Monday, March 8, 2021

Phil Morning Devotion: 3/8/2021


Dedicate your youth to exciting goals.

 The more difficult our situation is, the more we have to remember our original dreams.  Each new generation endures its own heartache.  Young people sometimes mourn their position in comparison to others.  You may want to give up and blame others or the world you live in instead of looking at the contents.

 But the more difficult the situation, the more we must remember our original dream.

 Young people need to have a strong will.  Especially when we are young, we face countless temptations, endless anxieties and endless desires.

 The only way to manage these is to have a strong will.  This means having a clear goal.

 Youth is the perfect time to devote yourself to exciting goals.  Youth is the perfect time to devote yourself to exciting and exciting goals.  Youth is short, so it is important to do this without delay.  I don't want to regret it.  You need to set good goals and know who to partner with to achieve them.  If you don't live well and pave the way for yourself, you'll fall into despair and jealousy.

 Dissatisfaction and distrust will not reach us.  Some young people complain that adults should work harder without rewarding the efforts they have already made.  Some people are pessimistic because they feel that no matter how hard they try, they will not make progress.  The society is bad.  But they need to be honest about how much effort they have actually made.  Dissatisfaction and distrust will not reach us.

 Youth is not a period of life, but a state of mind.  Young people need to follow the noble path of sacrifice, service, and love.  Samuel Ullman's "Youth" is one of my favorite poems.  I like the passage that "youth is not a period of life, but a state of mind."  Anyone of any age can live a fresh life with a youthful passion if they have a spirit of purpose.

 Young people with true passion have a spirit of challenge.  Youth passion crosses national borders and breaks walls.  Young people with true passion have the spirit of challenging themselves and the world around them.  However, many young people today seem to be losing this spirit.

 We need to strengthen the mind and body of young people and help them discover their true purpose.  A successful culture trains young people to strengthen and cleanse their minds and bodies through everything from meditation to martial arts.  These traditions of training young people should not be a relic of the past.  Young men and women should train their minds and bodies, create a school that finds their true purpose, and revive them.

 Keeping your mind and body strong and pure is a lifelong challenge.  Keeping your mind and body strong and pure is a lifelong challenge, and its importance is greatest when you are young.  When you are young, you stand at a crossroads.  We must decide whether to choose the path that satisfies our desires or the path to our big dreams.  You should be a beautiful young man and woman who are ready to embark on the world with the courage to come from having wonderful dreams, starting the stage of life that follows childhood.






青春時代は、刺激的な目標のために献身するのに最適な時期です。青春時代は胸をときめかせる刺激的な目標のために献身するのに最適な時期です。 若さが短いので, これを遅滞なくなすことが大切です。後悔を残したくありません。良い目標を設定し、それを達成するために誰と提携すべきかを知る必要があります。 元気に生きて、自分の道を切り開かないと、絶望と嫉妬に陥ります。

不満や不信は私たちには及ばないでしょう。すでになした努力に対する報酬を与えずに大人がもっと一生懸命頑張れというと文句を言う若者もいます。どんなに努力しても 進歩しないと感じて悲観的になる人もいます 。社会が悪いのです 。しかし彼らは自分たちが実際にどれだけの努力をしたかを正直に見る必要があります。不満と不信は我々には及ばないでしょう 。

青春時代は人生の一時期ではなく,精神状態です。若者は 犠牲, 奉仕, 愛という高潔な道を歩む必要があります。サミュエル·ウルマンの「青春」は私の大好きな詩の一つです 。私は「青春時代は人生の一時期ではなく精神状態だ」という一節が好きです。 目的に向かう心があれば、年齢を問わず誰でも若々しい情熱を持って、新鮮な人生を送ることができます。



心と体を強く純粋に保つことは生涯の課題です。心と体を 強く純粋に保つことは生涯の課題であり 、その重要性は若い間が最も大きいのです。 若い時は岐路に立ちます。 私たちは私欲を満たす道を選ぶか,それとも大きな夢に向かう道を選ぶかを決めなければなりません。幼少期に続く人生のステージを始め、素晴らしい夢を持つことからくる勇気を持って世界に飛び出す準備ができている美しい若い男女であるべきです。

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