Morning Devotion Reflection, May 22, 2020
By Rafael Ablong
Today's message is about "The Place Where a Heartistic Relationship With God is Built" In today's main message, Dr. Yong emphasized the words "from where we must we offer Jeongseong".
It is a place where only you are present and only you know. It should be a place away from everyone. We cannot boast anything we receive from doing Jeongseong. We need to be meek and silent about our internal experiences with God as True Father has taught us. I need to know where the best place to go to pray is, where we can feel God alone. We need Jeong Seong to meet Heavenly Parents. It should be a place where we can have a focus and have one-on-one communication with God. Anyway, the most important thing is the heart. Whenever we do anything, we need to feel God and communicate with him freely and sincerely. Whenever I have a lot of time, I go to visit the Holy Ground.
The key point is my heart, my motivation, purpose, and direction of my (prayer) life. My vertical relationship with God is the powerbase of my relationship with people and all things. To feel the heart of God, I have to recognize I am a sinner and repent before God, forgive others, and always examine my relationship with God, recognize His Will, understand, and feel God's sorrow. I have prayed many times while walking, jogging, running, or when I am on my bicycle or whenever I use any transportation. However, the best place is where I truly feel the holy presence of God. and usually it is a place away from the doldrums or distractions of the real world. The last thing we can do if there is no place for this holy communion with God is to follow True Father's example of turning an ugly place into a holy place.
I remember in his autobiography he spoke about him praying or sleeping next to the toilet in Hungnam prison. The key point is my heart, my motivation, purpose, and direction of my (prayer) life. To feel the heart of God, I have to recognize I am a sinner and repent before God, forgive others, and always examine my relationship with God, recognize His Will, understand, and feel God's sorrow.
At home, we always have a special place where we do our traditions, prayer, and other internal activities. My default prayer area outside my home is always a quiet place in the nearby park. Starting the day with our family tradition and condition helps a lot to stabilize the day. The best way is to do it with my wife or my kids. I follow it with a walk or jog with heavenly music at the quiet park near the building where I live.
At my workplace, the best place for me to pray every time is my office, the storage room, a corner in the library, at the nearby riverside, or beachside. However, sometimes, the fastest and easiest place to go to is the special toilet. Off my workplace other than my home, I pray in the subway or a quiet place nearby.
Following a schedule of tradition and internal conditions is not enough. What matters is a united heart with God and His sorrows. Even if I know that I have to do all these to grow spiritually, still I cannot do it perfectly until now. I might be able to follow my internal schedule perfectly every day but my focus is sometimes unstable especially when I have so many things to do. I am very sorry for my arrogance and pretensions before God. Anyway, I need to keep on trying. I should not succumb to the daily realities of life. I need to be the subject of everything that happens around me centering on God.
Gratefulness and appreciation always brighten the day. If we wake up with a smiling and grateful heart, everything during the day becomes good. Our good actions and intentions help to purify the day.
Thank you so much, Dr. Yong, again for an internally productive day. I always look forward to hearing from you. I have to repent every day so I can always be purified by Heaven. Thank you so much, Dr. Yong!
-- Rafael Ablong
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