World Scripture and The Teachings of SMM, p.197-198
Life After Death and the Spirit World
Humans grow through three stages: formation, growth, and completion. Likewise, they pass through three different worlds: the water world where they float in the mother’s womb, the earth world where they walk, and the air world where they can fly. Hence, we live three lives: 10 months in the womb, 100 years of life on earth, and eternal life in the spirit world. (297:257, December 19, 1998)
While in the womb you breathed through the umbilical cord. Meanwhile, your nostrils, a pipeline to the air, were being prepared so that you could breathe after you were born into the physical world. Likewise, while you live in the earthly world, what should you do to prepare for the next? You should experience love. You should breathe the
‘air’ of love from your father and mother. As you grow, you should pass through all the stages of love as a sibling, husband and wife, parent and grandparent.
The moment you were born, your life was destined to end. When it does, the body will be dissolved. Then, just as you were born as an infant, on the day you die you will experience a new birth as an infant.
What happens in that birth? You are pushed out of the world of the second womb and connected to the breathing organ for your third life, to breathe love. You are pushed out of the womb, a world where you experienced the love of your parents and siblings, to enter a new world of love where you will harmonize with the original Being, the God of the great universe.
The spirit world is filled with the air of love. The air of love! That is why, while you live on earth, you should be installing that pipeline you will depend upon to breathe love. Know that if you have spiritual experiences and feel spiritual love—if you are able to breathe the air of love—you shall not die. (139:213-14, January 31, 1986)
The spirit world is filled with the air of love. The air of love! That is why, while you live on earth, you should be installing that pipeline you will depend upon to breathe love. Know that if you have spiritual experiences and feel spiritual love—if you are able to breathe the air of love—you shall not die. (139:213-14, January 31, 1986)
True love is unselfish and unconditional love that lives for the sake of the other or others. It is the love that gives and gives and forgets it is giving and it does not for anything in return. It seeks to give everything for the sake of loving and giving and it does not seek to be reciprocated. it is total giving and living for the sake of the object of love. This is all according to Father Moon as we learned from him through his chosen representative leaders and basically through his books, especially the Divine Principle and the Unification Thought.
True Father teaches that there are four kinds of love. Children's love, Sibling's love or the love of brothers and sisters, Conjugal love or the love between husband and wife, and parental love which is the highest form of love. We marry for the sake of perfecting our capacity to love in all its dimensions by experiencing how parents love their children selflessly and unconditionally.
Parental love is the most supreme and fulfilling kind of perfected love because through this we can experience the heart of our Heavenly Parent, God.
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