see Cain and all the people he needs to love. He puts a lot of Jeong Seong into this kind of condition. 

His incredible longing heart automatically multiplies the power and attractive force of God's words. Since the liberation of Korea in 1955. Many Christians received a lot of revelations. They suffered so much because of the war and then the problems with North Korea. More than 3- 4 million people were killed because of that war.  Many people also received inspiration like "You are the Lord." But, who met the Messiah first?  It is Hyun Shil Kang, and Rev. Yo Han Lee. They were guided by the Spirit World to meet True Father first. If you have a longing heart, God can intervene to help you find the Messiah. As a church leader or as a Unificationist, what is the essential part of our faith? It is the restoration of Cain. We need to restore Cain.. We need to have  that kind of experience too, Let us not move back when we have to move forward to understand the Heart of God and True Parents


Because of Father's longing heart, due to his loving other people, the spirit world cannot help but mobilize on earth.  How do we inherit Father's longing and yearning heart?  When I relate to Cain and Abel. We need to resolve to love Cain more than my wife, more than my children, more than my teachers, and more than my parents. We need to love Cain more than our own family, children, spouses, and grandparents. We need to love True Parents more than anything else.

One reason why people love Father is that he loves other people more than his children.  It was the first time to see True Father. We need to have the experience of meeting God beyond what is written or seen in the photographs.  This loving attitude is the reason why the True Father can mobilize the spirit world. How can I love my Cain?  As leaders, we need to be responsible for our members 

No matter what, God will love us.  He will surely educate us until our spouses are fully restored to God. Father said anyone who received the blessing from me is my responsibility. No matter how much they create problems. He will raise them continuously. He will continue to love them as His children. 

We need to become a True Parent, True Teacher, and True Owner. As a leader, as an Abel, we have to have the kind of faith that can mobilize the spirit world. The Spirit World is easily touched by a longing heart. No matter what, God will protect us. We have not reached the standard of Father's Heart yet. We need to imitate True Father's attitude. We need to do our absolute best. We cannot treat our members as our neighbors.

What is the problem of our movement? We do not have this attitude. When we have our children, we feel that we have been responsible for them. Why can't we apply this kind of attitude to our tribal area? If we have this kind of attitude, we can just quickly mobilize the good spirit world. They can help us accomplish our mission. 


We should ask ourselves, why are we here? It is because of True Fathers' blood, sweat, and tears. We are here because of our Heavenly Father's undying resolve not to give up on us. We have to commit to True Parents not to give up on whoever we love, whatever mission we take for True Mother, for True Parents. We have to pledge to help our True Mother. We need to stop this one-sided love. We need to reciprocate God and True Parents' love. 

I need to love my members more than my family, more than children. We need to be crazy to love our tribe, to love our mission. We need to have a True Father's attitude. Where there is love, there is magnetic power. We need to focus on ourselves regularly. We have to ask ourselves if we are serious about achieving our goal. We need to have a longing heart for God so that God can intervene to help and mobilize. We need to be responsible for loving our members more than our family. What mobilizes the members? It is our Heart and love for them.

Formerly, I am just one of the followers. Why did God invite you here? Each of us was raised by Heavenly Father to become a central figure to our tribe, clan, and society. God asked all of the central figures. Every day, we do the Family Pledge. We need to fulfill our responsibility as the tribal Messiah. What is the purpose of tribal messiahship? We were told to witness our tribe. But only recently, we are focusing on our tribal Messiah. What is lacking with us? It is lack of love, lack of Heart, and lack of memory. We cannot go to the spirit world without bringing Cain. If you cannot bring Cain, what is the result of true love?  No matter what, we need to establish the foundation of the tribe and clan.  True Father made this speech before 1965. True Father is an extremely dedicated perfect human being with a great vision of the future.

True Parents cannot rest during the 24 hours in a day. Why? It is because they know God cannot rest. He needs to fight a bloody battle for all of us. This reality makes True father uneasy. He cannot rest while God is working.  He feels so ashamed to relax while God cannot rest. God is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent, but God's real internal situation is not like that. He is an incredibly sorrowful God. When the True Father knows about the pain and suffering of God. He decided to commit to console and comfort God. All the fighting that we encounter every day is already known to God.  We only need to connect to His Heart, so we will have the power to mobilize for the spirit world. This is the incredible attitude of the Messiah. 


