Saturday, January 21, 2017

Our Historical Value

Sunday Service 01-22-2017
Our Historical Value
Reading from the book, Life of Faith by Rev. Yo Han Lee, p. 61-65

The value of the subject is determined by the object just as the value of the object is determined by the subject. We cannot judge our own value, other people judge how valuable we are. All historical figures did not want to be such, they rose up to the challenge of their times to raise the value of the people or to create a better world. From Abraham to Jesus to True Parents' time, value was never realized before them but after following God's Will.

Until now,  all the saints, Jesus and True Parents are still working hard to establish the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Even some spiritual people say that Jesus and True Father cannot be found in Heaven. they went to Hell to establish the Kingdom of Heaven there. God and True Parents want every one to be in Heaven not in Hell. That is why even Jesus and the saints and sages  went to hell so that they can bring them to Heaven.

True Mother wants us to take care of our second generation. As parents, it is our responsibility to raise them well so that they can fulfill Heaven's Will. We are responsible to guide them to become sons and daughters who fulfill God 's Will.

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