Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Morning Devotion Reflection Title: We are the People Who Create History July 26, 2020

Morning Devotion Reflection
Title: We are the People Who Create History
July 26, 2020 by Rafael E. Ablong

In today's message, Dr. Yong, clearly laid out the things we need to do and should do to accomplish our portion of responsibility as God's children. All these things are anchored on our parent-child relationship with Heavenly Parent and True Parents. To become effective and productive in the providence as filial sons and daughters of God, we need to understand and feel the Heart of God's pain and suffering. We need to have a revolution of heart, personality, and character with God's words. We need to revolutionize our whole being to be able to fulfill our mission and responsibility of achieving total salvation for the rest of humanity. Total salvation with total investment, passion, and a challenging spirit to move forward and upward step by step for the greater glory of God and True Parents. These are the highlights of the message today.

To become the living proof of God and True Parents work in history. We should establish a strong and unbreakable, heartistic relationship with them without a shadow. We are the creators of new history. We live in a completely new Era of Chun Il Guk.  The Era of Chun Il Guk means we have completely paid the indemnity. It is like the era before the coming of Heaven. The eras before the coming of heaven and the era after the coming of heaven are completely different.

Before the coming of heaven, we need to pay indemnity. After the coming of heaven, there is no need to pay indemnity. Indemnity means the heavenly side needs to pay back otherwise we cannot have sovereignty. True Parents came to the earth as the Messiah and as the Lord of the Second Advent. True Father emphasized that during the beginning years of his mission.  There is a need to pay indemnity to restore this world,

We are not in the new testament era, not in the era of the completed testament age. Already, we are marching into the era of Chun Il Guk. A lot of miracles are happening every day. We need to become like Abraham. We are the forefathers of the new history and the history centering on the era of Chun Il Guk.

How can one person pay all the indemnity of humanity in his entire life? True Father paid all indemnity for us.  Without paying the indemnity, we cannot see the era of Chun Il Guk. Father proclaimed the era of Chun Il Guk, and we experienced a lot of results already but we cannot stop until the total salvation of humankind is accomplished. True Mother placed her goal that at least one-third of the population of the world should receive the blessing. We need to pay indemnity for the individual level, family level, tribal level up to the world level. We can not stay at one level; we need to go up higher, centering on our tribe. All families will have a tribal kingdom of heaven in the  family.

Who will be the eternal ancestors of the new history? It is not Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, or Jesus. It is not the other central figures in biblical history. We are the ones who will recreate history. We will be the forefathers and eternal ancestors of the new history. So what should we do? We need to build the kIngdom of Heaven on different levels. God and True Parents have already started building the kingdom of Heaven. We need to conduct the social or tribal Kingdom, successfully. We need to follow Their example.

We need to achieve our next goal, which is the substantial Kingdom of God on Earth and in Heaven. We only need to focus on three nations, and then automatically, we can restore the other nations of the world. Based on this model, we need to restore three provinces among the 77 provinces of Thailand. Then, automatically this nation will become a nation of Chun Il Guk. We need to have a healthy, constructive competition to hasten the restoration of Thailand's provinces starting with three provinces. This will make us the creators of the new history.

True Mother gave us the three visions to guide our way to restore this nation of Thailand. By restoring at least one third of the nations of the world. We are the one who makes the Chun Il Guk. We can change this nation centering on the True Parents'. We are the new innovators, creators, and guarantors of the new history. So we should be responsible for it.

Satan knows what we are doing to accomplish the goal of history centering on True Mother. So as we intensify our innovation, collaboration, and creation of the new world, Satan also tries to intensify his operations to distract us from the real goal. Satan breaks our focus and attention through the desires of our body: rest, food, clothing, shelter, and sex. The latter is the most rabid of the temptation instruments. Satan lures us by providing the possibilities of free sex through different media.  Satan always comes to us to offer alcohol, drugs, sex, and money.

Satan always tries to put us down by encouraging us to have free sex.  He urges us to stay away from the mainstream of the providence by tempting us through free sex. Satan always promotes free sex. He creates the sexual culture through dancing , singing and other social activities. We have to kick out Satanic culture. We have to get out of the Satanic world. We need to kick Satan to go away. We need to have a revolution of God's words. Next is we need to have a revolution of our personality.

We need to restore humanism. We need it to change to true humanism.  In true humanism, our character comes from God. That is why we need to revolutionize our character. Finally, we need to have a revolution of the Heart. There is only one way. We need to experience God's sorrowful Heart.  We cannot change our hearts by ourselves. We need to connect it to the Heart of Heaven. We need to have morning devotion every day.

To enter the world of God's Heart, we need to purify our hearts. No more Satan's Heart. Who wants Satan's Heart? His heart is icy,  no tears, and no love. How can we make Shimjung culture? The most important thing is to have God's personality. Sages lacked a point. They did not enter the realm of God's Heart.

The most important thing is "Heart Revolution." If we have the revolution of Heart, all the other revolutions of personality and character are accomplished. Why? It is because the Heart is the center of personality and character. Anyone who experiences the sorrowful Heart of God can enter the world of God's Heart. Everyone's wish should be the world of God's Heart.  We need to taste God's love, God's sorrowful Heart, and lastly, we need to practice God's Heart-centered relationships.

This is the final stage. Anyone who experiences the sorrowful Heart of God can firmly say, Satan, I have graduated from chapter two problems. I have completely graduated from chapter two problems and from the fallen natures of the fall. Anyone who experiences the Heart of God can enter God's direct dominion of love.  But to enter God's direct dominion. You need to understand, feel, and taste God's Heart.

The best way to experience God's sorrowful Heart is to be God's filial sons and daughters. To enter the world of God's Heart, the key word is Hyo Jeong. What is the most important part of Hyo Jeong? It is a longing heart. How much do you miss your father, mother, or children? If there is no longing heart. You are fake. The essence of the Heart is a longing heart. The essence of filial piety is a longing heart.

One of the most important things to have as a leader is to have God's Vision. Total salvation is God's vision. If we do not have vision, we cannot succeed, and all the things we do or believe in will decline and die at the end. However, if we have the vision, everything just falls into place. Father said that if we have vision and conviction, miracles happen.

The second important thing a leader should have is to have passion and enthusiasm to accomplish the vision. The third point a leader should have is challenge. It is the will to improve or advance one's achievements every time, step by step. True Father has a vision, passion, and challenging spirit.  Leaders of the movement need to have these qualities to be victorious wherever they will go. Once they set up the goal, they just go forward to accomplish greater things step by step.

As the future forefathers, creators and innovators of the new history, we cannot stop along the way without realizing the vision of Heavenly Parents and True Parents. That is why we need to have a revolution of Heart, personality, and character based on God’s words. We can only be victorious if we have God's vision of total liberation, passion, enthusiasm, and challenging spirit to accomplish greater things each time, step by step. We should not be satisfied at each level. We should keep on moving forward like True Parents.

Thank you so much, Dr. Yong, for this powerful inspiration. We are learning so much from you. Now, we have God's vision, we have the passion, and we are willing to take the challenge already. We pray for your good health, protection, and success as you pursue your passion for the total salvation of Asia-Pacific and the world starting with Thailand, with brothers and sisters there. We will pray for your success as we do our best to support you, the best way we can.

Thank you so much again.

--Rafael E. Ablong

Monday, July 27, 2020

Morning Devotion Reflection: “To Resolve God’s Resentment” by Jun Jumawan ”

MD Reflection
Title: To Resolve God’s Resentment
July 27, 2020 by Jun Jumawan

Everyday is a really a great revolution in our hearts to change our concept and received lots of inspirations.
Thank you so much HP, our TPs for having us your great filial son, Dr. Yong, using him as your mouth to reveal your heart to all of us.

Guidance from ten points of appreciation;
-Where there is our heart with longing heart, there is our home.
Our original home town is our True Parents.