When we rest while God is not sleeping, we will be unfamiliar and unloyal to God. Like real children, we cannot rest when our True Parent is flying to another place in the world under tremendous pressure and traveling stress. When we know the longing heart and lonely situation of God, we cannot rest. A filial child means being able to suffer more than God and work more than God. Even though we cannot follow True Parents' standard of attitude, we need to be at least like them in Heart. 

God is rushing to set up the new normal. I am living in the era of the Chun Il Guk normal. What is the CIG normal? It is Heart or Shimjung. Shimjung is deeper than love. We lost the shimjung culture and God's sorrowful Heart. The fall lost our Heart. Restoration is about bringing our Heart. What is the most important revolution is the Heart Revolution. Why does Heavenly Father give us this COVID 19 crisis? It is to begin the revolution of the Heart. When we restore our hearts, when we revolutionize our Heart, we can meet God and True Parents.  

This situation we are in now is the new CIG normal centered on the Heart of Shimjung. What kind of Shimjung?  It is the sorrowful Shimjung. This education is not just for the living but also for the dead.  Everyone has to enter the world of the Heart. You have to think all of your ancestors and descendants will listen and understand God and True Parents' sorrowful Heart. There is a very internal purpose of the Covid 19 virus, and that is to educate all of us through the morning devotion. 

We should have the spirit of the True Father when he carried Mr.  Park on his back. He didn't mind walking miles and miles of distances to carry Mr. Park. Father can carry him because he believed he was bringing with him all humankind on his back. He cannot avoid this responsibility and feeling because he Understands the Heart of God. If Father were here physically, he would tell us to work harder to offer one nation to True Mother. We need to fulfill our Heavenly Tribal Messiahship

Thank you very much, Dr. Yong, for your excellent leadership and enlightening inspirations. As you said, the COVID 19 problem is limiting our horizontal movement and physical distance. There is only one way to move, and this is only vertical movement. We need to keep our vertical alignment and movement upward. Thank you, thank you so much. - - Rafael E. Ablong


You Must Be (Able To Feel) Ashamed, June 18, 2020

Part 2
Dr. Yong's message today is about "You Must Be (Able To Feel) Ashamed" 
June 18, 2020

Have a Shameful Heart in Front of God
We always need to have a shameful heart. We have not become the very people God wants us to be from the individual, family, to the tribe, and the nation as Unificationists.  You should be ashamed you have not fulfilled the responsibility in the course of restoration. There are three kinds of hearts Father talked about.  "We should fulfill our portion of responsibility. Those who are arrogant. Are not shameful people. They are not ashamed of their selfishness and arrogance because they do not understand the heart of God.

Three Kinds of Hearts
Filial piety, loyalty, and self-denial start from the parents. So we should be an example. We need to have a heart of repentance, a heart of shame, and a heart of gratitude. Today, True Father emphasized we need to be ashamed. Why do we need to be ashamed? We need to be embarrassed because we are fallen people. We have not fulfilled our responsibility due to our selfishness, pride,  and arrogance. All kinds of fallen attitudes are about arrogance and selfishness.

Filial piety is about obeying parents. The purpose of denial is filial piety. When your heart is centered on True Parents, then you can easily overcome selfishness. If we are self-centered, we become arrogant.

I have to accept before God that I am a sinner of sinners. My blood lineage betrayed  God and True Parents and betrayed Jesus. We need to repent because of this sinful heart. Even how much God raised me through True Parents, I m not a genuine person of God yet. I cannot become the True Parent to my children. I cannot become the Cain of True Abel. I should be ashamed d myself because I have not established the ideal in my daily life of faith. As a blessed family, I have not yet restored the sovereignty of God. I still could not overcome my physical, sexual desires.

We should be ashamed of our imperfect ways of overcoming our desires. I should be ashamed in front of God because I have not fully restored my family, my tribe, and one nation. If we have not realized all these, we should feel ashamed of ourselves. I have been in the church for so many years, yet I still have a lot of selfishness and arrogance before God. If we don't have shame, we don't have a pure heart.

The Conscience is Always Honest
It always feels so much shame before God. It always has a shameful mind and shameful heart. If there is no shame, there is no heart. If there is no heart, there is no conscience. Where there is conscience there is always a shame.

If we have a shameful person, we become humble and cannot insist on our opinion. Arrogance comes from self-centeredness. Filial piety always comes from parents. It is always centered on True Parents. Self-denial means we should be centered on God and True Parents.  As Unification Church members, we should have that kind of shameful emotion whenever we think of God's sorrowful heart.

