Friday, May 22, 2020

Morning Devotion Reflection: May 21, 2020

Reflection of Dr. C. S. Yong's Morning Devotion
Message: What Kind of Conditional Offering Can I Make
by Rafael Ablong
The topic of Dr.Yong's message today is "What Kind of Conditional Offering Can I Make". We need to Shed Tears For the World and Represent the Heart of Heaven. Based on his message I realized that:
1. Each of us, our families, our work, our possessions can be a good offering to God. Every existence and relationship in the different levels of human life is an offering to God. We have the potential and the ability to become a good offering that God wants us to be so everything is restored and recreated back to His Ideal Plan of Creation.

2. The origin of God's Heart is His Parental Heart. This is the Heart of God that embraces His Children and the Things He made for His children unconditionally with love and sacrifice.

3. We have to experience and accomplish the Four kinds of Love: Children's Love, Siblings Love, Conjugal Love, and Parental Love to be able to understand God's Heart and Love as a Parent.

4. Each of the four kinds of love matures in (three) stages of experiences. And the ultimate experience is experiencing God's Heart. True love and Life-giving sacrifice are to shed tears for God's sorrows and sufferings as our Heavenly Parent.

5. Complaining and disobedience against God's Will will not help us to become the ideal children of God. Only by following obediently with total dedication, commitment, and devotion can we truly succeed in inheriting the true love of God and the essence of His Original Heart as a Parent.

6. Dr. Yong's message today touches on at least four theories of the Unification Thought. It touches on the Theory of Original Image (about God creating human beings in His likeness, etc.). It talks about Ontology (about things and common attributes with human beings). His message also contextualizes the theory of Original Human Nature (about human beings' image, character, and position). Lastly, his message touches on Axiology (about the basis and creation of value, etc).

7. People who know the Heavenly Parents, True Parents, True Mother, Divine Principle, and God's Providence are in a better position to accomplish the Restoration Plan of God.

8. We are all capable of totally offering our minds and bodies, families, and all when we truly understand the heart of God as our Heavenly Parent. This is easier said than done, but I will keep my determination to continue pursuing the Will of God by taking care of my blessed family for the sake of a higher purpose.
It may be natural to rest sometimes, but stopping our quest for maturity and perfection as an offering is not an option. We should put more effort to build the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth even when the "tough is going" or when the going gets tough.

Thank you Dr. Yong for another day of positive thoughts and inspirations. We will keep learning from you and relating our learning from you to the actual realities of our daily life of faith.

-Rafael E. Ablong

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