Inspirations from Japanese SS message yesterday:
-At least once a month we have to organize Home Members festival.
Arrange minimum 3 days workshop, teach properly DP and internal guidance.
Once a week gathering, Home members service.

Guidance from someone’s reflection:
-As leader, concern is very important to guide home members.
-Re-connection is more easier than bringing new members.

The best way to resolve our problems is to receive God’s guidance through prayer with an attitude to worry for God’s sorrowful heart and humankind’s total salvation.

How to deal with problems?
Problems are an opportunity to meet God and understand God’s heart. When we can solve our problems, it is an opportunity to meet God.

Problems are homework. Through homework, we can grow up.
We should not think the problems negatively.
My problems is God’s problems.In the same way, my children’s problems are my problems.

That’s why it is a very wrong concept if we think that my children’s problem is their own problems.

Solving my family problems can connect to solve my nation’s problems.

We should not run away when we meet problems. Instead we should challenge to receive more problems in order to become closer to God.

The most important is our alignment to God’s Heart, our attitude to turn on the right frequency, to become zero

We can’t solve problems centering on human point of view. We have to solved it in accordance with God’s point of view for the total salvation of all humanity.
If have the sense of responsibility to solve the problems in our society, our nation and the world, God will give us revelations.

When we received a lot of problems, it means God give us a lot of homework. This means means God loves me so much because I can have a lot of opportunity to learn His sorrowful heart and an opportunity to become closer to Him.

Thank you so much once again our beloved Dr. Yong!


Morning Devotion Reflection: Marcelo Morguia, July 26, 2020

GoodDay :
HP/TP/TM and
Dr . Yong , Abojiee!
(MD: 7/26/‘20)  My Reflection,
Dearest so much HP/TP and Dr. Yong ,
I'm always  have a grateful hearts to learned from TF words , great Principles and teaching as our source of strength , power and energy to refuel and Hearts  each day , Since then this MD with Dr . Yong ., was so powerful to testify that TF are just around the corner , watching and observing us ., on how serious we are in few days to graduate from this Heart education Culture Schooling . I could feel TF are so happy to see around , with young people gathered to dedicate their time in this 120 Days completion . It is our hearts that matters for a while , but it is our  performance in responsibility that lead us to the frontline to start with burning desire to captured those prepared people by our ancestors .

Truly , Vision , Passion and challenging role our such qualities that TF wanted us to inherit from him . when we can think that these are his qualities of a good leader , that We must also adapt .   And we understand that Through great sacrifices and indemnity success of Our TP . We can understand To this Era Of Cheon IL guk ., that we need to think how still sorrowful the heart of GOD with our TP if we can experienced so much dedication in our mission Area . Our Victorious TP Really said : that we don’t to go back In Satanic era that ruin our future vision ., rather it so clearly imo hazing here that we are living in the era of Christ IL Guk . Indemnity was paid by our TP.

 And now it’s the time we need aligned our selves , as we determine to establish the substantial Cheon IL Guk ..,While TM on and TF and SW . It is a time where we can see Heaven is so near for us to welcome .., as we get involved this for the New Heaven to come ..’
today Topic :” We are the People created History .!”

Yes .! As the era of cheon IL Guk nowadays ..  it was  our True father that say “ we can be now called as New Creator , for we the one who moving to that goal in realizing soon as possible .
 It is period that we cancelled “ forefather “ accordingly since we no longer in the past but we are in our very important period that our stand are no longer an ordinary citizen but need to elevate into the level of Historical pioneer.! Thereby as we dedicate to truly realized the cheon IL Guk Nation ., we even become eternal ancestors . As TF said . And this will give us our own chance to create are foundation to inherit even more and move forward for realizing are K.O.H. From family level to national. And if this time that we have establish a nation as our TM /TF Wishes & dreams . That why for this reason , we need very Absolute and obedience to careful enough not to commit fall , by pursuing straight to the goal .! However, Tf words , that even only 3 that surely offer to God /HP /TP would be very enough for us to possible restored of entire through conditions ! As we move to establish the substandard CIG . We are even to recognized ourself as “ Innovators “ as long as we could dedicate to transform this Fallen world into to better and ideal one . Therefore as we recognized TF Principles . The Revolution Of humanity need to be implemented in
In order to become  new being of the Revolutionary in characters !

There are 3 kind Revolution that we must undergo :
1)๐Ÿ“šRevolution By WORDS : we need to clean up our line of thinking and brainwash our  Bad Satanic world language into a dignified words that can create our personality a symbols of ideal person . We to revolutionized with God ‘s Words to use only God Words and new truth , DP , thereby to avoid and to kick Satan
from our environment ,that establish the culture of Hell !
2)๐Ÿ“š- Revolution Of our personality :
Out side people are shouting for human right and forsake god . They would rather considered the idea of humanism in Satanic point of View . Therefore we are here to restored this humanism idea to adopt the “ True Humanism “ in God /TP we trust ! We need to change our personality as Godly person .
3)๐Ÿ“š-This is the most important revolution here : “Shimjeong “- Revolution of the Heart❤️. We need to be a Heartistic person , loving caring , & concerned for others , . We to experienced the sorrowful heart ๐Ÿ’”of God as his children . This is main essence of the MD 120 Days ., is for us to be Heartistic and a person of good heart in characters , as Filial children. It is our vision and goal to enter the world of Heart , and heart shroud be in the complete level after this Shimjeong  MD .
   As TP followers , all unificationist  should undergo revolution of hearts in order to enter the “world of Heart”. We are here to create a culture of heart that God is present . And even develop more & more to enter the world of Heart . It is we realized that K. O. H. Is a world of Heart .๐ŸŒŽ❤️. Accordingly, all of us must experienced to taste of World Of Heart ๐ŸŒŽ❤️‼️that why it is important to graduate and completely kick out Satan in our concept by burning all our Fallen nature’s .
   Being a person good heart are needed where experienced the world of Heart to enter , in the different realm thru God direct dominion . In god direct dominion we need to taste the following heart : 1❤️)God ‘s Love ;2❤️): God Heart 3๐Ÿ’”): God sorrowful Heart .
To enter in the world it has a key words : SheoJeong “ - it’s Essen there is a longing heart ❤️! We are to carry the Longing Heart .-it is the essence of the hearts; and the essence of being a Filial piety .! We need to long our Heavenly Father , God and have reunion someday !
  Let’s not avoid to have s longing heart ! And as the historical people or the new Creators , or innovators , .. We are to to pioneer if Of Cheon IL Guk .!” - then what Kind a leader needed to be in CIG .? A quality of a leader that can inherit our TF personality !
1) he must a Clear Vision ๐Ÿ‘‼️: he must be a leader w/ who can show overall plan , Intention and conviction . A transparency of his overall things in performance
Aligned to the vision of God Total Salvation !
2) Passion : ๐Ÿคhaving vision , you to have a passion .
You be passionate
  Enough to initiate to your performance . And be eager to do To invest ! “ for no vision , no passion !” -no meaning . Passions come from vision . No passion ? - get ready for funeral .!
Cremation are await . ๐Ÿ˜ฑ
3) - Challenges๐Ÿค›:
- you must a strong determination to on the go ., never ever give up , a fixed mind set to & dedication to move forward to a higher level of intention in a ๐Ÿ‘ฃstep by step ๐Ÿ‘ฃ., moving on . Our TF
Who did these idea successfully
Is a Man of Vision ; Of Passion & a man of Challenge .
 Being a Cheon IL Guk citizen ., it is our time that we can be recognized as the”forefathers ..!builders of the legendary: Cheon IL Guk .! We are the Creators .and so our heart must be revolution thru this MD .
Let’s Liquidate our  Fallen nature’s and let the total eclipse ๐ŸŒ‘of the Satanic world Culture ..!
We need to check ourselves if really we are to this significant noble task that call our attention to dedicate with vision , and be passionate to succeed.,, no matter what challenges we may encounters .!
Be Ready to be vigilant in taking stand to this endeavors that truly the 7 year course of TM and our sincere cooperation is such an opportunity that never be experienced to come again ..! And let’s go forward with a clear “Vision ๐Ÿ‘to succeed not just Survive !”.. Aju ๐Ÿ’ช
Thank you so much Dr . Yong for your well excellent presentation each day .! Power are always with you . God bless everyone for the success of this 120 Days MD .
  In gratitude in to and all .! Dr . Yong & your Family & Thailand Family members .! Respectfully yours , Marcelo Morguia-30K’92 ๐ŸŒป๐Ÿ™