No one on earth knows about how God and True Parents have embraced each other and shed tears of sorrow. If God's Jeong Seong is not connected to our hearts, we can easily be arrogant and self-centered. If we are spiritual, we can easily recognize that God and True Parents are in a miserable situation. They are always alone in the path of enduring and overcoming their struggles for the sake of humankind.

Parents and children are in a miserable state after the Fall. When we experience this kind of God's sorrowful heart, we can move anyone's heart. We never get tired to work for the liberation of God,  True arents, and Mankind. If we truly understand God's heart, then we will reap what we sow.  So, wherever we go with this kind of heart and understanding, the Good Spirit World will be able to help immediately. If we do not know God'S sorrowful heart, we will become arrogant and unable to realize God's Will.

Dr. Yong cannot forget Rev. Yo Han Lee because he was the one who introduced to him God and True Parents' sorrowful heart. Without Rev. Yo Han Lee, he cannot understand God and True Parents. How do we become worthy and valuable to our children? It is only when we introduce God's Heart to them.

Why Did Jesus' Disciples Run Away?
How much are you loyal to me? How deep is your loyalty to your Abel. Can you die for me?  Why are people running away from Jesus? Even his three disciples fell asleep while he was praying all night. If they did not sleep, Jesus would not have gone that way. Why did his disciples run away? It is because nobody among them truly understood God and Jesus' sorrowful heart. Nobody understood the relationship between God and Jesus. Nobody wanted to die for him. They just wanted to follow him externally through his miracles. No one inherited Jesus' sorrowful heart. When they were in danger, they ran away. That is why, without inheriting God and True Parents' heart, we can betray and run away anytime.

The Power Behind True Father's Heart and Deeds
Why can't True Father run away even if he was tortured to death? What is the reason? It is because he understood the God of sorrow that not even death could stop him from doing the restoration efforts to liberate God's pain and suffering. This deep understanding and compelling desire to console and comfort God is what keeps him from running away. It is this powerful feeling of filial love, sympathy, and overwhelming willingness to comfort the sorrowful God that makes endure agony and pain unconditionally and tirelessly.

Most Important Mission in our  Life of Faith
What is the most crucial mission in our life of faith?  It is to inherit the heart of God. It is to inherit True Parents' spirit. It is to inherit True Moither's heart. If we inherit their heart, we will never tire, and we will continue to work hard until we have offered the nation of God. We should go beyond learning the Divine Principle. We should go beyond concepts. It is time to apply what we learned and experienced from God and True Parents.

How to Recognize the Messiah
To recognize the Messiah, we need to know the person who has the longing heart of God.  We need to teach our children about God and True Parents Heart so they will not run away. To understand Father's words, we need to understand its background. Many spiritual phenomena happened in Korea, especially centering on Christianity.  Even Rev Yo Han Lee was told to go to the South Korea because the Second Coming is going to be there. Later, he was asked to move by the spirit world to go to Cheju Island, and then to Pusan to meet the Second Coming. Many people during that time received so many spiritual revelations about the coming of the Messiah. This was a good time for people on earth to understand God's sorrow and yearning through the Messiah. It was the peak of the time to receive the Messiah. Both the spirit world and the spiritually open people were receiving messages about his coming.

The Attribution of Longing Heart
Chan Shil Kang and Rev. Yo Han Lee were the first man and woman to receive the revelation and meet the Messiah for the first time. As long as we have a longing heart, we will meet him. One of our  Japanese sisters was crying because of longing to see True Father. When she started to hear Dr. Yong's morning devotion, True Father appeared to her in a dream and told her to listen to the devotion because He reveals his message through the morning devotion of Dr. Yong. This encounter of the sister is the attribution of the longing heart. If you genuinely have a longing heart, then you can meet True Parents in your dreams. When Rev. Yo Han Lee had a longing heart, the spirit world was helping him to find the Messiah. When we sleep with a longing heart,  God will reveal himself to you.

Revolution of Heart
We need to have a revolution of the heart. We need to unite with True Mother. Without upgrading our hearts, realizing this would be impossible. We need to unite with True Mother to achieve our goal.

