Substitute Lesson Plan for Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Grade 6 11:35 -12:30 pm ℅ Mark Potter
Grade 1 12:30 - 1:15 pm ℅ Mark Potter
Grade 5 1:15 - 2:00 pm ℅ Mark Potter
Grade 4 AB 2:00 - 2:45 pm ℅ Miho Yoshida
Grade 6
First 10 - 15 minutes-
- Warm-Up ~~ 3-laps
- Stretch - Student - led - 10 counts each
Daily Fitness Work - Yellow Line to Yellow Line
- 10 - Push ups then Shuffle to the other line - 10 Push ups and back
- 10 - Mountain Climber then High skipping to the other side - 10 Mountain climber
- 10 - Lunges then crossover running to the other side - 10 Lunges and back
- 10 - Situps then back walking to the other side - 10 situps and back
Main Lesson: Beach V-Ball Skills
Note: The students may change the hard volleyball to a plastic beach ball but challenge them to use the real volleyball.
Individual - Hit the ball on your forearms (pre-teach or review how to join the foreams straight before hitting the ball.
- Bumping the ball within the square - 2 minutes
- Bumping the ball to the wall - 2 minutes
Partner Work
- Bumping the ball within the square - partner counts
- Bumping the ball to the wall - 2 minutes - partner counts
- Throwing the ball to partner and catching it upon return
- Bumping the ball to each other. Bump to return it.
Play the octopus game and cool down before dismissing them 5-minutes before the time so they can change to their regular clothes.
Note: Feel free to introduce a new game or any appropriate game that you know.
Grade 1 12:30 - 1:15 ℅ Mark Potter
Just in case: (Play Hide and Seek or Kick Baseball at the playground if the gym is being used) The students know how to play these games.
--Same as K Plan or yo
First 5-10 minutes-
The students have done this a couple of times already so they know how to do the routine. The students will run three laps around the gym and ask them to go to their places and stretch. Ask one student to lead it.
Next, have them do these Sports Day Games and activities. Some of these games may not be actually done on sports day.
Divide the class into teams. Each team will touch the wall on their side of the gym. Put 7-noodles evenly away from each other on the red line in the middle of the gym. When you say go, every one from each team will raise to get or more noodles from the middle line and bring it to their side of the line. When the noodle touches the line or when their feet touches the yellow line on their side of the gym, they have the noodle. The other team will try to pull away the noodle from the others so that they could bring it to their side of the line. The team with more noodles will win the game. See some pictures of this Many Mini-Tug of War game here.
You may repeat this game 3-5 times to come out with the winner. Just be sure that everyone is safe. When you see that they are doing something dangerous, stop it and change it to another game.
Partner Ball Balance Relay - Equipment: 1 ball for each team
1. Partners walk or run to a cone and back to their teams while holding hands and
balancing a ball together on the head or chest.
2. Hands should not be touching the ball.
3. If the ball falls or slips out of control, they should stop and put it back on their chest
or head and continue to walk or run back to their teams so they can pass it to the
next pair.
4. Teams should start standing and end the game sitting down.
Noodle Horse Relay - Equipment: 1 for each team (noodle, cone or hat, bag)
1. Teams line up behind their colored hoop
2. Students run while holding a noodle between their legs or holding it on their side.
The game may be done in progression. 1st, just the noodle. 2nd with noodle and a hat.
3rd with a noodle, a hat and chaliko shirt or bag.
3. Teams should start standing and end the game by sitting down.
You may finish all these actvities with the octopus game in the last 5 minutes of the class. Before dismissal, have them line in front of the door. Remind them to walk quietly and away from each other before you dismiss them.
Same plan for:
Grade 5 1:15 - 2:00 pm
Grade 4 AB 2:00 - 2:45 pm ℅ Miho Yoshida
Just in case: (Play Hide and Seek or Kick Baseball at the playground if the gym is being used) The students know how to play these games. When it rains, you may go to the library 3 and watch
First 5-10 minutes
The students have done this a couple of times already so they know how to do the routine. The students will run three laps around the gym and ask them to go to their places and stretch. Ask one student to lead it.
Daily Fitness Work - Yellow Line to Yellow Line
- 10 - Push ups then Shuffle to the other line - 10 Push ups and back
- 10 - Mountain Climber then High skipping to the other side - 10 Mountain climber
After that, you may have them do any of these games for Sports Day
The Tama Ire Game
For this activity, you need two (2) Tama Ire Baskets. A box of small colored plastic balls.
Position the two Ire baskets away from each other while they are stretching. You may also do this before the start of the class. Spread the colored balls on the floor. Say the color and the children will pick up that color one at a time and shoot it in the tama ire. They should not touch the tama baskets. You may repeat this 3-4x more before going to the next game.
Optional: You can divide them into two (2) to four (4) teams.
Note: You may also ask them to get one ball at a time and shoot it. You may correct them individually of the right way to throw the ball overhand or underhand. Feel free to introduce a new game or any appropriate game that you know.
You may finish this actvity with the octopus game and dismiss the game fice minutes before the time so that they will have enough time to change to their regular clothes.
Remind them to be quiet in the dressin rooms and not to forget anything.
Thank you for subbing. Raffy