Morning Devotion Reflection: Marcelo Morguia, July 27, 2020

HP/TP/TM and
Dr.Yong & Abojie praised you all with Bro.’s & Sis.’s

My Reflection,
With my sincere devotion and greaful heart!  MD had inspired hundreds of young people and blessed families nowadays as conclusion so near ๐Ÿ“šWords of HP/TP are truly effective to stimulate heart of those who lost their clear vision & passion, and I’m sure they will come they comeback with revolutionized attitudes and restructured personality ! Who ‘s who ? Is a welcome banquet to anyone in the name of Total Salvation..!

This Heart ❤️ education was so remarkable initiative by Dr . Yong in the presence of Pandemic Crisis that we still a little little experiencing .

But the main target here is Heart . Truly this MD really give solutions to many problems enlightenment and hope for those Unchanging in faith to HP/TP and Absolute determination change for those who can absorbed all the loving guidance of our TP . Let’s have a Brave hearts as a soldier of truth to carry out the Total Salvation in liberating God /TP hearts . Topic today : “ To Resolved God Resentments” . I feel that this is very important issues ., that included problems

Regarding family members situations and reconnection for others and some practical ways for outside people and families to offers solutions in many aspect.

God’s Words /TP guidance are truly

Powerful solutions in seeing main points to focus on everyone problems. Indeed , as we revolutionized all aspects of hearts , our TP here shown as perfect loving guidance to everyone searching for an answers . Anyone could never Substantialized as we learned in many ways , perhaps we need “ restructuring “& a sure alignment of our heart and motivation . understanding the

Necessity of our problems solutions .. again this is a Call all of us / all for others to reconnect to God /TP and be more faithful this time . We need to practice by ourselves as much as we can relate strongly. However,

If we cannot apply in our own daily life , this will become more problems in end, it is important to have a reconnection and express yourself to shared to those heartistic people , a prayer to God , and consult also to to your trusted Abel and talk about the possibility solving some personal problems.

The value of home members -who lost their connection is important this time to understand in order that he re-connects and revived their spirits again with a positive outcome for this time . Their are some leaders who never realized and have no ideas the lost members who list their connections . , why ? Because 1) some leaders itself is already a problem . 2) lack of interest to know members own problem ; 3) no vision in transparency. Since many are new members who are not well guided so much by principles and just doesn’t know what to do .4) new members need attention for closeness to others 5) Blessed family members who no connection / doesn’t want to share for leaders .

It is true in what you’ve shared Dr. Yong that others need Heartistic attention . Truly we cannot denied that everyone has its own problems., but we need to understand, as we that discovered that God himself had already a problems ahead of us .,that many did not realized & recognized. That’s why , it is truly important for us for us Reflect on this . Indeed we , are just as a result of Historical problem that inherit everything and have it on our way of problems since we cannot escapes from this reality . And since our mind has no

Ability to sense of interest to look up . While God had been sensing by looking down on us , standing behind and had its special personal touching on us . Our problem scaled to measured everywhere 24 hrs . As a constant and a routine problem without relating to sense god through prayer . We need to understand that God himself as almighty and perfect God /HP has also carry out a big problems . ( due to the fall ) and we understand God Hearts . And as a Fallen man , who had been lost its

Connection since the beginning of life history ..when we can recognized our sins , that until today .. we keep struggling, & turn turn out as God problems and now our TP are the one

facing these problem . That ‘s why they need to depend us , as our Parents and we are parents blessed children’s to solve this problem by witnessing for the young new members we are looking for at the mission area in order to return for original hometown . Then we need to reflect this . Why God send Savior .?it is to solve the same problem.

Already god give as the answers yet it is still on man’s interest; motivation and initiative to take to responsibility for a solution as we recognized the answers to certain problems. As Blessed family members , We believed god and we welcomed as messiah as our way to find answers in our daily answers in our lives .! A way we can recovered our lost connection to god as we search to god and we recognized God is Alive . By then we need to think and realized to go back to God as our original eternal Parents ๐ŸŽŽin reality . Then truly we can relate to God , in order for us to find solutions , when we cannot bear any of our own problems.Fallen people who never recognized god can also a big problems , until today , by neglecting God for some reason that is still remain a continues problems because , it’s hard for others relate sometimes since no idea or other way how to look for where Is God ? ( for believers and no god ) how to pray ? What to pray ? For this reason as solution ,God sending messiah ( such as Jesus & TP) here we need to think and recognized that , the valued of messiah is a very precious gift of History from God . that ‘s why we should welcome and appreciate and considered as god Representatives to

give solutions of our problems in general . That ‘s why As unification

Members & a blessed family , it is God movement through our TP( as Messiah ) that we know so much , having enough

Truth ๐Ÿ“šas the solutions by its words and teaching . We realized that this is our hope and solutions to solves any problems when TP introduced this truth ., and reality of God sorrowful hearts situations . In how to solves this problems as we encounters .

Thereby our True Parents offers solutions not only from , individual, families, society , nations and to the

World and cosmos ,which now come a perfect time to understand and realized that how so valuable to solves all the problems we’ve facing and struggling before ,

Everyday and through out lives .

Today we are so greatful with Dr . Yong to Introduce new solutions of recognizing the valued of the problems we are facing and how much we could solves and face to welcome as Blessings in general : Why Does God Give me


1) - Problems are opportunities to meet God . 2) Problems are homework ,3) God gives me problems in order to help me grow ;4)-my problems are God’s problems . Other problems are also my problems & Therefore also God problems 5) -the reason god give me problem is for growth but also for total salvation , for the salvation of the world ;6) - as such don’t run away from problems . Have active attitudes and receive it with happiness; 7a) -One must be aligned with TP & the SW in orders to solves the problem ;7b)- if we can take concerned about your problems, about God & Humankind from a public position , God will definitely teach you through revelations regardless of what problems you face 8)-the key to solving the problems is to look at the whole through God ‘s ( Parents ) point of view 9) -if you take concerned and pray the heart of taking responsibilities for god ,the world; for the country and for the members then God will give you revelations. Aju ., Therefore ,with all these recommended problems ., it is important for us to have sense of responsibilities and taking initiatives to make us a successful through guidance of TP words as introduced by Dr Yong , so here we realized that this urgent time we should go together to face the world centering on God / TP visions as god top priority-Total Salvation of Humanity. If we cannot Re- connect ; cooperate ( Absolute obey , follows and support-the Messiah /TP ultimate purpose & goal ( as mission ) and now considered as Dreams and wishes of our TP /TM ..in which we are finally understand as “ God vision of Total

Salvation for humanity . Whereby truly this is a solution of all our problems in daily lives until finally we die.!