For the 2nd 40 -Day Condition, God specially prepared this workshop to eradicate the Coronavirus problem. He initiated it through Dr. Yong to transform this world into the new world of God's sovereignty. Within the period of the 2nd 40-day Condition, True Mother proclaimed the Heavenly Parents Holy Community. Internally, we need to have a complete revolution of the heart.
How can I be responsible for my object partner, eternally? There are many trials, difficulties, temptations, and problems. How can I raise my children, my members, my spouse, my people, and my tribe so that they can understand God and True Parent's heart?

Without upgrading the level of our heart, God will not be able to enter our Hearts. We need to create that reciprocal base with Him so that He can join the revolution of heart for everyone's growth and overall development.

Longing Heart Makes Things Happen
One day, when Rev. Yo Han Lee went up to the mountain and knocked on the door of the poor little house of True Father at that time. When True Father opened the door, he knew who he was already. If we do not have a longing heart for True Mother, we are not filial children. When we have a longing heart, we will immediately feel oneness. Longing heart goes beyond space and time to realize the goal of the yearning heart. When you genuinely miss your guest, that person will come to visit the center. If you want to see someone soon, that person will appear. Even when you ask that person, he will not know why he came to meet you. This is the secret power of witnessing. It is a longing heart. If there is no longing heart, nothing like this will happen.

We become spiritually sensitive when we have a longing heart.
When we do not have enough time, praying for 5-minutes for the people we want to meet or witness; then the spirit world will help and make the things you have in mind unfold before you. Unseen things become visible reality when we have a longing heart. Short moments of very intense prayer would be answered. God will always make things happen if you are connected to him in your heart.

The Position of the Church Minister is Important
A church minister's position is very important. You have to have a personal touching relationship. You must establish this kind of human connection centered on God. If you cannot pray for each of your 430 couple, say a prayer for a small group of them until you can pray for everyone within the week. We need to forgive people and restore your relationship with them. If Jesus' disciples understood the heart of God, nobody would have left or betrayed him when was going to the cross.

Longing Heart is the Key to Victory
It is through a longing heart of love. When you win over your enemy's heart. You are truly a victor. We learned from True Parent's greatness. Do we have a longing heart for True Parents?  Hwa chai hoy ha - Having a longing heart makes us closer to each other until you will no longer have a choice but to love, appreciate, and unite with the person. Chak Sarang will be recognized in the end.

Thank you so much, Dr. Yong, for all these deep and powerful words of guidance. Many times, I feel God through your profound messages of faith. The time of believing in God as a concept is over because we can already feel Him through the heartistic power of your words. I pray that God will continue to use you to educate all the people in the world to accomplish our mission in life and realize the purpose of our faith in action through the longing heart of God. Uniting with the longing heart of God ad True Parents, will naturally give us the magnetic power to attract people and things closer to the loving and yearning heart of God and True Parents.

-Rafael E. Ablong

Three Missions of Life, June 18,2020

Morning Devotion Reflection
Three Missions of Life
June 18, 2020, Part 1 of 3

Three Missions in Life
Before the main message today, Dr. Yong said that we have three primary missions in life: to become True Parents, to be True Teachers, and True Owners.

To Become a True Parent
We need to become True Parents. One of our missions is to become like True Parents. Always giving and sacrificing for people. Still giving and forgetting. Unconditional giving, unconditional sacrifice, and investment and forget. We need to have a heart of True Parents in a servant's body. Our principal concern is to be united with my object partner.  We need to think about how to protect all humankind. How can we feed them physically and spiritually?

To Become a True Teacher
To become a true teacher, we need to introduce our God and True Parents Heart. Also, we need to let people know about the sorrowful heart of all the historical people. Then, how do we convey God's words and heart to all the people? We need to show a model nation. What is the sorrowful and regretful heart of Adam, Eve, Noah, and all the other historical figures? How to promote the teachings of True Parents in the world? These should be the concern of the true teacher.

To Become a True Owner
We must have the right to true sovereignty. To become a true owner, I need to restore people, things, and sovereignty. So God gave me a special mission.  We need to show the kingship. As the owner, we should have a model nation. To become an owner means to restore kingship. Always bring the right of sovereignty.

The Result is Very Important
When we become a model of the True Parents, the True Teacher,  and the True Owner but we cannot restore sovereignty. Where is the result? The tribal messiah mission is essential. But more importantly, we need to restore a nation. We need to think about how to make this country God's nation.

This condition during this COVID 19 virus should raise the level of our hearts.  We should upgrade the level of our victorious tenacity to overcome evil. Our awareness, experiences, feelings, and understanding of God's heart are not in the realm of Heaven yet. So we need to improve ourselves. Let us upgrade our heart, not just on the formation stage, not only on the growth stage. We need to jump to the level of completion.

Revolution of Heart
We need to have a revolution of the heart. We need to unite with True Mother. Without upgrading our hearts, realizing this would be impossible. We need to unite with True Mother to achieve our goal.

For the 2nd 40 -Day Condition, God specially prepared this workshop to eradicate the Coronavirus problem. He initiated it through Dr. Yong to transform this world into the new world of God's sovereignty. Within the period of the 2nd 40-day condition, True Mother proclaimed the Heavenly Parents Holy Community. Internally, we need to have a complete revolution of the heart.
How can I be responsible for my object partner, eternally? There are many trials, difficulties, temptations, and problems. How can I protect and raise my children, my members, my spouse, my people, and my tribe so that they can understand God and True Parent's heart?

Without upgrading the level of our heart, God will not be able to enter our Hearts. We need to create that reciprocal base with Him so that He can join the revolution of heart for everyone's growth and overall development.

-by Rafael Ablong

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

I am a Person of Endless Bitter Heart, June 17, 2020

Morning Devotion Reflection
I am a Person of Endless Bitter Heart
June 17, 2020 

Dearest Dr. Yong,
I am so touched by your tearful testimony of Daemon Nim telling you that True Father wanted to talk to you. In Japanese, True Father said to you "Yoroshiku ne". and I felt your heart.  You are the only leader who always tells us to deeply know and understand God's sorrowful situation. God knows you are doing your best to comfort Him and we are learning and growing so much because of your morning devotion. This has never happened to me before. Due to so much inspiration, I lose some sleep and my fingers sometimes just move to find the letters on the keyboard. Sometimes I don't notice the time and the length of my reflection. Even FB messenger tries to reject my reflection because it is too long. So I have to cut it into pieces or delete some of them to make it short. I agree with you. True Father also wants to say the same words to us. True Father has no physical body so we are his physical body now. Our main goal is to restore one nation in unity with True Mother's goal, hope, and vision. We will do our best Dr. Yong!

You are such a great, warm leader and a humble person of God. You have not changed your heart as a real person. I am sorry for not doing enough. I have to do my best from now on to fulfill my HTM mission and my mission to liberate my spiritual ancestors and have them attend the Ancestors' Blessing Ceremony.

Dr. Yong's Topic today is "I am a Person of Endless Bitter Heart". In this message, he encouraged us to go beyond our background to be the best filial sons and daughters of God, worthy of God and True Parents’ blessing and embrace. We need to ask ourselves if we are doing our best. We are still alive because we did not do our best so we have to prolong our life so we can still do our best. These are the highlights of his message today.

Why God cannot reveal His Sorrowful Heart to us? Why God and True Parents cannot reveal their hearts of sorrow to us? How did True Father reveal Heavenly Parents' Sorrowful Heart? Why can’t God open His heart to me? What is the reason why God cannot reveal His sorrowful heart to me? God is a God of so much suffering. Why can't I feel it? It is not just because we do not have a passionate desire to know God. But more importantly, God cannot find a reciprocal base to give and take with us. It is like an elementary school who cannot understand his parents' heart. It is only when he reaches a certain level, age, and heart when he can understand his parents' heart.

As parents, we have to hide our problems and difficulties in our children. We only want to show goodness and happiness to children. However, when the children begin to understand their parents' hearts, they try to communicate their understanding and feeling to their parents. AT this stage, parents begin to open their hearts to the children.

When you reach the divine spirit or a certain level of God’s heart. Then we can realize how we should reciprocate to God. It is like the True Father realizing that God is not a happy God. He always cried for God. When he consoled and comforted God from the bottom of His heart. God at first tried to hide His real Heart until such time that He can no longer hide and have to reveal His heart to True Father. When True Father touched God’s heart, God revealed everything to True Father

When children truly understand their Parents' Hearts. Then, parents will start revealing their true situation to true children. When children make a very good condition to understand their parents' hearts. It is not just Jeong Seong. It is also about how he will touch this heart, discover His situation, and find solutions to God’s sorrow. Heavenly Parents’ cry and cry revealing his situation to Father and revealed the various situations to Father.