What we focus nowadays is restored our strong connection to god /TP, in order to recover our responsibility to restore our 1st love

Motivation. Participate fully for God’s and TP & then conveys to others recognized our TP , -their precious value ๐ŸŽŽ❤️; their existence ; purpose ;& Blessings. In this way , let us all be inspired again to move on to gollow God clear vision which is God Total Salvation. And all of us have the same vision of our HP/TP., this is the final solution to all our problems from external to internal to internal , Until spiritual and it is the way comfort

God /TP sorrowful hearts which we all longing for . This is

solving top HP/TP priority Problems such wishes and dreams . Thereby , Cheon IL Guk are very possible , as we can solved top priority problems.. we are not ordinary people who are marching

To the blessed land , as Historical pioneering people . We are responsible men & women of God as Filial Son ‘s and daughters of HP/TP . That ‘s why.., we need to think Big , think Global ! We are pioneering to establish the Substantials CIG .

Kingdom of heaven , where we can experienced one world family , under god with one set of TP , one sovereignty and heavenly citizens .

With the our concepts as God ๐ŸŒŽ-Vision for Total Salvation.!

๐ŸŒŽ- It is also a concept of solving all kinds of problems in everyday . Since we can shared & loving everyone problems as our problems, and No longer as God problems.

๐ŸŒŽ- with same heart , same thoughts , same vision and final destination and goal ! Therefore is is totally Absolute :

๐ŸŒป- faith ;

๐ŸŒปObedience ; ❤️๐ŸŒป- Love

follows; supports ;

Cooperate ; as total salvation in solution .

Total Salvation- means :

๐ŸŒŽTotal God ‘s Day Celebration ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽŽfor HP/TP and mankind reunion . Aju ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŒป.

So blessful to thanks God this day with Dr. Yong powerful, Amazing

Heart revolution!

God bless

You and your family with the Thailand family members ! Great job ๐Ÿ“š๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ‘๐ŸพLooking forward for a fruitful Blessings ahead of us .! Under loving guidance of our beloved HP/TP ‼️๐ŸŽŽRespectfully yours -Marcelo Morguia-30k ‘92๐ŸŒป๐Ÿ™‼️๐Ÿ“š✍️

Morning Devotion Reflection by Dr. Julius Malicdem, July 24, 2020

Morning Devotion Reflection
“Our resolution grows in proportion to the magnitude of our dreams!”
July 24, 2020 by Dr. Julius Malicdem
Foreword by Jun. Jumawan
Today’s MD, Dr. Yong was very inspired and share as part of the message on Rev. Julius B. Malicdem’s reflection, July 24, 2020:

“It is very important to know that God call us in order to help for the total salvation of all humanity.
We received blessing not just for the salvation of our own self, not just for the salvation of our own family, not just for the saloon our own tribe and for our own nations.

This is the reason why we always recite our family pledge number 2; to perfect the dutiful family way of filial sons and daughters in our family, patriots in our nation, Saints for the World and divine sons and daughters in heaven and on earth.”

Morning Devotion Reflection
“Our resolution grows in proportion to the magnitude of our dreams!”
July 24, 2020 by Dr. Julius Malicdem

I would like to offer my sincere gratitude once again to our beloved Heavenly Parent and True Parents for another life-filled guidance today. Thank you so much Dr. Yong for bringing to our senses so vividly our Heavenly Parent and True Parents’ vision.

There is no doubt that today’s morning devotion challenges us to see the larger vision of what we should absolutely accomplish especially while our True Mother is here on the earth. We might be busy with so many aspects of our mission and responsibilities in our Movement but most importantly is that we clearly see the bigger picture of what our True Parents are bringing into completion. The concept of ‘total salvation’ is unprecedented. Only our beloved True Parents have clearly and passionately expounded on what level of salvation should be achieved. And that is for the salvation of all of humanity both in the physical world and spirit world. As God is our Heavenly Parent, this is His main ministry and concern, that is to bring about ‘total salvation’, for all people to have personal heart-touching experiences and no one should be left behind. All of these emanates from the loving heart of our heavenly Parent Who has been longing for all His sons and daughters to return to His bosom.

We can not deny that this time period that we are living now is unprecedented and will never be repeated in history. We only have one set of True Parents. And when I reflect deeply about this, my heart is bursting with the realization that as long as God does not rest, I should not rest! As long as True Parents do not rest, I can never think of resting. Our True Parents have clearly exemplified in their lives how we can get stimulation always. How we can maintain our first motivation. Important is how we can really build up that same resolution in our hearts day by day!

For 115 days, our hearts and original mind has been stimulated and quenched. We have traversed into the core of the heart of our True Parents into the heart of our Heavenly Parent. Undoubtedly, the only way to continuously find stimulation and keep our fire burning is to constantly connect with God’s sorrowful heart and pitiable circumstance! We need to remind ourselves over and over again the greatness of God’s “chak-sarang” for all His children and for all creation! And then ultimately hold on to God’s dreams and wishes as if these dreams are my own! Holding these deeply in my heart, will always motivate me to take greater responsibility no matter what.

Most important is how to inherit our True Parents unyielding determination to completely liberate God! This is always the question. No doubt, our beloved True Parents constantly kept that heart to resolve everything for sake of realizing God’s Will. No doubt that our True Parents have relentlessly pursued the Will of heaven uncompromisingly. Having understood what filial piety should be, then there should be no gap between our True Parents’ heart and my heart! This should be my identity! Carrying the same ardent heart of fulfilling our Heavenly Parent’s wish and dreams and to finally liberate Him from His sorrowful circumstances.

I need to have the same attitude and mindset of our True Parents! Like them, I also need to always see the “bigger picture”, the “greater purpose” of the Providence! We should not have a narrow-minded vision which limits our scope of supporting our True Parents. Whatever I do I should always connect with the greater purpose and deeply feel, this is my contribution to realize Cheon Il Guk. I always remember our beloved Dr. Yong have been constantly emphasizing about this point, that the purpose of doing HTM mission is for national restoration! I should always think, “I am not an ordinary person!” “I am a representative of the nation, I am a representative of the world, I am a representative of our True Parents!” Then automatically, my narrow concept will disappear and inherit the larger concept of ‘total salvation’.

Yes, this 7-year course is the most amazing time to bring more substantial results! I am one with our True Mother to make this final push in this 7-year course of ‘total mobilization’. Yes, Choonghwejangnim, no matter what, we will unite absolutely with you and challenge to have a greater vision for Southeast Asia and the whole Asia Pacific and the whole world! We will move forward together with our National Leaders and embark on a total mobilization with the resolve to saturate all the provinces and districts in each nations, especially the major nations: the 81 provinces in the Philippines; the 77 provinces in Thailand; the 25 provinces in Cambodia and the 16 states and federal territories in Malaysia. I have great hope for Indonesia, Singapore and all other amazingly emerging nations like Myanmar and Laos that someday soon within this 7-year course, we can have foundation in each of the major provinces! If this is God’s and True Parents’ will and desire, it will surely come true! Aju!

Youtube Links to Dr. C.S. Yong's 3rd 40-Day Heavenly Asia Pacific Heart Network Morning Devotion

3rd 40 Days Heavenly Asia Pacific Heart Network Morning Devotion YouTube Video Links
June 20 to July 29, 2020 with Heavenly Asia Pacific Region Group Chairman, Dr. Cheong Sik Yong at ASIA Int`l HQs, Thailand. Just click the link to watch the live and powerful Hoon Dok Hae with Dr. Yong

June 20: https://youtu.be/-oFSM_1DP5w

June 21: https://youtu.be/rQvXct00U10

June 22: https://youtu.be/zuNc4R1qqTc

June 23: https://youtu.be/PrCp_XJiBLM

June 24: https://youtu.be/KCqqS8BO01s

June 25: https://youtu.be/BlYlP6iEWUI

June 26: https://youtu.be/3B06doOAvFw

June 27: https://youtu.be/OYfN87_VKNQ

June 28: https://youtu.be/x97i7HYQWz8

June 29: https://youtu.be/5WTdyOvRDps (part 1)

https://youtu.be/rbLAuHdGjhI (part 2)

June 30: https://youtu.be/M1uKKj8ky1w

July 1: https://youtu.be/JX0D3msBnEo

July 2: https://youtu.be/XgQLzSwr03E

July 3: https://youtu.be/tOOCzn7fD6A

July4: https://youtu.be/CPkvKAJQwQ8

July 5: https://youtu.be/W2hoabYBPH8

July 6: https://youtu.be/RE8bfFbwvE4

July 7: https://youtu.be/hyAhqreSGhM

July 8: https://youtu.be/h3b98a_evcA

July 9: https://youtu.be/vC96fPQvabw

July10: https://youtu.be/qpm7EJ3QSnY

July 11: https://youtu.be/3SIESSSXP9c

July 12: https://youtu.be/eCrBskJc0lY

July13: https://youtu.be/SvInqyUCsRM

July 14: https://youtu.be/d5VazcdbyQk

July 15: https://youtu.be/-Eb-ikfG-es

July 16: https://youtu.be/NP7nlUf3kBU

July 17: https://youtu.be/BKAtC_2-Lac

July 18: https://youtu.be/UZ51xhUbRO4

July 19: https://youtu.be/O4nB3X695mE

July 20: https://youtu.be/pry2lNp5Ma4

July 21: https://youtu.be/VkUowqBgw50

July 22: https://youtu.be/mFlQtOzot4s

July 23: https://youtu.be/023yOKpcGg0

July 24: https://youtu.be/-leg8hqkylU

July 25: https://youtu.be/pzOWxQBeGFg

July 26: https://youtu.be/xehKtFcdep8

July 27 https://youtu.be/2J-P0D34ZIc

July 28: https://youtu.be/OvA0Jb93yTc

July 29:

Morning Devotion Reflection-Live With the Heart of Caring and Worry for God July 25, 2020

Morning Devotion Reflection
Title: Live With the Heart of Caring and Worry for God
July 25, 2020
by Rafael E. Ablong

This great opportunity to learn from Dr. Yong's heavenly devotion is going to end soon but not our inspirations and commitment to keep learning and doing for the Will of God. The devotional conditions will become part of the great Asia Pacific history and its message will remain in the archives of our emotional and heavenly experience.

I can no longer count the number of times I cried, and tried to write even if my tears are blocking my vision and my emotion is giving me a hard time to breath. Sometimes, the words are just so deep and so touching that before I start writing my understanding about it, the trauma of the past and God's presence in my life make me shed a waterfall of tears. Only God knows how these devotion messages are cleaning my heart, forgiving the saddest parts of my past, (especially the "accidental" killings on my father's side and mother's side) and thanking God for the life he has given me to endure extreme poverty and enjoy God's blessings. I am so grateful indeed of God's unconditional guidance, protection, and presence in my life, especially for my blessed family.

I have asked myself the providential meaning of Dr. Yong's presence in Thailand during this worldwide pandemic, and why has God inspired him to do these morning devotion conditions in Thailand? In religious numerology, 7 is the number of God. 77 means Christ. "In certain numerological systems based on the English alphabet, 77 is associated with Jesus Christ. CHRIST is C = 3, H = 8, R = 18, I = 9, S = 19, T = 20, which added together equal 77.” The number 7 in the Bible also is a number of giving and spirituality (inner wisdom, mysticism, intuition, and inner strength).

Looking at all these positive Biblical inspirations of Thailand in Providence made me realize that the internal transformation and the starting point of total mobilization of Asia-Pacific have already started in Thailand. It was made possible with Dr. Yong's direct inspiration from Heavenly Parents and True Parents and the Good Spirit World led by his spiritual father, Rev. Yo Han Lee, through these series of devotional conditions. The only nation in Asia with 77 provinces and the first in the Asia Pacific to receive God's direct guidance at this time of the pandemic is Thailand. Thailand is the home and transmitter of God's words: God's Sorrowful Heart, Longing heart, Total Salvation, Total Mobilization, and Total Investment.

Everything is within Dr. Yong's capability to educate all brothers and sisters in the Asia Pacific region through Heavenly Parent's technology power in Thailand. The timing is right. Everyone tries to stay at home most of the time, and most people avoid getting involved in parties and social gatherings. Everyone is pushed to reflect on what's life going to be in the months and years following the quarantine period in different countries. The time for the total mobilization of Thailand is here.

I hope that all the 77 Japanese supporters (sisters) will realize how important it is to respond to God's call. Heaven essentially directs times like these. While it is a pandemic time, it is also a "holy angelic" time for the world so everyone can change for the better, starting with God's word. God's word is the word of life and heart, "the fountain and motivator of love and the spring of life." We can be physically distant but spiritually close to God at this time. The opportunity is here, and the time has come.

The Bible said, "Where there is no vision, people perish! (Prov. 29:18)
Here vision means God's vision. His vision is the total Salvation of humankind. Not just for one person or tribe. He wants to save all the people in the world and on earth. Where there is no God's vision of total Salvation, all will perish. If there is no concept or vision of total Salvation, everyone will die. Our tribes, religions, politics, and everything will perish. That is why any individual, family, tribe, nation, people or religion will decline and die if they lose God's total vision.

When all religions focus only on the salvation of their believers, their faith will decrease and perish. People, groups, and organizations that do not have God's vision will decline and diminish. To stimulate our original mind, we need to show God's vision very clearly. God's vision should become my dream and my vision. How can we kill our desire? How can we eliminate our fallen natures? What is our original self? We need to show clearly God's vision for us and all humanity. We should show to our True Father that we are becoming mature and responsible through this experience and restoration process.

God's top priority is the total salvation of humankind. What is the best way to realize this vision.? We need to show clearly God's vision. How much Heavenly Father has to do to get everything in his vision. What is the meaning of living for the sake of others? That means living for the total salvation of humankind. We even need to liberate God, our True Father, True Mother, and each of us on earth and in the spirit world. It is our portion of responsibility. Everybody should be concerned about the total salvation of everyone after the fall. We need to get involved in this cause of Heavenly Parents.

When we are saving someone from danger, death, or injury, We need to make sure that we are going through the right steps. To restore God's homeland, we need to have a clear vision of how to fulfill the salvation of others. We should live centering on God's purpose and heart. All of us originally chose to be God's filial children. From this position of filial sons and daughters, we can go forward to restore God's homeland.

We want to live where there is God's love. Salvation is not just for individuals, families, nations, and humankind. We need to be a representative of the countries and the world. God called me and you individually. For what purpose? It is for the liberation of all humanity. Why God chose me to be a leader or a lecturer.? It is because He wants me to accomplish His vision through this way of supporting him.

We have to be a patriot in the nation. We need to be the sons and daughters of God and True Parents. We need to liberate our entire family, tribe, nation, and world. No one should be left behind. It is the best way to serve and inspire God and True Parents. When there is no God and no vision of total salvation, people perish. Why do our family and movement decline? It is because of a lack of vision and commitment to accomplish the vision.

So what does living for others mean? We have to be in absolute resonance with God's heart in totality total to avoid injury to self and others. So God's vision must be my vision. God and I must work together to accomplish our vision of total salvation. If we do not have total salvation in our vision, heavenly fortune will leave our family, society, and nation. So how do we invite the holy spirit? We need to be in absolute alignment with God and True Parent's vision. This is the secret.

When we are united with God's vision, God becomes our sponsor. He cannot help but come to our side to support us to accomplish the vision together . This is like the unity of all the body parts moving together as one unit following the mind as propounded by Jesus in the Bible. All the different parts of the body work together to accomplish the direction of the mind. Thus, we should be united with the common vision of God and True Parents.

That is why day and night do not matter. God always thinks of total salvation. Just as God is crazy day night to accomplish His Vision, we should also be crazy to accomplish His Will. When we work in total unison with God and His vision, there will be no difference. Even if we look physically different, everything will be alright if we have the same vision.