True Father has not met anyone in the movement who could understand his heart. He cannot find any member like this. This means that no member has ever reached the level of his heart.  Even God surrendered His heart to the True Father. God was moved by Father’s heart, motivation, and resolution to understand and comfort His Heart. True Parents’ Jeongseong is more than anyone in history. When True Father asked God if this was true? God said yes.

A Japanese member who is married to a Filipino member in Japan has not seen True Father even in her dreams. But when she started attending this morning devotion, he had a dream of True Father and True Father told her that True Father is revealing his heart through the daily morning devotions of Dr. Yong. Heavenly Parents and True Parents will reveal to you when your whole being is 100 percent the same with God. We have to become this kind of Unificationists.

God reveals His heart even in the smallest stone on the road. Even the single blade of grass can make you understand God’s heart if you strongly and passionately connect to His Will, Purpose, and Situation. Even Father would gaze at the stars and resent asking them the same questions about God’s sorrowful heart. Everything he sees from the perspective of this kind of heart. Father is like a poet in his communication with nature and God’s heart. He appeals to all things with this kind of internal communication.

We can easily communicate with anything and anyone when the level of our heart reaches the level of God’s heart. We have become ignorant of God’s heart that is why we lost this kind of ability. However, If we have the kind of heart that Father said, “I endured everything until now with the resolve that at the moment I face death, I will not leave behind a will of regret that says, “ I should have offered more Jeong Seong, or I should have done things differently.” Then, we have reached that level of being a true Unificationist individual or family. Just by reading these words, I could say he truly understands the standard of God’s heart how far I am far from this standard. He truly understands God’s heart.

When we truly understand God’s situation then our determination to solve God’s problems, avoid mistakes, and comfort God’s heart will go beyond the boundaries of life and death. Father cannot rest and relax when he knows God’s heart and situation. His strength comes from his understanding and unity with God’s sorrowful heart. Enumerating how many things or challenges we need to control is not the way. There is only one way to become like a True Father. It is to deeply understand God’s heart and resolve to be God’s true filial sons and daughters.

Father is such an amazing and incredible person. He does not want to leave a will of regret. He cannot die like this. Regret means I did not do my best to understand and comfort God’s sorrowful heart. He does want to leave anything in this world with regrets. If we can it as True Father did. We have to resolve always to do our best so we will not leave behind a trail of regret.

We all cannot perfectly deliver God’s real heart of sorrow. If we sleep during a condition of devotion. This means our heart is still at a very low level. If we follow True Father’s way then we will become a true Unificationist or individual with that kind of heavenly heart, heavenly will, and heavenly purpose.

All kinds of restoration centered on God’s heart starts from individual salvation. True Father’s concept of restoration and salvation is beyond the family, the nation, and the world. Father’s concept is cosmic restoration. If we are following True Parents’ teachings then we need to have the same concept, the same goal, and the same vision. It is not just talking about restoration at all levels. At least, we all need to have victory in the restoration of the tribe. Our mission is true to restore the tribe to help in the overall goal of restoring one people, one land, and one sovereignty, one nation under God. True Parents' wish is to have one country restored as a Chun Il Guk nation.

Father feels so sorry to God every time he sees Unification Church members who are not able to truly understand God’s heart and apply that understanding in our real life. That day will come when we are all able to fulfill God’s will with the heart of the Father, tears for Heaven, sweat for the earth, and blood for mankind. Filial piety always moves the parents' hearts.

We need to repent and push ourselves everyday so we can restore the nation of God. We need to express our complete confession to God. We need to follow True Father’s example so that we can comfort God’s heart and God will be so grateful to us. When God expresses His thankful heart to you for doing your best for doing the mission that many people normally would not do. We need to love our mission country more than your own country.

Each of us has to make a strong resolve to die in the place of our mission.  We need to read Father’s mind and heart through his word because if we don’t. It won’t make any sense. We have to go beyond our background to be the best filial sons and daughters of God, worthy of God and True Parents’ embrace. We need to ask ourselves if we are doing our best.   We are still alive because we did not do our best so we have to prolong our life so we can still do our best.

Thank you Dr. Yong for this very important message today. I truly feel that Heavenly Parents and True Parents are using you as Their mouthpiece on earth at this time to guide us on how to become real filial children.  I hope that many more people will get to hear your message and live by the teachings of True Parents so we won’t live our lives in regret.

Thank you so much for sharing with us the sincerity of your heart to console and comfort God and True Parents heart!  -- Rafael E. Ablong