The topic of the morning message today is "Live With the Heart of Caring and Worry for God."
How much do we love the movement? Filial children always wait for their parents even before they die. They do not worry about their selfish minds. What they worry about is their filial responsibility to parents. Filial and loyal children want to be responsible. No matter what, I want to liberate my True Parents. We have to have this kind of filial piety. We always worry about our parents. We always feel sorry for our blessed family, and we work hard to accomplish responsibilities.

No matter what, I will protect my blessed family eternally. No matter what, I will raise our blessed family eternally. When we worry about God, we gain a lot of power. This power comes from the original heart relationship with God. This is why True Father never gets tired. When we think that our job is to unite with God and realize His dreams, we can have enormous strength for humankind's total salvation and continue to love humanity.

True Father's Secret Source of Power
That is why the True Father always thinks and works for God and Humankind. When we think about God's sorrows. When we are united with God's vision of total salvation, we feel an incredible amount of power to solve problems and find its right solutions. This is True Father's secret. The more he suffers to solve God's sorrow, the more he pays indemnity for others, the more power he will have because God is with him and in him. The ability to love and unite is multiplied many times this way.

When we think of our Heavenly Parents and True Parents' pain and suffering, as real sons and daughters, our pain and suffering disappear. Then, we gain tremendous power to persist and overcome sufferings and difficulties, as exemplified by our True Father. Jesus showed this kind of powerful spirit to us when he was crucified. He did not think of himself but Heavenly Father and the innocent yet evil people representing all mankind. Jesus conquered death and gained victory over Satan's living iniquities by enduring the physical pain of the crucifixion.

Public Worries, Better than Selfish Ones
That is why whenever we think about our parents, we get a lot of resolutions to do. How much do we worry about the unification movement? How much do we worry about our nation? Who is the filial son and daughter? It is the person who always worries about his parents. Who is the patriot? It is the person who always thinks of his nation. A person who cries and cries for the nation is a patriot. A saint is a person who always worries, prays, and does something good for the world.

A son or daughter of Heavenly Parents is a person who always thinks, prays, and worries for His Heavenly Parents. Otherwise, if you don't worry about anything as sons or daughters, you will just be an onlooker, not the owner or a child If we always worry about ourselves, we get more anxious and worry. These worries will soon become cancer. Worrying for a greater or higher purpose always gives you heavenly power. Why? Because of this public worry, we become energized, and we feel much power and sense of ownership. This is the essence of today's message and the 120 morning devotion.

Resolve Worries and Gain Energy
A real person is undoubtedly the one with the heart that cares and thinks what to do for Heaven. Everything will be resolved when we live for Heaven. When we are genuinely concerned about how to realize Heaven's Will for the total liberation of God's sorrowful heart and humankind's suffering situation, God and the spirit world automatically become actively involved in settlement of our concerns.

If we just worry about what to eat, what to drink, what to wear, how to send our children to school, and how to survive the different situations and challenges in life. God and the spirit world cannot help much. Our heartistic connection to Heaven's Heart, Will, Purpose and Direction of Providence matters most for the automatic involvement of God and the spirit world. Why? Because they are motivated by true love and heartistic connection. Just saying the word love, will not mean anything unless it is accompanied by heartistic emotion and corresponding action.

We can overcome our limitations as human beings after the fall if we could just follow the example of Jesus and True Parents. We should focus on God's worries instead of our fears. We need to carry on God's concerns, bear His cross, and go the extra mile to comfort His sorrows to overcome our predispositions to these maladies and limitations brought by the fall.

A person with a greater connection to Heaven through his heart and higher internal motivation has the highest emotional intelligence. Emotionally intelligent people are more successful than those who are intellectually intelligent. This is why research "shows that people with strong emotional intelligence are more likely to succeed than those with high IQs or relevant experience."

We need to think of this nation as the representative of all the nations in the world. When we meet people, we need to think they are the representative of all humankind. When parents pour out their minds and heart to their children, but they still have power. Why? Because giving provides you with greater energy than receiving. Giving starts the symbiotic relationship. Giving initiates the reciprocal actions of give and take relationship between two beings.

God worries for each one of the 7.7 billion people in the world. God worries also for those who have gone to the spirit world. God always worries about all of us having Sanbong or Chaksarang experience. He worries about each one of us. This is why we need to worry about people like God does. We need to have such kind of experience of God. If we really want to resemble Him, we need to experience His heart and concerns.

When we think about God's vision of total Salvation for His children. We need to have a strong determination to accomplish the slogans of our church in this seven year course until 2027. We have 77 provinces in Thailand. 77 provinces represent the 7-year course during the 2nd 7 year course. We should not miss any province in Thailand. We have three great slogans to follow:

1.Total Salvation - nobody should be missing. All provinces and cities should be saved. Total unity with HP, TPs and the Good Spirit World. We should have personal touching relationships with the people.

2.Total Mobilization - Everybody should be involved—total participation - including those who are conceiving babies. Everyone should participate in this seven-year course.

3. Total Investment - This time will never come back. This chance comes only once in eternity, so we should do our best.

Thank you, Dr. Yong, for all these timely and significant inspirations from Heaven. Without your morning devotions in Thailand, we would not be getting this morning devotions unprecedented in the history of the movement. You are the only one who did these and the only one who received these inspirations from Heaven. Please continue to guide and inspire us with your words of heavenly love, divine wisdom, holy emotion and blissful action.

Thank you so much again.

-Rafael Ablong

Friday, July 24, 2020

Morning Devotion Reflection, Living a Heavenly Lifestyle, July 22, 2020

Morning Devotion Reflection, July 22. 2020
Title: Living a Heavenly Lifestyle
by Rafael E. Ablong

Dr. Yong's speech today is full of meaning and internal firepower. It heightened our sense of purpose and mission in life. I feel that God's spirit is using him so well due to his understanding and unity with God and True Parents' heart. He emphasized the concept of living a healthy, heavenly lifestyle and stressed the significance and praxis of total salvation. These two concepts today are so strongly connected. Resembling God's identity and integrity, and having the natural desire to witness as a result of our integral connection with the Loving God. These are highlights of his message today about "The Person Living a Heavenly Lifestyle."

The Heavenly Lifestyle
How can we apply the heavenly lifestyle? It is about "living a life of faith centered on God's heart within the internal relationship of parent and child, obtaining oneness in heart and externalizing this internal aspect" from the level of the individual and the family to the world. How can I unify with the world, the nation, the people, you and me? How can I harmonize with all things? Everyone tries to unite with all these people and things around us. What is the main harmonizing point?

We need to clearly understand that we need to go back to the origin, which is the fundamental truth. If we do not know the origin of the universe, it will be hard to harmonize and unite with all existences and relationships. We need to go back to God and use our understanding of His Heart and Situation to understand and harmonize with others.

The absolute truth is that God is our Heavenly Parent, and we are His children. We need to apply this understanding and relationship when we relate with people and all things. We cannot deny this truth. When we think about this, we will get the idea that we need to witness others and not deny our relationship with God. If this vertical alignment is not clear, we will not have the energetic spirit and witnessing passion that we need to undertake the responsibility of witnessing Heavenly Parents and True Parents.

We cannot have the desire and inspiration to witness when our vertical alignment is not clear. When we understand and internalize our relationship with God as our Heavenly Parent, we will have the power to externalize His words and substantially connect everyone else. We will automatically have the heart to witness people when we feel God's Heart and active presence.

When our faith and the conviction in our relationship as parent and child are not clear, our life's direction becomes unclear as well. Your heart will automatically want to witness others when our purpose, motivation, vision, and connection are clear.

Be Like the Fruit Farmer
We should be like the famous fruit farmer who raised his trees like his own children. He likes to see plants after he wakes up in the morning. He wants to touch them like touching his children. This story shows us that things can grow up through love. Even plants, trees, and animals grow well when we love them like our children. When the farmer treats them like his children, they feel his heartistic treatment, and they naturally show their health, beauty and goodness. This farmer does not know the Divine Principle, yet he applied the same parent-child relationship principle. He treats the individual trees with a heartistic feeling like he does for his children. That is why they grow so well, and people love the farmers' produce for them.

All things look for true love. Even the sun, moon, planets, and everything look for it. If we truly feel that God is my parent. If we genuinely sense that we are God's children, we would strongly feel that His desire is to restore all His children. If our children cannot swim and need to get off the water, how would you feel like parents? What would you do, and how do you save them? This is the same feeling of our Heavenly Parents. We cannot just look. We have to do something. Each second is urgent and important to save His drowning children. He needs to get them out of the water and restore them to the original position before they went into the water. They need to be alive. If this is how we feel for the people around us who need to be witnessed to God and True Parents, then automatically the parental heart and the urgency of the moment comes out naturally and it pushes you to witness and help God restore the other people. Thus, to experience God's heart, we need to have the concept of total salvation. If we have this concept of salvation, we can immediately connect to the heart of God.

How To Resemble God
How to relate with Heavenly Parents? How to resemble God? There are three things we need to do. One, we need to have the same concept of total salvation. Two, we need to have a personal touching experience with each member or human being. Three, we should not miss anyone. You should have a personal touch experience with everyone if you are the leader. Suppose we apply this principle in our family, center, community, nation, and the world.

To inherit God's spirit of salvation, we cannot let one person stay in hell. We need to save everyone. God is thinking of the whole world. Salvation is not just for the family, society, and nation, and the entire world starting from Korea.

True Parents always have the same concept of total salvation. That is why Heavenly Parent is always with him. This is what John 3:16 says. God is giving His only begotten Son for the salvation of the whole world. How can God always focus on True Parents? It is because True Parents are always concerned for the salvation of the whole world.

Pray, pray, pray
So that is why, as a leader, I need to pray every morning without missing. Always pray, pray, and pray for the whole world. When we pray, we need to pray for True Parents. We need to pray for Korea, the father nation, and Japan, the mother nation. Then, I pray for the American region: Canada, Central America, USA, South America. Then, I pray for Africa region, Europe region, and finally for Asia. It is because God is concerned with the whole world. If I am the son or daughter of God, I need to be concerned about the whole world. Not just for one nation or one person. That is why we need to pray for the sake of the whole world.

If you want to have the world to pray for you. You need to pray for the world. Then the world as a while will pray for you. For the sake of the world, I never miss to pray for each continental director. This is my secret. Since God is concerned about the whole world, I should be concerned and pray for the whole world. We have to have the same thinking. And then I came to pray for Asia, because Asia is the representative of the world. When I think of the Philippines, I pray for the Philippines.

Recently, I prayed for Thailand. Thailand is representative of the world. Thailand has 77 provinces, so I need to treat all provinces as the 77 nations of the world. So I want to be the representative of the whole world. We should not miss one province. Each province is one nation. We should have members and VIPs in all provinces. The national leader should embrace the whole nation.

Total Salvation
The national leader has to have a concept of total salvation for the whole nation. The national leader has to pray for all provinces True Parents are talking about the nation's salvation and the world. We need to resemble their thinking. National restoration is about saving all provinces. We have to think day and night about national restoration and world restoration, too. We have to have the same resonance. Our relationships and resonance should resemble that of God in dreams, ideals, and vision. We should have the same thoughts, feelings and aspirations.

Our thinking should become our dream, and dreams should become our vision. With these thoughts, dreams, and vision, our united aspirations for humankind's total salvation will come true. Then ,we will have inspired individuals and families around us in the community who could do more to save or restore this world. We need to have the same concept of total salvation and the same kind of education about patriotism to our fellow brethren.

Inherit God's Way
How can we remember something very important? Our brain capacity is limited, especially when we get older. We have dementia and Alzheimers when we grow older, but when we really want to remember, we need to feel the heart of members and places. This can be done if we visit and witness the different places of the country.

When I have the concept of total salvation, Heavenly Father gives money, resources, and the people I need to actualize total salvation. That is why if we have the same concept of total salvation. Then, God can give us support. God is our sponsor. God is our parent. How can He take care of His children as a parent?

We need to inherit God's way of loving and managing his children and things. It is through his personal touching experience. As a parent, God needs to have a personal touching experience with all his children. God's ministry is an individual touching of the heart. So even if you have ten children, you need to have a personal touching experience with each of them. As a leader, we have to do the same. We need to follow this kind of ministry.

Heavenly Lifestyle and Witnessing
Third, as a parent, we should not miss anyone. Everyone should have a personal touching experience with each member. You should not miss anyone. It is essential to have everyone have an unforgettable touching relationship with each other. This is how to take care of each member. No one should be missing. We need to inherit God's heart.

The person who lives a heavenly lifestyle could truly witness, So let us love our nation: have a personal touching experience with each other and make sure no one is missing our touch. In this way, we can give total salvation to all people in the world.

Thank you so much Dr. Yong, for this very inspiring message today. It makes us feel closer to you. It inspires us to help God, and True Parents give total salvation to all the people in the world. Having a personal touching experience and seeing to it that nobody is left behind missing our personal touch of the heart. Living a heavenly lifestyle will not just need a lot of internal effort and enthusiasm to unite and sustain our valuable relationship with God and True Parents every day. It will also need a lot of heartistic commitment to unite with God and His purpose and, above all, end His Sorrowful Heart.

Rafael E. Ablong

Morning Devotion Reflection, The Reason Behind the Loss of First Love - July 1

Morning Devotion Reflection
The Reason Behind the Loss of First  Love
July 1, 2020  by Rafael E. Ablong

Today's message was preceded with practical and robust guidance of members about the Principle of giving and receiving..  I find them so useful and reminiscent of the early years of my life in the movement. These are the highlights of today's message.

Sometimes it is easy for us to become workaholics. When we become workaholic, our life becomes habitual, just facing reality squarely every day. It is very hard to appreciate every time. Without giving love, our Heart will not be stimulated. As long as we are alive, we need to give. Even just a glass of water is enough to stimulate reciprocal relationships centering on true love.. We need to give first to be stimulated.  Those who are always giving have a heart that is always stimulated.

Until the moment of death, we need to give and serve and attend.a while we are alive. The importance is the quality of our serving and giving. Sometimes we have to force ourselves to be stimulated and survive. Our job is giving and giving until we die. As long as we breathe or as long as we are alive, we need to give. If there is no heart to give. You have to force yourself to give because giving stimulates the Heart. Until the moment of our death, we need and serve from the Heart.  To survive in our spiritual life, we need to give and serve even by force to make it into a habit. There is no other way.

Formation stage, we need to give by force. Growth stage, half-volunteer. The other half is conscious about giving. Completion stage is forgiving that you provided. Giving has already become natural. Here giving has become a habit. If we focus more on our work, we cannot find the meaning of life. This is the secret. We need to see and feel the gift of giving. When members look at their leaders, they will feel. It . Fallen man does not have a natural heart of giving. This concept of giving has to be stimulated even by fore. If there is sincerity and consistent attempt to give, then it becomes a good habit.  With your sincerity, if you really want to give, even if you force yourself to do it. Then you learn to give until it becomes. If I give, I grow. f I  don't give, I will decline.

When we finally get to the level of our Heart. We have to think that we were born to give. Without giving , we will die. Giving is life. Not giving is death. We are going to die spiritually if we fail to give.  Children should receive this kind of experience. Not knowing how to give means not having received enough love when we were young. That is why children need to receive a lot of love when they are young from the people surrounding them in their daily life: especially their parents, grandparents, and brothers and sisters.

We don't get mature without love. Love is very important to create maturity. We need to receive a lot of love from the family to know how to give love or live for others. The inability to live for others or to serve people from the Heart is a problem coming from the family environment.  Abel has to be responsible. Abel should set the example of living or serving others with love. People who cannot practice love or live for others could not receive love from their parents. I need to be responsible for giving more than I receive from Abel and members.

"This is why I love Rev. Yo Han Lee very much. This man is a man of giving through God's words. Never let anyone leave with empty hands. They should be able to give love.  True Abel starts the giving and loving. Don't scold members if they are self-centered. Study that person's background. You need to study that person first. He learned love from his parents. Start giving your love to this person then he will follow you eternally.  If a leader loves the members more than their parents.

SIxty-four years of front line experience is not about theory.  This is about the real praxis and Principle of life. A true Abel always feels regretful when he looks at members and learns from them. He regrets not having given or served enough. If you have this kind of attitude, wherever you go, you can always create the kingdom of heaven. I am talking from experience.

If Abel is a giving person, you can create a heavenly environment. Abel should live a life of giving. Even our leaders do not know how to give. This is the Principle of Giving and Receiving. Not the other way around.  Give first, then receive. There is no other way for children to know how to give, but through receiving love. So that they will learn how to give, they need to have people who will model them as good examples of loving, giving, and serving so they can follow their case in the future.

You need to think. I believe in God, and I believe in True Parents. Do you have to ask yourself?  What am I doing in this Providence? Some leaders do not know how to give back. What is the Principle? Give and then receive. We should feel regretful if we don't give more.

Tong-Il Moo-Do is not the central Providence. It is not that way. You need to think I believe in God and True Parents. Sleeping, eating, and whatever you do. Serving your parents, serving your wife, serving your children. You need to think: I am participating in God's central Providence. Take care of them so you can do more for Heavenly Providence. If you go home from a public mission and you think that your home is a private place. This kind of thinking is not right. It is terrible.

Where there is God, there is public. There is no privacy in God. Everything is open with God. Even sleeping, eating, or whatever you do in your home. Everything is public because God is always everywhere. He is omnipresent. So public-mindedness is natural and should be omnipresent. Love makes it omnipotent, indeed. Always think you are participating in God's Providence.

Do not think that doing HTM is public, and living in your family home life is private. Where there is God, there is public. Only you and God are private, yet it is still public because God is. If you think you want to make Tong-il IMoo-Do as one of the main Providence. I will bring results though TIMD. You need to be proud of yourself.

Today's message "The Reason Behind the Lose of First  Love." It is futile when we do not know why God is working so hard to recreate his ideal. Because of the Fall, Adam and Eve lost their first love. Our first love is parental. I receive first love from my parents. Human beings are poised to receive love from Heavenly Parents. Then Adam and Eve lost their first love.  When the True Father needs God's reality, he comes to realize that God is sorrowful. He cannot describe his sorrow. True Father's love is our Heavenly Parents heart.  The reason why you lost your first love is that you lost sight of God's grief. If you miss a sorrowful situation, your life becomes related to Satan. You immediately come back to reality. You become more humanistic.

When the True Father experienced and understood God's Heart. When he knew about God's reality, he began to understand his fundamental relationship with God. He came to understand this unbreakable relationship.  God is an unchained God. Even though man is unstable, God is unchanging. He has to be an unchanging God. M¥No matter what, someday He and human beings become one.

The first love of the True Parents was God's, sorrowful Heart. When you lose God's sorrow, you won't recognize God's sorrowful Heart. God is our Parent, and we are His children. That is a fundamental relationship. Even if children forget their parents, the parents never forget. God as a parent never forgets His children. The relationship between God and His children is an unbreakable relationship. This relationship cannot be divided. That is why it is eternal.

How can I recover my first love? First, we must recognize our eternal Parent. God is my unchanging absolute parents. Godi is my Parent. Right now, we are in this position: You lost the relationship between parents. If you do not know why God is sorrowful . You need to accept God is my eternal Parent. God will never forget and Secondly,  we need to understand. God's character is unchanging, that is why He needs to love human beings. He always hopes that someday God and human beings will be united. Your relationship with God is inseparable.  First love is eternal/

How can I recover my first love.? We have to recognize God is our unchanging parents. You have to bring mass with you together. Always, true Father remembers. Good is an unchanging God. Our venly character is always unchanging.

No matter what happens, my relationship with God is inseparable. First love is eternal. How  do you recognize the love of God? Will you recover from my first love? E need to love. Right now, we're in position to goe love and express our love for each other.

No matter what, God needs to love His children, easily. Our character should be absolute. . We have to be Absolutely united with God. First love never changes. It is always eternal.

How can we recover our first love with God? First we need to accept God as our Eternal Heavenly Parents. Second, We need to experience God's Sorrowful Heart. Third, we need to take action.  This is putting our belief into praxis or practice. Fourth, we need to have a longing heart for God and True Parents. This longing heart should be more than eating, sleeping or anything the physical world has to offer to gratify our physical body. Without experiencing God's pain and sorrow as our own and without a longing heart, we cannot overcome all the temptations and carnal pleasures the fallen world can offer.

Recognizing  God as our eternal parents is just the first step of recovering our original existence, original human nature and relationship with Him. When we recognize God as our  Parent  then we can liberate our first generation of spiritual ancestors. Without knowing why God is working so hard, our situation would be futile. This futility becomes evident in the kind of work or mission that we do. Without recognizing God's real situation from the time before the Fall, after the fall, and in restoration history, we would not be able to work harder and have results in our love and longing for God.

We have to examine ourselves everyday when we wake up. How much do we really miss God and True Parents? Do we kiss True Parents pictures  to express our lour care, love and longing for Them?  To restore ourselves and recover the first love, we need to always remember the fall, repent for our sins and strongly fight against our inclinations to practice fallen behavior. We should forget this point.

The reason our resolve does not last. Why is it like this? We feel God's sorrow but it does not last longer. We are confronted by the realities of the world. Our conceptual understanding of God cannot keep our first motivation. We cannot maintain our first resolution and motivation every time we are confronted with reality. This is our problem. When we lose our first motivation and fail to comfort God's sorrowful Heart. When reality dominates our first motivation. How can I comfort God's sorrowful Heart. To keep our first motivation and resolution. Everyday we have to remind ourselves of our motivation and think how to keep our loving Heart. We should not just be workers.

How to overcome this reality? We need to understand and experience God's Heart.
Second reason why our motivation does not last. Our thinking is full of negativity. We need to know how to get rid of negative thinking because Satan always wants it. Negative environment is everywhere. This is the reason why we need to testify. We need to testify that God is ave and using this power power that God is alive. We need to kill to overcome our negativity. We need to have a mindset and attitude to overcome negativity and fallen behavior.

We should avoid complaining and defiance in our life of fatin. The essence of Satan is always doubting. Even if we have the Principle, sometimes when we are confronted with chaos and challenges in our daily life, doubting and defiance come out, Satan comes in in the form of doubt and complaining. This is the problem. When we start doubting  God, True Father as the Messiah, once we doubt True Mother, we go back to Satan. When we have half-faith, half-doubt or when we constantly fluctuate between daunting and belief, we cannot accomplish anything meaningful and Satan uses it to completely end our life with the living God.

To overcome our half-faith, half-doubt we have to have absolute Faith, love and obedience. We need to accept True Parents  as the Messiah. We should be like Father who never changes his absolute love.  We are a historical offering. When we have absolute love, faith and obedience, we can overcome problems of faith, doubt and defiance.

Thank you so much Dr. Yong for this message today. We  really need to experience God's sorrowful and painful Heart so that we can easily overcome all the trials and difficulties, doubts, complaints and defiance that feed on our fallen limitations. Thank you for revealing to us the secret source of True Father's internal and external power. Thank you very much.

--Rafael Ablong